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What Did U Like Best About Super Metroid!


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what part of super Metorid did u like the best ,whether its a cut scene or stage anything ? (as long as it is in super Metroid)

three things

1) the mother brain soundtrack after she gets the body attachment.

2) the Ridley fight , it just pumped me up there was no strategy for me it was just a slug fest, hit him with all of wat u have got.

3) the hatchling Metroid when it came and saved me that was so kool

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Am I allowed to say "everything"? I didn't actually play this game until last year and I was completely entranced by it. I spent all of my free time (and some that should have been devoted to something else) on this game until I beat it. The music is great, the graphics are great and so is the game play. Awesome.

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The start cause there is still about 2 and a hours hours to go :P

But seriously, The way the game forces you to advance based on the items you've collected, the music, the "screwattack" upgrade, the way the ice beam can be used to freeze enemies for use as step to out of reach places!!

Awesome bosses that you fear when you don't have enough ammo for!! I could go on forever about this one!!


Thank you to EGM putting me on to the game with there TOP 100 list in EGM 150 - (Which I still have now)

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  • 1 month later...

I really loved the atmosphere in this game.

The graphics and especially the music helped to create a kind of menacing atmosphere.

I also liked the way that you could get a little further into the game each time you acquired another upgrade to the suit.

Every thing in this game, from graphics, sounds, level design and every thing else is just amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Phillyman said:
*hangs his head* have never played Super Metroid.....not even on an emulator :(

Do you have a Wii? Super Metroid is $8 on the Wii Virtual Console ;)

AND you don't have to worry about the save battery dying on the VC version. <_< (SNES save batteries are supposed to last around 10 years and Super Metroid came out in 1994 - 14 years ago)

Heck, if you buy a converter from retrousb.com, you can play Super Metroid on the Wii VC with a SNES controller! Neato.

Oh and my favorite SM moment is probably getting the Grappling Hook. *swings from ceiling* WHEEE!


Edited by dhowerter
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  • 2 weeks later...

Super Metroid is one of my favourite games of all time, and I'm glad I was able to experience it as one of the very first SNES games I played (it came bundled with my system) - as opposed to having to check it out years later via emulation or something. I have many fond memories and I still replay the game very regularly. It holds up very well today in terms of design and gameplay.

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The biggest thing i liked is that i was the first person to rent it from a local movie place. I spent two days roaming around exploring, and spontaneously had my game erase (with a ridiculous time--something like 21:24?)right when i was in Tourian.

Flustered, i started over, and beat the whole game (in a very cathartic) two and a half hours.

And of course, the metroid hatchling/Hyper beam that beat the living butt out of Mother Brain sequence is still on my list of top moments in a game ever.

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