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Bought A N64


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I knew this would happen. I have majorly downsized my video game collection and every time I do that I end up going back and buying old things that I wish I hadnt gotten rid of. This time it's my N64. I had about 60 games for it and now I have an N64 and 1 game. I am so in the mood for playing some old games like Beetle Adventure Racing, MK Trilogy, KI Gold, Robotron64, and many others. Right now I'm just playing Blast Corps and bidding on some of the other games on ebay.

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WaveRace64. Still one of the most unique and best racing games ever made. :)

You might want to look for an import copy of Bangaio as well, pretty different from the DC version and I actually like it a bit more.

Many will say Ocarina of Time, and they'd be right, but I'm a bit partial to Majora's Mask. Unbelievable atmosphere and very unique Zelda game.

Might not hold up that well today, especially the Battle mode, but Mario Kart 64.

Whenever I play Mario Kart online on Wii, I always find myself packing N64 Mario Circuit and N64 Bowsers Castle.

How I wish all the old tracks were in there. I'd probably never play another game. ;)

GoldenEye. Many say it doesn't hold up since there have been so many console FPS games that blow it out of the sky.

Those people are completely wrong though. :P

(second choice Perfect Dark)

Tetrisphere. A much forgotten about puzzle game that is absolutely fantastic. Love the multiplayer mode as well. Highly recommended!

1080° Snowboarding, along with Steep Slope Sliders on Saturn still my favorite snowboarding games.

There are naturally many more, but I'll leave some room for other people to join in. ;)

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Yea I regret selling everything I have done away with over the years. Now I know better...


Sega Master System

Atari 2600

Atari 7800

Atari 5200

GameBoy Games

GameBoy Advance Games

Xbox Games

Playstation games

Bought Back

Sega Master System

GameBoy Advance Games

Atari 7800

Atari 2600 Games

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  Phillyman said:
Yea I regret selling everything I have done away with over the years. Now I know better...

The only Thing I sold was my Game gear ... didn't play much games for it

Still have my.....

nintendo (top.. my first die long time ago because of dad playing mario all the time.)

Gameboy Color ... got rid of OR gameboy when that came out


Super nintendo





Sega genesis

Sega saturn ( I still said it has some good games.. like DF.)

Sega DC

And my one and only PC ( upgrades about 2 times a year... well use too.. My sons come first)

never got into X box, VB, and some others

Looking forward to getting a Wii at tax season next year ( if car don't break down again)

List of games to long to list ( about 10- 30 each system) but over 200.

anyways they most put up so My 2 year old can't get to them.

I have about 2 -3 system hook -up ( PSX2, Gamecube, random system. )

I once sold my bump and jump (nes) and I found it about 3 years later after I wanted 2 months later I sold it... it su** .

Never sale your games people you never know how rare it is till your looking for it...

When you need cash that bad try a loan or try to get by..

I just hope my sons Love games that I have and see where it all started.

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  Psobb78 said:
Never sale your games people you never know how rare it is till your looking for it...

I just hope my sons Love games that I have and see where it all started.

Ain't that the truth.

I used to do this quite a bit when I was younger.

Remember selling my MD for a SNES.

Sold my Game Gear, Nes (which I don't even remember why or how :-/), Game Boy as well. All at different time periods though.

At the time it seems to be the reasonable and smart thing to do, but you always regret it in the end, even if it takes you 5 years to get to that point.

From the 32 Bit generation on I never sold anything. Still have my original yellow (well, it's more brown now actually) SNES from 16 years ago.

The only system I did sell was my XBox. Bought it for Sega games (especially Jet Set Radio Future and Panzer Dragoon Orta), but it had been sitting in it's box, unplayed for about a year.

And at the moment the news came out that Outrun 2 would not be coming to the system after all, so I traded it in for a whole bunch of PS2 games.

Well, we all know what happened... Thanks to the great people at Sumo, we did get Outrun 2 as well as it's sequel. So I got one again.

One more thing. Not that I'm the best to give any advice. mind. ;)

But don't be discouraged when your kids seem to hate your classic games and only want to play the latest Need For Speed generic sequel.

Give it a bit of time, they might come around later. I've witnessed this before.

You can always try with a retro gaming evening or something. :)

Also if they are too small to be playing games right now, it might also be a good idea to get them playing 8-Bit games at first. You never know.

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I never was big into selling my games off until just recently. And the only few times that I did it in the past I always bough the stuff back. But yeah GoldenEye is one that I will be getting again I love that game I don't care how crappy it looks now. (Of course that would include getting Perfect Dark). I will probably buy Zelda OOT only because it does not feel right playing it on my GameCube or Wii. But I still can't stand Majora's Mask. I so want to beat that game just so I can say I did but... I cant bring my self to play it. I hate it soooo much. And it's the only Zelda game that I Hate! Hate! Hate! And yes this would include the CD-i Zelda games that I have. I actually enjoyed those (but not the FMV sequences).

