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Your Dream Arcade


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You win a contest and are able to have an actual arcade built onto your house with your choice of 10 coin op games to put into it which would you pick...

Mine would be...

1. Spy Hunter

2. Super Mario Brothers

3. Shinobi

4. Raiden

5. Pac-man

6. Q-bert

7. Mario Brothers

8. Golden Axe

9. Rampage

10. Dragon's Lair

I went retro and picked ones I played as a kid using lots of my parents quarters, but you can pick whatever you want from what ever era as long as it's a coin op game!! :) :)

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Rampage and Golden Axe would be on my list.

They weren't necessarily the greatest games but for nostalgic purposes I would have to include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Simpsons.

There would also have to be a few of the Metal Slug games represented.

My retro section would include Donkey Kong and PacMan

I would have Street Fighter 4 and Tekken 5 (and the rumors of Tekken 6 sound promising)

Cruising USA and Cruising World would be in my arcade.

There was a game I used to play all the time in the arcade in Tomorrowland at Disneyland. I have no idea what it was called but it was a shooter and you controlled a tank with two joysticks. One of the coolest features was that when you pulled the two joysticks away from each other the tank would rear up and shoot a big bomb. Does anyone know what that was called? I would have that game.


Just an update... I found the name of the game! It's called "Assault" and it was released in '88. It was probably a few years old when I played it. I think I will try downloading it for MAME, though I don't know if it will be fun without the arcade controls. We'll see.


Lastly, I don't know if anyone on the forums ever did any gaming at a place called "Virtual World" back in the mid to late 90's. They had franchises in a few places around the US. Anyway, you sat in this really cool pod with cool controls and could either play Mech deathmatch or race hovering vehicles in narrow martian canals. The racing was so cool that I never actually tried the Mech battle game. I would have the two versions of the Virtual World setup (version 2.0 and "Tesla") with 8 pods for each.

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I am currently building an arcade machine from scratch.

I have based the design on the old Taito Trimline cabinet ....


.... but instead of the 12" tube I have adjusted the size to incorporate a vertically oriented 19" LCD PC monitor. To get the monitor to synch to the 15khtz output of the JAMMA harness I have a RGBS to VGA convertor. I have Raiden Fighters and Contra PCB's and the output is stunning on the LCD. This will make the cabinet a lot lighter and easier to move around while avoiding the color issues associated with tubes and also removing 25,000volts out of the cabinet.

I will probably build a second unit for horizontal games if this one works out well as I have created MDF templates, making it easy to replicate.

Other games I am interested in?

Gauntlet .... fab fun with a couple of mates around

UN Squadron or Carrier Air Wing

Top Gunner .... my favorite game

Frogger ... soo simple




Jungle King .... this was cool in the local arcade until Taito withdrew it due to a lawsuit over the Tarzan resemblance

Geez .... there are so many more I like. Maybe I should just MAME the arcade machine with a J-Pac?

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  • 1 month later...

Ooo I like this topic. I'm a classic gamer so here is what I would have and sorry no peticular order.

1. Tempest

2. Robotron

3. Ms. Pac-Man

4. Donkey Kong

5. Dragon's Lair

6. NES Top 10 (fully loaded)

7. Neo-Geo 4 Slot (fully loaded)

8. Punch Out!

9. Sonic Blast Man

10. Street Fighter 2 World Warriors

I could probably add an additional 30 games off the top of my head but that would have to be my top 10 or... top 22 if you want to include the fully loaded top 10 and Neo cabs. So I cheated a bit ;)

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This is tough. It's a trade off between nostalgia, which games I would play the most now, and which cabinets have artwork and design I love the most.

- Pac-Man

- Defender

- Robotron 2084

- Donkey Kong

- Galaga

- Pole Position (cockpit preferred)

- Star Wars (cockpit preferred)

- Outrun (cockpit preferred)

- After Burner (cockpit preferred)

- R-Type

Those are the ones I would play most, but there are several more I would love: Space Invaders, Berzerk, Phoenix, Moon Patrol, Tron, Marble Madness, Gauntlet, and the cockpit Ridge Racer.

Not being able to choose 10 is why emulator cabinets are so awesome ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm my arcade would include:

-Golden Axe

-X-Men Arcade Game :)

-Marvel vs Capcom

-Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom

-Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara

-Star Wars Vector Graphics Arcade Game (sit down version)

-AfterBurner (full movement sit down)


-Virtua Racing

-Daytona USA


I wish ;)


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  • 1 month later...

This would be a difficult decision for me. I've been without a real arcade for ages. The small ones at the mall food court suck. I gotta go on vacation to find enjoyable ones. So needless to say I missed a lot of stuff over the years. Building a MAME machine helped of course, but still...

