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Your Top 10 Snes Games


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Retromags.com is going to be doing some polls on what you guys believe are the best games for each system. Here is how it will work.

1) You post your top 10 game recommendations for the System Named! (Only 10!)

2) After each 25 replies, we will tally the votes.

3) We will then provide in this top thread, the top 10-100 recommendations for the named system!

The voting system will award points to each of your recommendations depending on the location on the list.

1st = 10 points

2nd = 9 points

3rd = 8 points

4th = 7 points

5th = 6 points

6th = 5 points

7th = 4 points

8th = 3 points

9th = 2 points

10th = 1 point

Top 10 SNES Games











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Great idea! :)

Best is to just make your own list without looking at someone else's first. That way you won't get influenced. ;)

1: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

2: Zelda: A Link to the Past

3: Super Mario Kart

4: Super Metroid

5: F-Zero

6: Super Mario World

7: Castlevania 4

8: Super Aleste/ Space Megaforce

9: Umihara Kawase

10: Super Probotector/Contra 3

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1) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

2) Chrono Trigger

3) Super Castlevania IV

4) Dragon Quest III

5) Star Fox

6) Super Mario RPG

7) Donkey Kong Country

8) Contra III

9) Super Metroid

10) Super Mario World

*looks at meppi's list*


One or two favorites snuck their way in there. It's hard trying to decide which are the overall best games for a system. I have lots of favorites that certainly arn't among "The Best".

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So nice to see a couple of people mention Dragon Quest games. :D

I never was able to play a DQ game until 7 came out on the US PSone. After that I was sold.

The best part is that in a month I will be able to finally play IV on the DS when it comes out over here.

And another one I never played but am so looking forward to is Chrono Trigger which I'll be able to finally play on the DS as well in Januari or so. :)

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1) Zelda 3

2) Final Fantasy 3

3) Super Mario World

4) Killer Instinct

5) Street Fighter 2

6) Super Mario Kart

7) Contra 3

8) Illusion of Gaia

9) Donkey Kong Country

10) Mortal Kombat 2

I know people probably wonder why I choose 4 and 10 but back in the day, I lost so much time to those games and have great memories of having neighborhood tourneys at my house with those games.

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  JoNJoN said:
I know people probably wonder why I choose 4 and 10 but back in the day, I lost so much time to those games and have great memories of having neighborhood tourneys at my house with those games.

Not at all.

I remember vividly how many months I wasted playing MK2 versus my best friend at the time.

The Kitana/Milina/Scorpion/Sub Zero matches were legendary. :D

We played the game so much that in the end we simply were a bit too fast in battling each other with special moves that the SNES had quite a bit of trouble following it all.

Talk about dedication.

We never really did get into MK3 though, the new "dial a combo" system killed it for us.

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  meppi said:
Not at all.

I remember vividly how many months I wasted playing MK2 versus my best friend at the time.

The Kitana/Milina/Scorpion/Sub Zero matches were legendary. :D

We played the game so much that in the end we simply were a bit too fast in battling each other with special moves that the SNES had quite a bit of trouble following it all.

Talk about dedication.

We never really did get into MK3 though, the new "dial a combo" system killed it for us.

Oh yeh, those days of demanding perfect coin-op to home conversions were classic and MK2 on the SNES was unbelievable at the time. The Genesis version seemed like an Atari game next to the SNES. MK3 never did anything for me either, the combos were kinda cool but the computer seemed to get cheaper and cheaper.

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My SNES Top 10

1. Final Fantasy III (aka VI)

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Final Fantasy II (aka IV)

4. Secret of Evermore

5. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

6. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

7. Secret of Mana

8. Super Mario World

9. Sailor Moon: Another Story ((Sailor Moon RPG ~ translated rom))

10. Magic Knight Rayearth ((translated rom))

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1) Chrono Trigger

2) Final Fantasy III(us)/VI(jap)

3) Killer Instinct

4) Donkey Kong Country 1,2&3

5) Yoshi's Island

6) Star Fox

7) Super Mario World

8) Mega Man X

9) Parodius 1,2&3 (Super Famicom)

10) Uniracers

I wrote this list first, then went on to read the other posts before posting it myself. Just as meppi suggested.

Even though I didn't included certain games from the other lists, I find all the games mentioned here to be top notch. I could go on and on about great SNES games, there were so many of them.

The SNES also received great ports from other plateforms of the time. Super Turrican (Amiga), SimCity (DOS) and Syndicate (DOS) come to mind. I am really glad they released the later two for my SNES because when they came out, my PC was a 8088 with an ASCII-only monochrome card.

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1.Earthworm Jim 2

2.Batman Forever


4.Earthworm Jim 1

5.Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage

6.Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

7.Fever Pitch Soccer

8.NBA Hangtime

9.Super Star Wars

10.Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time

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Excellent idea and I can't wait to vote on future systems or even genres. Here is my Top Ten picks for SNES:

1. Final Fantasy III

2. Dragon's Quest I-II (Super Famicom)

3. Zombies Ate My Neighbours

4. Super Metroid

5. Clock Tower (Super Famicom)

6. Ogre Battle - March Of The Black Queen

7. Dark Half (Super Famicom)

8. Castlevania - Dracula X

9. Donkey Kong Country

10. Super Mario World

This was all pretty tough to decide, though FF III seemed like the clear-cut favourite, that game was just unbelievable and groundbreaking at the time. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. final fantasy vi

2. final fantasy iv

3. chrono trigger

4 .super metroid

5. zelda

6. castlevania 4

7. castlevania kiss

8. super soccer

9. contra alien wars

9. super mario world

10. aladin

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