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Anyone Here That Wasn't Born In The Nes Age?


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Well, I wasn't. I was born in the N64 age, but I did get my hands on an NES of course, just not the first time it was around.

Being born in the age means you were not a baby or young child during the time. Like when you heard about the NES when you were 9+

I'm from the Atari VCS age.

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I'm from the Asteroids and Space Invaders age. ;)

But I did have a big advantage of growing up in a pub, so from the start of the arcade boom with Asteroids, Galaxian, Space invaders, Amidar, Bagman, Galaga, etc. I was right there playing them all the time. :)

My first ever system was the Popeye Game&Watch, and of course later on when the NES came out I begged to get one of those, which I eventually did by Christmas for my good grades in school. Must have played nothing but Super Mario Bros for over a half year. :)

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I was born in 75. My first console was a 2600 in 83 or 84

But when it broke down in less then a week of having it my dad refused to use the receipt to get it repaired for me (Warranty obviously) my mum and some good friends that felt bad for me pooled there money to get me a NES and about 6 games :D

Plus they let me pick all the games too so I would have no turkey's LOL

I love my mummy :D

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Born in 1969.. so I saw the Space Invaders arcade craze phenomenon (every machine in most every arcade was pure Space Invaders) and lived the Atari VCS at home. so yeah when the NES came out I was already in college :D

Heck, when the NES came out my memory of it was trying get my girlfriends to tolerate me playing it :P

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Being born in the age means you were not a baby or young child during the time. Like when you heard about the NES when you were 9+

Why not? I was able to play video games around the age of 4. Hell, I remember earlier memories of playing super mario world, and thinking the koopas were teddy bears :) .

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Born in 1976, had an Atari 2600 when they first came out. Father decided that computers were in our future (had to siblings) so we got a Color Computer (TRS80 I think), yay! My brother grew bored with it quickly and eventually got a C64, boy that was a pretty penny. Loved the C64, still have the TRS-80 in my closet though. Been gaming all my life.

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