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Mega (future's Sega Mega Drive Mag)


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As mentioned in another thread, I had begun scanning some issues of MEGA (a Sega Mega Drive mag from Future Publishing - there's also a great bit of info on the mag at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_(magazine) ) way back in Jan 07. I had mainly started this as a personal project - long before I discovered Retromags.com, which is excellent by the way - and it's been an ongoing thing ever since. So far, from memory, I have scanned completely random issues: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 23, 28, 29, 30... oh, and MEGA Gold Summer Special 1993, and probably another couple that slips my mind. The others are sitting around waiting to get scanned two years on, such is the burden of doing 100 hundred projects at the same time.

The quality of the scans varies from just readable for the binded issues and okay for the debinded issues. I have uploaded a couple of issues of each on my 4shared space: issue 1 (binded scan) and issue 13 (debinded scan). Please beware that these scans are quite rough around the edges so to speak, but if they're of any use I'll upload the others that I have done.



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I took a look at the first link, and it looks fine to me. You are free to upload anything to the Download manager that you have scanned yourself. If another member believes they can do a better job on a certain magazine, they are welcome to redo the scans. If you can just go grab the "Thank You" page from the link below, and throw it into each .CBR/.CBZ file so that it shows up as the last page, Then you could just place each file into separate .Zip files and give it a simple name (no special symbols) and I can give you the FTP information to upload it :)


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