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What Was The First Game That U Mastered On Snes


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recall the days u when u were 11 or so and write about the first game that u have totally mastered, describe something that u did in the game to provve ur mastery?

i would have to say street fighter 2 (champion edtion) , what happened is that i started playing with my older cousin and i started pulling of the 2 punch then dragon punch combo without any problems and at any time i wanted to of course unless he wasnt blocking like a vagina (pardon my language). thats when i just knew that i have already mastered it . it also felt so good beatin my older cousin with style.

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My brother always dominated us on SF 2 and most of the other two-player games on the SNES. The one game that I dominated at was Faceball. I don't think that game would stand up to the test of time now, but back in the day it was pretty cool. It was pretty much the first FPS. After a while no one wanted to play with me because I was unbeatable. I can't say the same thing about future FPS's though.

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I owned at Smash TV.

It took me a long time to master it because it was a hard game, but the more i played it, the more skilled i got.

It also had some benefits being good at Smash TV.

My friends always liked to play with me because i would save their butts all the time:p

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  BoOYa said:
I owned at Smash TV.

It took me a long time to master it because it was a hard game, but the more i played it, the more skilled i got.

It also had some benefits being good at Smash TV.

My friends always liked to play with me because i would save their butts all the time:p

That is impressive as that game could be down right stupid hard. It doesn't seem to be at first but it could easily get out of control and kill you off. (Kinda like trying to beat the original Contra on one life...Contra is super easy with the cheat code but because of that you don't realize that you actually die a few times in completing it).

I think the first one I mastered was Pilot Wings. Something about the bonus diving things made me come back for more and more....and of course Pilot Wings DID have a jet-pack and that is just cool.

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MK2 Man! that's such a good conversion! Did you know about the alternate soundtrack? When you you reset the machine The sound effects and the music change. I can only play the game on very hard, the other levels got too easy in the end.

I Love going Cage.

Edited by Greenhett
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  • 1 month later...

Street Fighter 2 was the first game that I really mastered on the Snes.

I wasn't that amazing at it but then I started putting in some long practise session's and I was soon regularly beating most of my friend's.

You never forget your first combo.

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I too would have to say F-Zero or Zelda. I played those 2 games the most out of all my SNES games. Those and Mario World were the first 3 games I got when I bought my SNES. Now if I got back and play F-Zero I would probably get my butt handed to me but I could get through Zelda finding everything in very little time and with eyes closed.

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I was a bit older than 11 when the SNES was around, but still not quite an adult. Anyway, the first thing I played through and found all the secrets in was Final Fantasy II (now properly known as FFIV). Other than that, I think the only one I got trough completely was Super Mario World. Then I got my first computer, and my consoles started collecting dust.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Schloss Ritter said:
I was a bit older than 11 when the SNES was around, but still not quite an adult. Anyway, the first thing I played through and found all the secrets in was Final Fantasy II (now properly known as FFIV). Other than that, I think the only one I got trough completely was Super Mario World. Then I got my first computer, and my consoles started collecting dust.

I remember renting FF II and beating it on a weekend. Though as I found out later when FFIV was released the Americanized FFII was actually dumbed down and easier than it's Japanese counterpart. (Never did master that game though.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Zelda was the first game I beat 2 days after starting it. I don't recall if I found everything though, so if it means completely owning a game it'd be Megaman X. That game was too fun and the patterns easy enough to figure out. I can beat the whole game without using the special weapons unless necessary to advance.

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  Kreig Iron said:
Super Mario Kart, using Koopa Troopa!

I would have to say Super Mario World. I had teh first 2 "worlds" mastered just from playing the demo box they had at Target a few months before the game came out. Sadly the dang thing reset after about 15 minutes...so beating world 2 was actually a feat in that reguard. There were probably several others that came after, but just the bright colors and different gameplay made me master SMW first. Besides, everyone loves Yoshi.

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