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Worst Game Ever!


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What is the worst game you have ever played?

Did anyone ever play those Wisdom Tree bible-themed games for NES? I played one or two of them at friends house back when I was a wee lad and they were pretty bad.

I'd have to say that Thrill Kill was pretty bad too. Yeah, I know that it wasn't ever released and the version that is floating around out there was still in developement, but still, it's pretty bad in every way.

I would also have to say that nearly all of the Sega CD games that I have ever played were pretty bad. I can't believe I wasted my hard-earned lawn mowing money on that system.

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What is the worst game you have ever played?

Did anyone ever play those Wisdom Tree bible-themed games for NES? I played one or two of them at friends house back when I was a wee lad and they were pretty bad.

I'd have to say that Thrill Kill was pretty bad too. Yeah, I know that it wasn't ever released and the version that is floating around out there was still in developement, but still, it's pretty bad in every way.

I would also have to say that nearly all of the Sega CD games that I have ever played were pretty bad. I can't believe I wasted my hard-earned lawn mowing money on that system.

Thrill Kill wasn't THAT bad. I mean it was a funny idea. IF you took it as a serious fighting game then yes, it was horrible. If you took it as something completly random and funny then it was actually pretty good. Something about a midget on stilts shoving his stilts down someones mouth as a "finisher" was funny.

I would have to say, not to agree with the common belief but because I have actually beat it, E.T. for the Atari is the most epic fail. Something about a brown box pushing a smaller box upward and causing both brown boxes to fly didn't make sense. Also the random falling into holes where sometimes there was candy other times some guy in a suit didn't make sense either. Actually, after the title screen nothing made sense. You just moved your box around and that is about it.

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Thrill Kill wasn't THAT bad. I mean it was a funny idea. IF you took it as a serious fighting game then yes, it was horrible. If you took it as something completly random and funny then it was actually pretty good. Something about a midget on stilts shoving his stilts down someones mouth as a "finisher" was funny.

OK, yeah, I have to admit that I actually kind of like Thrill Kill. I need to feign a little moral outrage, though. You know, just to maintain my upstanding image and all.

I would have to say, not to agree with the common belief but because I have actually beat it, E.T. for the Atari is the most epic fail. Something about a brown box pushing a smaller box upward and causing both brown boxes to fly didn't make sense. Also the random falling into holes where sometimes there was candy other times some guy in a suit didn't make sense either. Actually, after the title screen nothing made sense. You just moved your box around and that is about it.

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about E.T. Not only did that and the Atari port of PacMan completely suck, but they also nearly put the final nail in the coffin of the videogame industry. Where it not for Nintendo saving the industry a few years later, we would all have had to find some other hobby.

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The worst game ever made? Pit Fighter for the SNES, hands down. Super Play tried to warn me of how horrid it really was, but my thought process was 'Street Fighter was good, so why not Pit Fighter?'. Rented and returned within 1 hour, I think that's a record for me.

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Back in the day we used to try to find the "Dragon Power" for every system. That was the title we would give to the worst game we could find on a system. That was an exaggeration tho, there's worst games I've played, like Robocop 2. Robocop 2 had afew reddeming qualities but Robocop had crisco on his feet or something cause when you stop moving he continues sliding a bit. And it usually caused cheap deaths.

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