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  • Retromags Curator

I have been thinking about this for a while now, Retromags.com gets absolutely horrible results on Google, Yahoo and MSN. We should have a better rank on this website then we currently do. Anyways its because we are running forum software and due to that the search engines dont index us properly. I have looked into multiple ways to resolve this over the past year or so and one of the solutions is this....


Its an addon for this type of forum that makes it easier for us to be indexed and searched. What exactly will it change? Well this is the features....

Our IPB SEO module is fully customizeable. No other Invision SEO mod can offer support for third party scripts like portals, arcades, etc.. - We have the first In-Admin ACP read/writeable htaccess rules which lets you customize rules for all parts of your site without having to leave the ACP. No other Invision Power Board SEO modification can currently do this. We also support all native IPS products, such as Downloads, Gallery, Blog, etc.. at no extra cost. Come check out why our name is synonymous with IPBSEO

* * Supports Invision Power Board versions 2.2.x, and 2.3.x

* * Friendly URL (FURL) support for all IPB pages (more..)

* * Custom transliteration support for international users

* * Google Sitemap generator (more..)

* * New "Search Engine Spiders" group (more..)

* * New "Spider" skin (more..)

* * Comprehensive Spider list (more..)

* * Improved spider activity logging (more..)

* * robots.txt file included

* * Configurable global meta tags (more..)

* * Configurable per-forum meta tags (more..)

* * Social network integration (more..)

* * Acronym expansion (more..)

* * Stats inflation (more..)

* * Google analytics integration (more..)

* * Similar Topics block (more..)

* * Linkback/Pingback/Trackback support (more..)

* * Ability to block duplicate content from being indexed

* * Ability to specify lofi as alternate content

* * Ability to add nofollow attribute to duplicate content

* * Ability to add nofollow attribute to external links

* * Ability to block error pages from being indexed

* * Ability to redirect spiders to a page from error pages

* * Ability to add many relevant meta tags (more..)

* * Add proper 301 headers to redirects

* * Redirect requests of dynamic urls to static urls (more..)

* * Redirect invalid static url requests to correct static urls

Now you may be asking yourselves......"Why do we need this?"

The reason why is not that we "need" this.....but rather we would benefit from it. A good deal of our traffic comes from people using search engines. And if this software increases our traffic, then that increases the chance that we find people to help out with this project. Reading the forums over at that website, people are reporting doubling and tripling the amount of traffic that comes to their sites. Right now Retromags gets about 8000 unique visitors per month.......out of that number we get about 2-3 people a month joining up to help scan and edit. What if that number was 24,000? That may mean that we would get 6-9 people a month wanting to help.

Anyways I have this cool little widget that allows you to donate and track the results, it wont move you guys over to a Premium Member status immediately like donating through the forum does, but I will be moving you guys over manually, So if you donate send me your name on the forums so that I can give you credit. I will leave this widget up for 2 months.

Now if you want to donate to Retromags but not for this software upgrade, Please use the Paypal donate button or the Subscription Manager found here....


But if you want to donate for this upgrade, then use the Chip In module on the front page of this website.....

If we only reach $60 by October 10th, I will go with the 6 Month license.....but if we reach the $135 I will purchase the Lifetime license :)

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I'll start it off with $10. I've been able to scan and upload a couple of mags but I just do not have the time to do all of the editing work. But I can help out this way so keep up the fantastic work to everyone that chips in around here.

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  • Retromags Curator
  JoNJoN said:
I'll start it off with $10. I've been able to scan and upload a couple of mags but I just do not have the time to do all of the editing work. But I can help out this way so keep up the fantastic work to everyone that chips in around here.

Thank You!

I think that once we implement this software we can expect a very big increase in "Quality" traffic coming to Retromags, And I am sure that it will only help in our quest to scan the past :)

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  • Retromags Curator

As an incentive, for every $5 that is donated by a member they will get 1 entry into a drawing to win the following......

Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 8 (March 1990)


Yes members outside the USA are eligible to win, and yes you will become a Premium Member for donating to this cause! Even if everyone donates a minimum of $5, your chances of winning are 1 in 27. :D

Current Entries

JonJon = 2 Entries

mattrob24 = 2 Entries

mklp1 = 23 Entries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Retromags Curator

Ummm what can I say but WOW!

Whoever donated the remaining $115 dollars.......you are awesome!

Please let me know your username on the fourms! Send me your email address as proof so I know its you :)


Did some searching and found out who donated the remainder ......It was mklp1

Thank You Again for your immense help in this project!!!! :Yahooo:

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It was no problem. I love your website and what all of u are doing for the gaming community. I am an avid gamer that is also studying game design and animation. Ur website actually helped me in my project about the sega saturn, it's impact, fanbase, and it's perception. I have lost many magazines throught the years the only collection i still have is the Nintendo Power 1# to 78# give or take an issue but I also started looking for magazines in ebay for my own collection and it would be my honor to scan them and contribute to The Cause Keep this up a trip back to the simpler days of our youth: Priceless!

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Indeed, what a huge contribution! :D

A very big heartfelt welcome and thanks from me as well.

And reading your reply and seeing how much you love classic gaming and magazines as well makes it al the more sweet.

Plus being a Saturn fan makes you an even cooler person in my book. ;)

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