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Did GTA IV really deserve a 10/10? Perhaps 8.5?


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A poster at Screw Attack has questioned whether GTA IV really did deserve a whole heap of 10/10 ratings. He believes that it didn't, and while there are some good graphics and a decent storyline, it is believed that Rockstar had to resort to BORROWING ideas from the competition. For example cheats are done on the cell phone in Saints Row. Conclusion? 8.5/10 would've been a better score.

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You know... it's GTA and that's all that it is. For some reason I always buy the new GTA games and I always do the same thing. I play it for a while then get bored with it. Then I just go around blowing crap up and killing people. Then I put it away never to return and beat the game. GTA IV is exactly the same. I don't think a 10 should have been given to it but that's just me.

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  Thor said:
You know... it's GTA and that's all that it is. For some reason I always buy the new GTA games and I always do the same thing. I play it for a while then get bored with it. Then I just go around blowing crap up and killing people. Then I put it away never to return and beat the game. GTA IV is exactly the same. I don't think a 10 should have been given to it but that's just me.

Sadly I agree. I even get a little excited when a new one is coming out. Then when I finally start playing it the happiness lasts about 3 hours. I mean really. Think of all the knocks franchise games take. For instance, every Mega Man game that came out got the "Yeah, but it is just like the other ones" comment. I could go on to compare this to Mario, MGS, Crash, etc. But for some reason no one ever really does that with GTA. I loved Vice City, don't get me wrong. The reason I loved it was because I like the 80s feel to the game. It just seems to me that each new GTA is almost the exact same game except set in a different time period. One could even say with far less ability to alter your character and vehicles to drive/fly in the new GTA that it is actually a step back from the last one...yet gets a higher score.

I blame the media and the way that the general public now goes crazy over hype.

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I haven't played it yet, so I can't say, but what gets my goat is when reviewers complain non-stop about bugs and technical issues, and how some games have a ton of problems overall like Mass Effect, Bioshock, GTA4 and so on, yet give them extremely high scores in the end.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have played the GTA games as a guilty pleasure and would consider myself something of a fan but I would have to agree that GTA IV did not deserve the 10/10 rating. I think the franchise is headed down the road of stagnation. The main improvement in GTA IV was the graphics. The story took the same twists and turns as previous volumes and seemed vulgar and violent just for the sake of it. Maybe I'm just getting too old to enjoy this sort of game :)

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I've tried to force myself to finish GTAIV and I can't be bothered. It may be the first game I've bought that I sell off, which is a shame. It's just so. . . bland? Definitely not a ten.

Consider me a member of the Saints Row 2 hype train. I've never even played the original, but everything I've gathered about the sequel indicates that it's the Grand Theft Auto I wanted IV to be.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I may be in the minority but I thought this game was amazing.

O.k. maybe it didn't deserve 10/10 but then how many games do?

I was totally drawn in by the plot and the convincing world of the game and while GTA 4 isn't my favourite GTA (that's still San Andreas), I would still give this game 9.5/10.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok first things first: not one mario game is the same, nor zelda, nor MGS, same concept different game mechanics and expiremental ideas, some good some bad.

GTA 4 is different in almost everyway to Vice City. GTA 4 had a new and well, and let me stress Amazing combat system in comparison to the other games in the franchise. Moreover, the game included the Number Mission I think from any game, and thats the bank robbery, which to my knowledge is just insane initself. I still go to my save state just to take this one on without codes. Better soundtrack, graphics, The improved Tom Tom, Russians, Lapdances, Russians. Also Saints row would not exist if it were for GTA, its obvious where the took the idea for their game was. So I guess the cell phone cheats was 1/10 of a fair trade. In the end 9.5 because its always fun to shoot blindly around corners, and ride helicopters shooting Missiles Online with Friends taking over the City

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