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Yeh, I traded my pristine Neo Geo Gold when I was 11 with 6 games including Baseball Stars 2 and Windjammers ($200 on ebay now) for a stupid freaking 3DO that I lost while moving. Brightest move I've ever made.

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Loved the N64 but I have to say the video output on that console was quite crappy in comparison to the PSX etc. Has a certain lack of crispness.

Great games on it though..... Mario 64, Waverace 64, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie .... ahh the memories.

I have to say though .... I do prefer playing Mario 64 on the Wii. Stunning.

If you are buying n64 carts check out www.thecoverproject.net website. You can buy plastic boxes that store the carts/manuals very nicely and apart from 2 covers I have yet to edit/create we have covers for every USA N64 game ever made should you want them to look good on the shelf :)

I think I personally contributed nearly 200 covers by scanning my PAL & USA collection of carts. Took a while .... thought I wouldn't be doing any further scanning .... then I found this site. Hehehe

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Well I found KI Gold today at a pawn shop for just a bit cheaper than what it's going for on eBay right now so I picked it up. I must really be out of touch on this game because I don't remember it being this hard. I am getting my butt kicked. I had to drop the difficulty from normal down to easy to beat the game but of course I don't get any endings that way.

The sad thing is it only took 2 trys to beat Gargos but against Jago and a few others it took many trys.

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  JoNJoN said:
Yeh, I traded my pristine Neo Geo Gold when I was 11 with 6 games including Baseball Stars 2 and Windjammers ($200 on ebay now) for a stupid freaking 3DO that I lost while moving. Brightest move I've ever made.

:cry: :cry: Noooo.... I can't believe you did that! If there is one system that I have that I will never sell it's my Neo. I have my 3DO still but it just sits under my bed :lol:

  KiwiArcader said:
Loved the N64 but I have to say the video output on that console was quite crappy in comparison to the PSX etc. Has a certain lack of crispness.

Great games on it though..... Mario 64, Waverace 64, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie .... ahh the memories.

I have to say though .... I do prefer playing Mario 64 on the Wii. Stunning.

If you are buying n64 carts check out www.thecoverproject.net website. You can buy plastic boxes that store the carts/manuals very nicely and apart from 2 covers I have yet to edit/create we have covers for every USA N64 game ever made should you want them to look good on the shelf :)

I think I personally contributed nearly 200 covers by scanning my PAL & USA collection of carts. Took a while .... thought I wouldn't be doing any further scanning .... then I found this site. Hehehe

Yeah the output really is crap. I've been playing it on my flat panel and notice it even more than I did back when I had a regular old Boob Toob.

And hey thanks for the link. I did that for my GBA games and had no idea they did that for the N64 as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Thor said:
:cry: :cry: Noooo.... I can't believe you did that! If there is one system that I have that I will never sell it's my Neo. I have my 3DO still but it just sits under my bed :lol:

It's the only system I ever got rid of besides my Jaguar. I don't miss that one quite as much lol. Otherwise, I've kept every single gaming item I've bought over the past 20 years.

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  Spongeman56 said:
I don't believe in selling game consoles/games. Im going to keep my Xbox, Xbox 360, NES, SNES, Gamecube, Wii, DS, Gameboy Advance and Gameboy Advance SP for a loooong time. Same with the games.

I felt the same way up until I started having a family and when my video games were taking over space that occupied more than one rooms worth I decdied to break my rule. But I had few exceptions. My Neo-Geo and I would never part and I will keep my TG16 and then just stay current gen. except for handhelds where I've got lots of those still.

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My problem isn't that I sold all of my old games but rather that the communal game systems that we all shared among 5 brothers ended up being claimed by younger siblings. The only thing I ended up with were a Mario Paint cart and the SNES mouse.

I guess this is the danger of being the first to leave the nest.

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I would probably never give up my Nintendo64. One of my favorite systems, and I have many memories of the games I played on it when I was younger. Let's see...I still have.




Donkey Kong64

Banjo Kazooie

Banjo Tooie

Quest 64

Mario Kart 64

Space Station Silicon Valley

Mario 64 didn't make it unfortunately :(

Most of my NES games are gone though... which is sad because I had that before the N64 came out :( .

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  perudon said:
My problem isn't that I sold all of my old games but rather that the communal game systems that we all shared among 5 brothers ended up being claimed by younger siblings. The only thing I ended up with were a Mario Paint cart and the SNES mouse.

I guess this is the danger of being the first to leave the nest.

He,he,he well... if it makes you feel any better I don't have a SNES mouse or Mario Paint but some how I have 2 SNES hard plastic mouse pads.

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  • 1 month later...

I never got rid of my N64, unlike some of my other consoles.

It may have had that weird soft focus look on some of it's games but you definitely made the right choice in getting one again.

My favourite N64 games are Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

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