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Your Top 10 Nes Games


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1) StarTropics

2) Dragon Warrior 2

3) Dragon Warrior 3

4) Castlevania 3

5) Goonies 2

6) Legend of Zelda

7) Castlevania

8) Monster Party

9) Godzilla

10) Adventure of Link

The first five were easy. The other five... no so easy. Metroid? Contra? Tough choices...

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Metroid? I know what your thinking, "It doesnt have a map so its confusing!" Well.. so what? I honestly don't care, I just like guessing really. Or I just go on my computer, Bring up the first issue of Nintendo Power and look there.

And Contra. I don't even have to explain, Contra is AMAZING. IMO it invented side-scrolling shooters.

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Metroid? I know what your thinking, "It doesnt have a map so its confusing!" Well.. so what? I honestly don't care, I just like guessing really. Or I just go on my computer, Bring up the first issue of Nintendo Power and look there.

And Contra. I don't even have to explain, Contra is AMAZING. IMO it invented side-scrolling shooters.

Huh? I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was simply saying that there are some great games (like Contra and Metroid) that I had to pull from my list to make room for some of my other favorites. I never said they were too difficult. In fact, I beat Metroid long before NP published their maps. B)

Legacy of the Wizard, on the other hand... <_< That game still gives me nightmares...

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I'm not necessarily saying that these are the best NES games *ever*, but they are my favorite 10:


Legend of Zelda

Bionic COmmando


Super Mario Brothers

Super Mario Brothers 2

Super Mario Brothers 3

Wizards and Warriors

Megaman 3


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10. Megaman III

9. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest

8. Ghosts and Goblins

7. Super Mario Bros. 3

6. Dragon Warrior II

5. Startropics

4. Dragon Warrior

3. Final Fantasy

2. Zelda

1. Metroid

Numbers 2-5 will rotate around a bit depending on how I'm feeling at the time, but Metroid will always be #1. I will honestly claim, though, that I've never made it throught G&G. That game was ROUGH.

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1. Super Mario Bros 3: one of the best games ever made, it can be frustrating at times but the addictiveness keeps you going.

2. Contra (Probotector in my case): Best shooter ever! Insanely fun co-op and the Spreadgun!!!

3. Super Mario Bros: This one is great but after playing SMB3 its genius has faded a little.

4. The Legend of Zelda: A great adventure game that just dropped you in on the action.

5. Megaman 2: Nice action, great controlls, a very enjoyable game.

6. Tetris: A game that still is pure fun.

7. Battletoads: hard as hell but oh so addictive.

8. Metroid: An epic adventure and a cool ending:p

9. Punch-out: a great game but Tyson was hard as hell to defeat...

10. Batman: Game had spot-on controlls and was just fun to play.

Edited by BoOYa
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1.) Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link

2.) Super Mario Bros 3

3.) Mega Man 2

4.) Legend of Zelda

5.) Wizards and Warriors

6.) Dr. Mario

7.) Ninja Gaiden

8.) Contra

9.) Duck Tales (Bless me bagpipes!)

10.) TMNT III The Manhatten Project

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