I would have to choose games that you simply cannot get at home. Mainly pinball machines (I own a Twilight Zone right now) and a Pump it Up machine as I like that music more than DDR and the home version mats aren't as good as the metal pads. Maybe one of the Time Crisis games on a big screen. Hydro Thunder or a SF Rush machine would also be nice since the feel of the cabinet and controls can't be had at home. Dunno what else. Oh, I'd definitely want to try the arcade versions of Mario Kart and F-Zero.

In the classics area, gimme Galaga, Aero Fighters, R-Type, Life Force/Salamander (any good shoot 'em up really) and Robotron. Emulation is nice yet I only have a 17" monitor on the system.

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Hmm... that's a toughie. Most of what I play in arcades more than anything else are light gun games, shmups, and the occasional fighting game. So, I'm going to go with...

  1. Raiden
  2. Gauntlet
  3. Time Crisis 4
  4. Street Fighter 3
  5. Star Wars Trilogy Arcade
  6. House of the Dead 4
  7. Guilty Gear XX Reload (was there an arcade release of this game?)
  8. Macross Plus (the one that was sort of a 19xx-alike - that one - I thought it was fun.)
  9. 1942 (sharing the love amongst the franchise).
  10. Street Fighter 2 Turbo


Now playing: 1UP.com Staff - Retronauts Podcast Episode 49

via FoxyTunes

Edited by Count_Zero
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  KiwiArcader said:
I am currently building an arcade machine from scratch.

I have based the design on the old Taito Trimline cabinet ....


.... but instead of the 12" tube I have adjusted the size to incorporate a vertically oriented 19" LCD PC monitor. To get the monitor to synch to the 15khtz output of the JAMMA harness I have a RGBS to VGA convertor. I have Raiden Fighters and Contra PCB's and the output is stunning on the LCD. This will make the cabinet a lot lighter and easier to move around while avoiding the color issues associated with tubes and also removing 25,000volts out of the cabinet.

I will probably build a second unit for horizontal games if this one works out well as I have created MDF templates, making it easy to replicate.

Geez .... there are so many more I like. Maybe I should just MAME the arcade machine with a J-Pac?

It isn't the 25k volts I would worry about if I were you...those old tubes put out like 15 amps. That is enough to make every internal organ boil in like 3 tenths of a second. Be careful with the RGBS to VGA convertor. I had a couple of them blow up on me. There really is no other way if you are using JAMMA though. If you ever see the screen brightness change more then once a play cycle then you want to replace the convertor.

I have a bunch of old Jamma boards laying around. Most require specialized harnesses (Like Ghouls and Ghosts), but if you have a list of what you are looking for I might have it. (I quit making arcade cabinets a long time ago).

I think making a MAME cabinet is always a lot of fun. Problem there is finding a front end program (the one that lists the games and lets you choose them.) All of the places I look ask for like $500.00 to make one for you. If you can find a good front end program for cheap MAME is awesome.

P.S. No, you can NOT have my Street Fighter 2 BlackBelt addition where you can play as Sheng Long. (It was a hacked board that appeared at the height of SFII madness and encorporated the long hilarious EGM April Fools joke. Not only can you play as Sheng Long (Ryu mentions him in his post battle victory screen of "You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance." but you can also do most moves in mid air as well as several other wierd effects.))

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  Hidinger said:
It isn't the 25k volts I would worry about if I were you...those old tubes put out like 15 amps. That is enough to make every internal organ boil in like 3 tenths of a second. Be careful with the RGBS to VGA convertor. I had a couple of them blow up on me. There really is no other way if you are using JAMMA though. If you ever see the screen brightness change more then once a play cycle then you want to replace the convertor.

I have a bunch of old Jamma boards laying around. Most require specialized harnesses (Like Ghouls and Ghosts), but if you have a list of what you are looking for I might have it. (I quit making arcade cabinets a long time ago).

Street Fighter games never, ever entered my mind as far as games I want go .... apart from Soul Edge/Calibur I can't stand them. Sorry ... hehe ... couldn't stand them on the Dreamcast either.

I did obtain a few weeks ago some non-Jamma PCB's cheaply. The working ones are quite esoteric ... Donkey Kong Jr, Car Action, Zippy Race, Battles[Xevious clone], Kungfu Master to name a few. I have got the cabinet being cut at the present time off the templates for the Taito trimline I created. Ad yep ... Donkey Kong Jr looks fabulous colorwise on the LCD monitor :-)

Also got a U.N Squadron JAMMA to go with my Raiden Fighters which is working perfectly so I'm pretty happy with that one too. But the Donkey Kong Jr is going into the first cabinet. I have wired it so I can use any PCB in the cabinet using identically wired plugs so it isn't an issue as long as I know the correct pinout on the PCB.

Thanks for the offer on some JAMMA pcb's but I'm guessing even the postage costs alone to New Zealand would be horrendous on top of what you might want for a PCB considering the way the NZ $ is looking against the US $ currently. Sucks badly living on the edge of the world .... Sigh!!!

