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Its Coming....


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  E-Day said:
Hmm..."it's coming, a somewhat familiar lightning bolt...all very reminiscent of the promos for the new Power Rangers series back in 1996...

Not to derail, but did you hear that the red ranger tried cutting his junk off :o


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Bah, who cares? "Skylar Deleon" was never a power ranger; only an extra on the show once. The media has it wrong when they say he used to be a power ranger. If he ever actually was, it was well after Power Rangers in Space, which is well after the good show, Mighty Morhpin Power Rangers, ended.

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I've always wondered, did they take the Japanese TV series and redid the scenes without their costumes with American actors or what's the deal with it.

Always thought that seemed to be the case, but I was never interested enough to look it up.

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Yes, that is what they did. For the first season and most of the second. They eventually ran out of Japanese footage and re shot everything Stateside up to the end of Season 3 except for the giant monster fights. Some of it used clever editing, as well as reusing the same few pieces of footage of the original MMPR costumes inside their giant robot, since they changed the robots, but not the costumes. After MMPR ended and Power Rangers Zeo started, they went back to using more Jap footage. Now I think disney reshoots just about everything except the giant robot/monster fights. Disney bought the Power Rangers rights several years back and shoots the show in New Zealand.

They released all the MMPR episodes on DVD in Germany. I wish they would release them here :(

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