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Wii Motionplus 1:1 Motion Add-on

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Nintendo's upcoming Wii MotionPlus accessory for the revolutionary Wii Remote controller again redefines game control, by more quickly and accurately reflecting motions in a 3-D space. The Wii MotionPlus accessory attaches to the end of the Wii Remote and, combined with the accelerometer and the sensor bar, allows for more comprehensive tracking of a player’s arm position and orientation, providing players with an unmatched level of precision and immersion. Every slight movement players make with their wrist or arm is rendered identically in real time on the screen, providing a true 1:1 response in their game play. The Wii MotionPlus accessory reconfirms Nintendo’s commitment to making games intuitive and accessible for everyone. Nintendo will reveal more details about the Wii MotionPlus accessory and other topics Tuesday morning at its E3 media briefing


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  • 4 weeks later...

the motion plus technology isnt for Nintendo, so i dont think Nintendo did well with the original wiimote, its cool sometimes but its not like Nintendo promised, the wiimote with the wiimotion plus was that we wanted in the beginning, but now its an add on -______-

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Well there's been a lot of confusion about this point, but when digging a bit deeper, Nintendo never promised 1:1 controls from the beginning.

Sure we were all hoping for them when they unveiled the Wii, but at the time it wasn't very realistic with the limitations of the product.

The one who boosted about 1:1 was actually Ubisoft with Red Steel. But like so many things, after time stories get a but twisted and added on and everyone started saying Nintendo did promise true 1:1.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  meppi said:


I'll eventually get this. Isnt it like $70 or something? Ridiculous.. But it does come with Wii Sports Resort and the dumb thing is that i think the only way to play games after this comes out is with the Motion Plus. Oh and Wii Sports Resort is only with the Motion Plus so its the only way to get it. Whats next, a new one of these :nds:

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  Spongeman56 said:

I'll eventually get this. Isnt it like $70 or something? Ridiculous.. But it does come with Wii Sports Resort and the dumb thing is that i think the only way to play games after this comes out is with the Motion Plus. Oh and Wii Sports Resort is only with the Motion Plus so its the only way to get it. Whats next, a new one of these :nds:

$70 Wow, no way!

The price point I keep hearing is under $20 and Nintendo is promising to keep it as low as possible.

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  Spongeman56 said:
Thats what they said at E3. I know, its crazy but it probably because WSR comes with it. And I think a controller too, like Wii Play or something like that.

Ah, you mean it that way.

I think they will only bundle the plug itself along with the game.

Don't know how much Wii Play sells for in the US but over here in Europe it can be had for €35 if you shop around, which is actually €5 cheaper than a regular controller. :)

So I believe the retail price for WiiSports Resort+plugin will be no more than €40.

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  E-Day said:
You mean the Wiimote condom?

Umm no its a... lets just keep it at that shall we? :lol:

  meppi said:
Ah, you mean it that way.

I think they will only bundle the plug itself along with the game.

Don't know how much Wii Play sells for in the US but over here in Europe it can be had for €35 if you shop around, which is actually €5 cheaper than a regular controller. :)

So I believe the retail price for WiiSports Resort+plugin will be no more than €40.

In the US its like $60 im pretty sure and plus tax is like almost $70. But yeah, since its only the game it might be 40 but I heard 70 so I dunno

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree, I'd like to see it built in to the future wii-motes. After all, when the PS3 finally got the rumble, you don't add it, you just get a new controller. The new controllers should have it the same way. If you want to add it to a 'current' controller, even $20 is quite a bit for something that... rightly or wrongly, we figured would have been there in the first place.

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As some of you may know, Nintendo is holding a conference in both Japan and North America on October 2-3 and they mentionned they would announce new titles. Do you think we will see more Wii Motionplus support? My ideal scenario would be getting a glimpse of the new Zelda for Wii with Wii Motionplus sword controls, but expecting such things can be pretty disappointing as we learned last E3...

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  • Retromags Curator

I want a Super Mario All-Stars type release like on the SNES, but bigger and better. All the games from SMAS, plus the GameBoy Super Mario Land games; redone with New Super Mario Bros. (DS) -style graphics and updated music. No announcement they will make could get me as excited as that fantasy game...with no motion control.

On topic, I am looking forward to MotionPlus. I never expected 1:1 when the Wii was first announced and released. 1:1 opens the door to some great possibilities. But don't foget that just because the Remote will have 1:1 does not mean games have to take advantage of it.

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