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Np Pdf Versions At Underground-gamer


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Firstly, I just want to say a huge thanks! This site is doing a fantastic job of preserving many, greatly loved magazines.

I especially like your releases of Nintendo Power. Although, I have to say, that I am not a huge fan of the CBR format, so I have compiled the first year's issues into PDF format and also compiled an index to go with it - I hope you feel that I have done them justice.

I run a private bittorrent tracker called Transexual-Underground.com, and I am currently seeding the PDF versions there (http://www.Transexual-Underground.com/details.php?id=2444) (I find that private sites tend to produce more seeders).

Again, I hope you think I've done them proud. I have the CBR-format of your 1989 editions too... It actially takes quite a bit of time to compile the pdfs and do the contents/bookmarks, so I'm going to do them when I get some more time.

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ltn100, I just wanted to say that these PDFs you compiled are absolutely fantastic.

In Acrobat Reader, you can go to View->Page Layout->Facing to have the document show two pages at a time, and it does it perfectly. It also has the table of contents with the PDF so you can just click to a specific part. F'n great, man.

Thank you.

Mr Slayer

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ltn100, I just wanted to say that these PDFs you compiled are absolutely fantastic.

In Acrobat Reader, you can go to View->Page Layout->Facing to have the document show two pages at a time, and it does it perfectly. It also has the table of contents with the PDF so you can just click to a specific part. F'n great, man.

Thank you.

Mr Slayer

Yeah, I worked that out after I seeded the 1988 issues!... They are facing by default on the 1989 issues i have just started seeding.

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  • Retromags Curator
Yeah, I worked that out after I seeded the 1988 issues!... They are facing by default on the 1989 issues i have just started seeding.

Yes very good job indeed........I like the NFO you have drawn up ......any chance you can do one for single releases

I need a basic template for the single releases that i am about to put out

I like the History of the Magazine you included.....hit me back if you wanna design one for us to use for the distributions

Release Group

Release Size

Scanned By

Edited By

Link back to the Publisher


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Well, the .nfo file I did is pretty basic really, I'm not much good at doing anything any more elaborate than that, but I'm sure someone on this forum would be.

My other question kind of got lost, so I'll ask again... Have the 1990 issues been scanned yet? If so, do you know where I could get them?

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  • Retromags Curator
Well, the .nfo file I did is pretty basic really, I'm not much good at doing anything any more elaborate than that, but I'm sure someone on this forum would be.

My other question kind of got lost, so I'll ask again... Have the 1990 issues been scanned yet? If so, do you know where I could get them?

Yup they have been scanned ....check your PM

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I got bored and had a quick bosh at that nfo file....

#			 _															  #
#	_ __ ___| |_ _ __ ___  _ __ ___   __ _  __ _ ___   ___ ___  _ __ ___	#
#   | '__/ _ \ __| '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` / __| / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \   #
#   | | |  __/ |_| | | (_) | | | | | | (_| | (_| \__ \| (_| (_) | | | | | |  #
#   | |  \___|\__|_|  \___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |___(_)___\___/|_| |_| |_|  #
#   `\ \______________________________________/ /							#
#	 \________________________________________/	   P R E S E N T....	 #
#																			#
#   ___________________  |												   #
#  |_|_______________|_| |				 Name of Release				   #
#  |  ,-------------.  | |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   #
#  | |  .---------.  | | |												   #
#  | |  |		 |  | | |  Release Group:								   #
#  | |  | retro   |  | | |  Release Date:									#
#  | |  | mags.com|  | | |  Release Size:									#
#  | |  |		 |  | | |  Scanned By:									  #
#  | |  `---------'  | | |  Edited By:									   #
#  | `---------------' | |  Publisher's Link:								#
#  |   _			   | |												   #
#  | _| |_		 ,-. | |												   #
#  ||_ O _|   ,-. "._,"| |												   #
#  |  |_|	"._,"   A | |												   #
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#  |   // //		   | |												   #
#  |  // //	\\\\\\  | |												   #
#  |  `  `	  \\\\\\ , |												   #
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#						|												   #
#																			#
#   Description															  #
#  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~															 #
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#   Description/contents go here.											#
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#												   http://www.retromags.com #

The code block in this forum seems to have weird spacing.... but if you cut/paste into a text editor it looks better :-)

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  • Retromags Curator
Look at the dates of previous posts before replying to a thread please, necromancer. :P

I am still trying to figure out how this topic didnt autoclose, Any Topic that hasnt had a reply in 6 months should automatically lock itself.

Oh well, Locking due to the date

PS - Anyone who wants to create PDF versions of any of our CBR magazines is more then welcome to do so and reupload them to us. :P


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