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Anyone Here That Wasn't Born In The Nes Age?


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I was born in 1980 but never played an Atari 2600 until recently. I did play some games on our old Tandy Color Computer 3 before I got my first console: the NES. I got my NES for Christmas in 1988 and I was instantly addicted. I still have home video of Christmas morning when I got the system and played Super Mario Bros for the first time. Ah, memories.

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  • 3 months later...
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I was born in 81, my first system was a used 2600 from my cousin, then my parents bought me a used Nintenfo for X-mas one year, but they fudged up. They got Mario and Duck Hunt with it, but they bought Mario bros(the same one that was in the duck hunt cart) as a stand alone cart, thinking it was a different game.

The first brand new system I got was during the 16 bit age. I got a Sega Genesis (model 2) w/Sonic 2 and they also got me Street Fighter 2: Special Championship Edition. In hindsight, I wish I would have wanted a SNES instead, but hey, it was still fun :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Born in '75. Had an Atari 5200 first. Blown away by the NES. SNES was great as well. PS1, N64, Dreamcast, were all ok. PS2 was good. The absolute best at the moment is the PSP. Not for those games, but because it plays NES, SNES, and other retro games so well.

Amen to that!

I've bought a NDS for the very same reason, and I regret it so much.

I should have gone with the PSP but no, I had to remain faithfull to the

big N... bah!

I first realised I was getting old when N64 got moved from newer consoles

to older consoles on SpeedDemosArchive eheh. It was like: "Damn..." eheh

By the way, Atari age here, so yes, I was born AND READY for the NES

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i was born in 92, so that would put me in the n64 age. although all i can remember playing up until the age of 6 or 7 was the brick gameboy :P then i got a n64, when i was about 6 or 7 (1998/99) with mario kart. i played it into 2005, then got put off because the analogue sticks lost their resistance. good times!

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i was born in 92, so that would put me in the n64 age. although all i can remember playing up until the age of 6 or 7 was the brick gameboy :P then i got a n64, when i was about 6 or 7 (1998/99) with mario kart. i played it into 2005, then got put off because the analogue sticks lost their resistance. good times!

How come? I am born in 1992, but I played Sega and those, more it makes us PS1 generation xD.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, I wasn't. I was born in the N64 age, but I did get my hands on an NES of course, just not the first time it was around.

Being born in the age means you were not a baby or young child during the time. Like when you heard about the NES when you were 9+

Born in 91, I got a SNES at age 5, right near the end of the SNES era

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  • 3 weeks later...

born in 1975. my dad was/is a total geek and so we had Pong when it came out, we also had an Intellivision, a TRS-80 (for me), a MAC Apple IIe, and a Nintendo. I never upgraded the NES until PS1... so that was almost a decade of straight NES...

technically, i was not born during that time though, but definitely suckled that teat for a long time.

Now, my dad still has more systems than i do... an XBox, a PS2, a Wii, a PSP and he games on his computer all the time... I have a Wii a PSP and the old Intellivision.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Born in 79. First gaming experiences were on an Apple IIc, which I loved to bits.

I first experienced the NES magic with Super Mario Bros, Kung Fu and TMNT on a friend's NES in 1989, then somehow ended up with a Master System about a year later, which I also loved. I ended up swapping it with that self-same friend for his NES in time for Christmas 1991, and I've owned a total of three since then.

So yeah, born in the NES age :)

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Oh, my. I remember when I first set my eyes on an arcade game. I was hooked from then on. It was Destruction Derby (You never forget your first!), and even though the gameplay was simple, the wheel and foot pedal vibrated, making it such a realistic experience. Crash your car into the other car and score! What could be more fun than that? I was six at the time. Not many games had color graphics then. Unless it was an overlay. ^_^

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