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Favorite Retro Console?


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Well, I would have to say my favorite console is the Xbox 360. It's the console that rekindled my love of gaming after several years being out of it. As far as retro gaming goes, SNES all the way. I mean is it even a competition? Legend of Zelda, Contra 3, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, practically arcade perfect ports of Mortal Kombat II and Killer Instinct and Street Fighter 2, Final Fantasy 3, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Actraiser, and just so many other games that robbed my early pre teen years. But it was all worth it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My favorite console varies based on my mood and what I'm collecting at the moment. I often focus on one system for a few weeks or months, then shift to another. Right now I'm into the Atari Lynx because it's the most recent addition to my collection. A few weeks ago I got an Atari 5200 off of Craigslist, so I'm still having fun with that as well.

When I'm not in the mood or it's inconvenient to mess with old hardware, I use a PSP with custom firmware and a 4GB stick loaded with tons of homebrew emulators and ROMs to get my fix. The PSP is often with me so when I'm bored or need a break I can fire it up and play a few minutes of an old favorite or discover something I never played before. It's also great when going shopping with my wife because I can keep busy while she takes her time making decisions. The PSP is definitely her favorite console, so much that she has even recommended that all her friends get one for their husbands...

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My favourite console would probably be all three of these, but the most would probably have to be the N64.


Having an N64 was like playing real life when I first got it :D. Now we look at modern day graphics and it totally sucks but it will always have a good spot in my heart.

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My main favorite would have to be SNES then NES.

Everyone pretty much knows why the SNES is great, so I won't get into that. But I recently got into my NES again thanks to my top loading Japanese famicom, and I'm just so amazed how much better Castlevania 3 is in Japan!

I can't leave Sega out of this though so I'll separate them:

1.Dreamcast - Another popular obvious choice, I love it though

2.Saturn - So many unique 2D titles, a very overlooked console, c'mon "Groove On Fight" is soo weird and awesome!

3.Genesis/SegaCD -Not as good as SNES IMOP, but many great arcade titles, this console was all about action and speed!

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I love the NES for all the games and especially what kind they were. Once the Game Boy flooded the world with platformers I got bored of it though.

Once the PSX came out, retrogaming suddently felt too old, so anything after 1994 is newage in my eyes.

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  lisalover1 said:
What is your favorite retro game console? Mine is the Dreamcast.

Mine would have to be the Original Playstation. It was the first video game system I got into and really got me into gaming. Resident Evil 2 was the first game I beat in one sitting then Metal Gear solid took countless hours of my time. It is also the home of Tetris Plus, which I think is the greatest party puzzle game.

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  PlayDweller said:
Mine would have to be the Original Playstation. It was the first video game system I got into and really got me into gaming. Resident Evil 2 was the first game I beat in one sitting then Metal Gear solid took countless hours of my time. It is also the home of Tetris Plus, which I think is the greatest party puzzle game.

I think the PSX is underrated as a "retro" console. There are many great titles for it, and it was my first console that I collected for even though I'm from a much earlier "generation" of gaming.

I think one of the best PSX puzzle games is Intelligent Qube. It has a great soundtrack that is memorable, and my experience back in the day was the women liked it as well. My wife still likes to play it and it keeps her focused for hours ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

NIntendo Entertainment System.

All though, the Super is really close, the Nintendo had more better games and started Mario which is my favourite franchise ever. I have recently bough a Super and don't have many games for it but whenever I go to a Retro Gaming store and I look at the NES library I see more games I want to buy instead of the Super. Plus, lots of games I want to get for the Super are hard to find. Well, in my opinion (Super Mario RPG, Super Metorid, Link to the Past)

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Seriously...why is there no love for the Virtual Boy

I mean it was way ahead of its time. It gave you what everyone has at the very least thought about...3D Gaming. It wasn't really that bad either. Yes, it could blind you if you played too long, Yes, it went back to 3 shades of Red, Yes it ate through batteries like a Rabid Wolverine high on Pixie Stix...but it still gave everyone what they were dreaming about.

Imagine what games would be like now if the technology caught on?

Super Paper Mario for the Nintendo Wii actually uses a lot of the same mechanics as the Virtual Boy Wario did.

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Even back then it surely wasn't what everyone wanted from "virtual-head-on" game system.

It's not about batteries charge, it's about quality and that red-black "dream" wasn't enough to get money from our pockets.

It was simply disappointing, even for Year 1995!

Luckily Eidos gave us Tomb Raider, Nintendo gave us Zelda, and that was what everyone wanted from 3D gaming!

Happily everyone forgot about VBoy and it all ended well ;)

VBoy is no more :D

Edited by marc
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