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Find some cool video game video on Youtube, or maybe you want to share a music video with us? Post em here!

How to post Youtube video's

  1. Find a video you would like to share
  2. Make sure it can be embedded (videos that state "Embedding disabled by request" wont work)
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  4. If the link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8gkcXwbHpA (Copy the part after the equals sign)
  5. Type the following in your post


100 SNES Games in 10 Minutes!

Foo Fighters (Pretender)

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Cool, I've long been a subscriber to laffer35's videos and a fan of his "longplay"s, though I've only had time to watch a few.

I also recommend many "Let's Play" videos by various Youtubers, and I'll probably post some of my favorites here eventually.

Now for some shameless self promotion. View the video on Youtube's site to see an extensive description of the game and the rest of the videos...

Fire 'n Ice (longplay/video walkthrough)

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^ Tool Assisted Speedrun, FYI. It was played while slowing an emulator way down, then sped back up to (almost) normal speed for the final video. You can tell by how the music and sound effects are off key, especially the jumping noise.

I thought the same thing, he got lucky on way too many of those boards, plus since when does two whistles get you to level 8? And he slipped by all the ghost hands on level 8? I smell a cheat!

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I thought the same thing, he got lucky on way too many of those boards, plus since when does two whistles get you to level 8? And he slipped by all the ghost hands on level 8? I smell a cheat!

Yeah, from what I've read, the "luck" was having plenty of time to take actions with the emulator slowed down. He may actually never get hit but be a pixel away with the fine control at the slow speed.

Using a Whistle in one of the higher levels does let you access World 8, and you can even warp from later in World 8 back to the beginning if you're feeling sadistic. The Warp Zone is considered World 9, so this part is actually legit.

And yeah, there is a moderate chance of making it past the Hands without being grabbed by any, but on the first try? I wonder how many times this part was rerecorded.

Also, an American is taking credit for this, though you can tell it's the Japanese(?) version when they get the Warp Whistle from Toad. So, it was likely originally recorded somewhere in Asia. The original player may not even ever claimed it was "legit".

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Nice, another fan of UHF.

And what's up with the woman getting clocked in the second one? Where's that from?

The Wicker Man. Haven't seen the movie myself but there's a youtube clip of that combines all the horribly bad acting from the entire movie into one 2minute clip.

Oh and I love UHF!

Saw the movie back in the early 90's and it instantly turned into one of my favourites. :D

When I finally found it one DVD on play.com, I ought 4 copies. 2 for me and 2 for my best friends. :)

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Yeah, from those clips, The Wicker Man looks like a B movie (at best) that they tried to punch up interest in by hiring a well known actor (Cage).

And, as much of a Weird Al fans as I have been since I first heard of him in the 80s, I didn't get to see UHF (from 1989) until it came out on DVD in 2002.

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  • 3 weeks later...

lol, it was a reporter asking a stupid question that gave them the idea for Mario and Luigi to have the last name of Mario?

And, ugh, reports like this back in the day sure pushed the stereotype that "videogames are for kids" that backlashed into controversy when more mature content started coming out.

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