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Gamepro Issue Numbering Blooper?


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Maybe this was discussed before, but I was over at Magweasel.com and downloading the covers to all the EGM and GamePro issues he has up (missing some still he claims are there though), and noticed something about GamePro.

He noted it himself, and apparently, June 1996 it was labelled Issue #83, but then July 1996 it was labelled Issue #94!


Why did GamePro skip ten issue numbers? Was this a major blooper on their part? (It wasn't unique to that issue either, every issue after went 95, 96, etc.)

Was this to get closer to Issue #100 to sell a few more issues?

Was there 10 other supplement issues forming an offshoot of GamePro, sort of like EGM did?



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Yeah it was a very dumb idea on their part and I remember reading something about wanting to get the bragging rights about being the longest running videogame magazine in the US, but I don't know how accurate those reasonings are.

We had another thread about this last year, I think I even started it.

And came to the conclusion that it did have something to do with counting Swatpro as well.

But how the numbering issue should be handled was left up in the air.

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I remember the previous thread on this, because I was the one who mentioned why that jump in issues occured. It was indeed SWATPro. When they stopped publishing SwatPro, they counted them in the regular GamePro count, which was dumb even though Swatpro was mostly made up of stuff from the recent previous GamePro issues. At least that is what I remember reading. However, there were more than 10 issues of SwatPro, so maybe I am remembering things wrong. I do remember EGM criticizing GamePro for jumping their issue count by 10 because they stopped putting out SwatPro, or something along those lines.

Maybe they counted SWATPro seperate from SWAT, which preceded it. I just wish my question on GamePro's site would get answered.

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