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Worst Video Game System


28 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the worst video system ever made?

    • Atari 5200
    • Armstrad GX4000
    • Philips CD-i
    • Super A'Can
    • Sega CD and 32x
    • 3DO
    • Nintendo VirtualBoy
    • Gizmondo
    • Nokia N-Gage
    • Atari Jaguar
    • Tiger R-Zone

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All that a system needs is one or 2 totally amazing games to not be worthless to me.

Jaguar has Tempest 2000

Virtual Boy has Galactic Pinball, Wario Land, Vertical Force and Mario's Tennis

MegaCD has the Lunar's, Sonic CD, Final Fight CD, Shining Force CD and several other RPGs

32X had a very good version of Virtua Racing. ;)

As for the others, I haven't hear about a couple of them so it's hard to to pick the worst one.

Possibly the Philips CD-i.

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I think it was the atari 5200, because the hardware sucks, i mean not even the games that it doesnt have, the control is horrible, the power supply, etc.

the phillips Cd-i sucks too it was expensive but the hardware was so so and theres more good games like Space Ace, Dragons Lair I ans II, Some interesting games but bad as hell like Zelda...

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I own a PS1 and all of the games on it's library aren't that great at all. Blasto, which I think was the launch game is the closest to actually being good. If you have any good games on the PS1, post here.

Joke post right? :P

WipEout series

Ridge Racer series

Destruction Derby

The Raiden Project


Castlevania Symphony Of The Night

Resident Evil series


Motor Toon GP 2

Megaman 8

Suikoden 1 & 2

Breath Of Fire 3 & 4

Metal Gear Solid

Time Crisis

Tempest X3

R-Type Delta

Vandal Hearts

Lunar 1 & 2

Tales Of Destiny

Star Ocean 2

Arkanoid Returns 2000



Final Fantasy Tactics

Valkyrie Profile

Silent Bomber

Chrono Cross


Front Mission 3


Dragon Warrior 7

Power Diggerz

Gradius Gaiden

Zanac X Zanac

Toaplan Shooting Battle 1

Strider 2

Vagrant Story

Final Fantasy 9

Ore No Ryouri

Umihara Kawase Shun

Captain Commando

Harmful Park

Rakugaki Showdown

Super Pang Collection

Umihara Kawase Shun 2nd Edition

Ace Combat 3

Panzer Bandit

Raiden DX


Adverture Of Little Ralph

Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade Edition

Circuit Breakers

Trick'N Snowboarder



Point Blank

Yoyo's Puzzle Park

Pro Pinball games

Xevious 3D/G

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I would say that Nintendo has the worst .... Virtual Boy[Geez!!] .... along with the best .... N64. Actually ... they have the best now with the Wii because I can play the main games I loved on the N64 & SNES on it. If they could get Banjo Kazooie, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Goldeneye and Pilotwings64 on it I could sell of my N64 without a single regret.

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Stefan Eriksson, one of the high-up developers of the Gizmondo, had ties with the Swedish Mafia, and he crashed a Ferrari Enzo.

That (and the Fact the most games on the Gizmondo are bad)is why IMO the Gizmondo is the worst Video Game Syastem.

That or CD-i.

Edited by puzzler20
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The MSX. That thing is such a piece of crap. Horrible ports of classic games like Time Pilot, Gradius, Salamander, Road Fighter, Circus Charlie, 1942, Yie Ar Kung Fu, and some other crap. The ONLY MSX game REMOTELY enjoyable was Penguin Adventure. At least that had some replay value.

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I've got to say that CD-i was the worst for the outrageous price, terrible controller, and the blight on Zelda's past that is the two CD-i Zelda games.

The margin is so small though. All of those on the list were an egregious waste of gamers' money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of the worst systems still have redeeming games, I can name at least a few 3DO games that were great in its day. Even 32X has a few memorable titles.

Anyway, I voted for Gizmondo cause I haven't heard much about it. But N-gage would probably be worst than it, the first model anyway.

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Also voted for the Virtual Boy.

I mean, it's Nintendo, how could the failed so much.

A company that now outsells the X360 and the PS3, that dominated the gaming market with the SNES, that brought home-gaming back alive with the NES, that brought us the Gameboy and DS, etc...

The Virtual Boy is just a kick in the nuts for all Nintendolovers.

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