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I'm Really Tired Of All Theise 1st And 3rd Person Shooters

Guest panpizza15

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Guest panpizza15

Why is there so many shooters out now? It's all the same, FPS have a guy in a robot suit and 3rd person shooters have a constant duck and cover and shoot when a guy pops out. I really hate the 3rd person shooters. I'm just sitting there waiting for a guy to peak out of cover to shoot me. Every game has to have it now. GTA 4 started using it. I blame game developers trying to be realistic. Like how in FPS you don't have a health bar. Who comes along and says we don't need health bars. Why not just remove the amo counter.

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Guest BennyTheBall

i agree i don't want to be staying in one place in cover waiting for someone to pop out like wack a mole. i hate how they try to add realisim like uncharted showing all black and white to show youre in danger. it's annoying and cant see anything.

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It's a phase, I think. The mid 90's were all about those boring fighting games, with mascot platform games a distant second. Now it's all first person shooters. Eventually something else will come along and we'll be saturated with that for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Schloss Ritter said:
If your favorite FPS is on a console, you're doing it wrong. Keyboard and mouse all the way, man. We don't need no stinkin' auto-aim to help us make up for a limited controller. :P

Lol so true but my computer is so crappy it porbably wouldn't play a game from as back as 2006...yeah. It's a 2000 Optima that works great for surfing and stuff, but sucks for gaming. *Sigh*

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  • 3 weeks later...

the only FPS I'll touch are the ones with a strong single player experience. I'm not a huge multiplayer type person to be honest, so games like Bioshock and Metroid Prime appeal to me... Shadowrun and Halo 4 just turn me off........

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Spongeman56 said:
Haha, there like no 3rd person shooters. The only two I can think of are Gears of War I and Gears of War II. But yeah, there are alot of 1st person shooters. But the awesome!

you forgot the most populair one, GTA4

but yeah too many fps', Only ones I liked are halo 3 and metroid prime 3

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  • 2 weeks later...
  konnichiwa said:
Yeah there are a lot of them;....I want some new RPG games for the consoles =/.
Warning: My reply has heavy metaphor usage. If you are a literal reader, avert your attention to some other post.

Right on, dude. It seems like different genres have dominance in different eras of gaming. Platformers hopped, skipped and jumped on the 8-bit era, Beat 'em Ups beat the crap out of the 16-bit era, RPG's told an adventurous tale of the 32-bit era, and FPS' are sniping the 128-bit/64-bit and current eras. I want more RPGs, too, but I don't think they'll ever have the same impact they did as in the 32-bit era.

Developers only recently discovered the appeal of the FPS genre. We all had a good ride on the FPS horse in the last era, but now the horse is dead, and developers won't stop beating it. I wonder, when gamers finally grow out of this FPS slump, where it will turn to next?

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Network interactivity seems to be making a rise with titles like Spore and Little Big Planet. I would love to see the birth of a new genre but I'm not sure what that genre could even be. An RPG renaissance would be really cool. I think there is some renewed interest in platformers with games like Portal and Bionic Commando. Who knows, we might even see some more 2D fighters coming out if Street Fighter 4 has a decent amount of impact.

I think retro is very in right now and that is going to lead to a revision and improvement of old genres.

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