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What Was The First Mario Game You Beat?


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Super Mario World was the first Mario game I beat.

That game was my entire life for a couple of weeks as a kid, and I still think it's the best Mario game of all time.

The first Mario game I played was Super Mario Bros. 3 and while I was never able to beat it, I sure had a great time trying.

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It was Yoshi's Island on SNES.

In fact the first mario game I played was Super Mario World but I wasn't able to finish it because in world 4 I wasn't able to find the next level to go after the ghost house. There was probably a secret exit I wasn't able to find or something.

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  dhowerter said:
Super Mario Land 1 for original Game Boy :)

Lovely ending, too bad the game had no SAVE feature <_<

I still have my original cart of SML tho ^_^

Oh my goodness, I had forgotten about that. The last level, where you fly the airplane was awesome too. Didn't you get a level select once you beat the game...but sadly you would lose the level select when you powered off (no save feature means it doesn't remember you beating the game).

Lets remake THAT game for the Wii.

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Although it took me some time to do I believe it was the first SMB. I had it before the others. Yes, with warps. After that was probably part 3 as some friends and I used to take turns working through the game after school. I never owned a copy of 2 until a couple years back when I was rebuilding my collections. I rented it several times back in the day.

Anyway as of yesterday when I finally completed Galaxy I can say I own and have beaten every official Mario game to date. From NES to Wii, GB to DS. Including many of the spinoffs like the Paper/RPG games. That includes all gates in SMW and 120 stars in both 64 and Galaxy. 2 years ago when it was too hot to sit up here I was playing NES on my laptop (in the AC) and went through the first 3 Mario games in full - no warps.

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That's weird. I thought I had replied in this thread already. Guess I didn't.

Since the Arcade Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr keep on repeating as well as the Game&Watch versions which were the very first videogame systems I owned back in the day they came out.

My first one would have to be Super Mario Bros on the NES.

I remember that it took me a long time though and that I had broken 2 controllers in the process. Whenever I died, I used to bang them on my knee until after lots of abuse they were both busted.

But even in those early days Nintendo got the best customer service ever and replaced them for free. :)

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  joerocks1981 said:
Mario 2. And then 3.

It wasn't until much later that i learned how to land that stupid jump in 8-2 in the original. YOU know the one.

2 very small platforms directly after a pipe leading into a required run-jump. Yeah. I know the one. For some reason it isn't nearly as bad after you get it the first time. But that first time can be a-nnoy-ing

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  Crazylightsaber said:
Super Mario Bros on the NES. World 8-4 was hard as hell.

Yeah if I think back to my youth I remember trying to get past 8-3 and getting so upset with the game. And now I can get through the game just about with my eyes closed. Takes just under 5 min to get through the entire game. Pretty close for mario 2 as well. I think that one took about 10 min or so, I really can't remember.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Super Mario Bros. Hard as hell, but it was all we had for a long time. Eventually, Mario 2 worked its way in, and I was all over that because how cartoony and fun it was.

I was speechless the Christmas I got Super Mario Bros 3. I don't even remember how long it took me to beat that game... just that it was the biggest Mario moment ever for me. I didn't see Super Mario World until much later... likely in Nintendo Power 28. But to play it for real? Man, not until emulators, I think... or my friend's house. I never got a Super until much later.

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