If the convertor blows I'll get a different model and if that craps out too I'll probably MAME it. Not going back to tube monitors again ... too scary ... or I might look at one of those expensive arcade LCD's that do 15khtz natively.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the moment these are the games I have in my Arcade Cabinets

Super Street Fighter 2

Neo Geo MVS 4-Slot w/ King of Fighters 2003, Bust A Move, Metal Slug X, Fatal Fury: REAL BOUT 2

Neo Geo MVS 6-Slot w/ King of Fighters 95, King of the Monsters, Samurai Showdown, Metal Slug 2, a bowling game, and a golf game (not turf masters)

Soul Edge

The games that I have Jamma Boards for are. . .

Marvel Vs. Capcom

Time Killers

Super High Impact Football



WWF Superstars

Sega Titan VS-1 board w/ Die Hard Arcade and some winter sports game.

The Games I have MVS Cartridges for are

Kof 94,95,98,03

World Heroes

Samurai Showdown 1, 2

3 Count Bout

Fatal Fury 3

Art of Fighting 3

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  • 1 month later...

A lot of these were yoinked from others, but I thought they were great choices! No particular order of importance.

DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution 7thMix

Street Fighter 4

Metal Slug(collection if possible)

Crime Busters

TMNT 4 Player

Star Wars w. cockpit


Mortal Kombat II

Terminator 2

House of the Dead 4

Speaking of dram arcades, if you don't know how to go about putting together your own, I used to live with a family in CA who owned a business called SuperAuctions and they would auction off all kinds of arcade machines for cheap! They had all kinds, rare, common, vintage, new. Check them out sometime if you're interested, they have shows all over the US and possibly the world now! They do great business and you can get arcade machines for cheap!!

Edited by Mister Zero
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In no particular order...

1: Sunset Riders, for fun and frantic four player side scrolling shooting.


. A little short, and really repetitive, but a fun way to fight for freedom wherever there is trouble.

3: Super Burgertime. I did like the original, but Super is just more colorful and fun. Plus it has actual sound, and isn't hair pulling difficult.

4: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The original arcade game, not Turtles in Time. Time was superior when it was ported to the SNES.

5: Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow of Mystara. Speaking of beat-em ups, here's a classic one from Capcom. Notable because of the titular roleplay elements. Also, Thief is a hottie.


. The classic game with the saucy title got a 90s revamp, and it's just so much fun to play.


. Though not Arcade games technically, you'd be stupid to have a dream arcade with NO pinball!

8: Aerofighters (any number). Your classic vertical shooter format. Get a friend over for wonderful fun frying over the jungle.

I'll admit, I'm hard pressed to name two more. What to pick? Ms Pac-Man? Joust? Sinistar? Dragon's Lair? There's simply too many to name and narrow it down to...


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  Roger said:
In no particular order...

4: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The original arcade game, not Turtles in Time. Time was superior when it was ported to the SNES.

Only recently I've found out that there was an arcade version of Turtles in Time. I have

only played the SNES version so far and I recomend it. If the arcade version provides

at least the same level of fun plus being able to play with 3 other friends simultaneously,

it should rock. I'll try it sometime and see why you did not like it.

  Roger said:
5: Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow of Mystara. Speaking of beat-em ups, here's a classic one from Capcom. Notable because of the titular roleplay elements. Also, Thief is a hottie.


You know, I really like this game (bu then again, it is very hard to find a quarter eating

brawler that I would not like), but I have never seen it on any local arcades. And the

RPG elements you mention is more on the side of chosing a different character and the

monsters names than anything else. Deep down, it is still a Final Fight. A very good one


As for my choices, I would probably fill the room with classic quarter-eaters like TMNT,

Final Fight, Alien vs Predator, Punisher, Dungeons and Dragons (both), Vendetta and

even Simpsons

Having Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo would also be essential. There is no better way

of proving your the alpha male on the arcade realm than beating everybody else on


And of course one of those linked cabinet racing games. With at least 8 cabinets. The

one I saw the mostd here in Brazil was Daytona USA and I'd be very happy with it,

but there are probably better games out there.

Oh, and I really liked that Indy racing games where the cabinet had 3 wheels and you

saw the whole race from a bird eye view. Very simple, very fun. And if you remember

this game and like it, I highly recomend a japanese SNES game which name I forgot

right now that is pretty much like this game, but with powerups and up to 4 players

simultaneously (plus the AI). Excelent!!!!

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Just bought another load of arcade pcb's locally and got a few 100% working games to go into my cab .... Robocop, Quarth, Cadash, Silkworm, Wild Fang, Stinger, Crime City & a couple of others.

Also got a couple of classics including Terra Cresta with minor graphic glitches and also a heap of PCB's not going. Owning them allows for their use legally in a MAME cabinet & at $2 each I'm not complaining at all. Somewhat of a nice feeling knowing the game you are playing is legal....

I might be visiting my brother in MD this year too so if I do I may be doing a bit of arcade PCB buying while over there to add to the collection. :-)

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