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Where Have All The Arcades Gone?!


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Myself being a product of the mid 70's, my childhood was during the boom of the coin-op mega arcades, rows upon rows of all the best games you could imagine with their flashing demo screens saying "Pick me pick me i'm the best game for your quarter!!"

Nowadays there isn't a one arcade in my town and when we travel the "arcades" I find have 5 or 6 games in them and they are the oversized ones that cost 1 or 2 bucks a play. yeah I know they are probally great games and all but it's not the same as I remember it to be.

So I was wondering if it's the same everywhere or are there still some awesome arcades out there with a good mix of new and retro games.

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There's a nice long article in the latest EDGE magazine (UK magainze) about a huge arcade just North of Boston that has all the classics in perfect shape. It's been in business for over 50 years and is still hanging around just fine. The magazine has a gray cover with the Xbox 360 logo with the new avatars looking at it. You can find the mag at your local Barnes & Noble.

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I live in Southern California. There's got to be an arcade around here...

There are a few promising leads, though like ROCKSTAR6000 was saying, I wouldn't be surprised if most of these were filled with expensive games and DDR variations.

When I was living up in Utah there was a great nickel arcade in Orem that had all the old games. Most of them were in really good condition and they all cost only a nickel.

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unfortunately the arcades have been of the the recipe of entertainment theses days , people these days want to experience longer more involving stories. Its a shame , i mean don't get me wrong its kool and all that we have releases such as Zelda and Mario and i can not forget my favorite Metroid, but still thought i miss the days that can go into the arcade and face to face own this noob at street fighter 2 or king of fighter. unfortunately the only places that u can find arcades in these days is some old place that is about to close here in we have one arcade in the city. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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In Indiana we have some arcades in malls and at amusement parks but like you said the price is to steep for me to play these days. I remember playing track and field for a quarter back in the day. Not anymore. I think arcades are to shooter or driving oriented. Bring back the pinball machines and side scrollers.

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Well, a quarter wasn't that bad when games cost 50 dollars on average. But nowdays you got to pay 1 or 2 dollars to play a game but you can buy a game for 10 in a pawn shop, or 20 for brand new.

I'm glad home technology finally caught up to arcades. I always hated how home ports were inferior to the arcade counterparts. Now we can play stuff at homes.

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There is a really rad arcade in Portland, Or that I goto whenever I can. Its full of classic arcade games and pins and the best part is after 7pm its 21 and over and they serve beer and wine. Check out their website below. Also there is a nickel arcade called wunderland that I visit every once in a while, also in Portland, OR.


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