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1st Rpg Game You Ever Played...


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Final Fantasy II on the Super NES. My parents and I thought it was a weird game at first, but eventually it became something we all got hooked on. And the last time I checked, my save file was still in tact. I never managed to get the adamant ore from the Pink Puffs in that one room near the end of the game though...

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This isn´t a RPG pure, but... was my fisrt experience in this type of genre: Zelda 2 The Adventure Of Link, my fisrt RPG pure was Final Fantasy III for SNES (Final Fantasy VI in Japan). Others good games were Secret Of Mana, Illusion Of Gaia, All Zelda , All Final Fantasy for NES, SNES and GB....

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I remember renting Final Fantasy II (IV) when I was about 7, but I just couldn't appreciate it then because of my age and the fact that english isn't my first language and I was barely starting to learn it. So, the first RPG I really got into was probably Breath of Fire a few years later, but the first one that truly captivated me was Chrono Trigger.

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I can't quite remember which was my first RPG... it was either Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on the SNES or Phantasy Star 2 on the Megadrive.

The 'proper' Final Fantasy games were never released in the UK at the time, so I wanted to snatch up anything FF related after reading so much about them in the wonderful Super Play magazine.

I bought my Phantasy Star 2 cart second hand, and it didn't come with a manual, so I found it a bit harder to get into, especially as all the spells had non intuitive names!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest I don't remember what the first (video game) RPG that I played was. It had to either be Ys on the PC or some other game that I don't remember the name of that was also an old EGA PC game. My first console RPG game would have been Phantasy Star on the SMS and also the first RPG that I would have beaten. Still to this day is in my top 5 RPGs of all time if not one of the top 2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm if we're counting action/RPGs then it would be the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

If we're not, then it would be Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNES).

Unfortunately, when I played FFMQ the first time, I was kind of expecting something similar to ALTTP (real-time combat) and was sorely disppointed.

SEVERAL years later (and when I was a bit wiser) I got FFMQ again and beat it :D

VERY simple RPG, minimal story, but it has KICKBUTT battle music (and pretty good music in general actually)


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The first to play... Chrono Trigger, I remember I've played it one month before the US Release, It had a wonderful gameplay, even if I could't understand the text, because it was totally in English and I am a non-native english speaker, and I was just 10. Its incredible the impact that this game made on my mind.

The first to beat..., Super Mario RPG: The Legends of the Seven Stars, playerd two years later than Chrono, and, thanks to early english courses, I understood almost all the story ;)

Thanks Square!

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