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Diddy Kong Racing Player's Guide


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Hello there, I'm a member of a particular forum doing something called a "Let's Play." Essentially, it is footage of a game with commentary. I have been looking to do Diddy Kong Racing but have realized that I might not have enough information about the game to provide a satisfying commentary. I have searched high and low for the Player's Guide and even downloaded the Nintendo Power Volume 103 magazine from this site in order to extract some sort of information.

All I would like to know is if, in the Player's Guide's 128 pages, whether or not there is information about tracks and made up histories and such (much like there is in the Star Fox 64 Player's Guide about planets.) If anyone could enlighten me on where to find it or, better yet, supply me with the pages to the Player's Guide, it would be much appreciated. I do not have an eBay account at the moment, and I'm not sure how long it would take for any guide to ship.

As I scavanged within my room to find my old DKR Guide, I did manage to find Nintendo Power Volume 136 which I noticed was absent from the downloads page. I would happily supply it to you if I had a scanner. At the moment, I do not have one. But if I knew anything about the status of the Player's Guide, it might be an incentive to get me to find a friend with a working scanner and help you guys out.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Even if a "no" is the reply, an answer would be appreciated.

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I just purchased a lot of mags from EBAY and this is one of the guides in it. And Diddy Kong Racing is in this lot. Let me know if I can get you any information.



Hello there, I'm a member of a particular forum doing something called a "Let's Play." Essentially, it is footage of a game with commentary. I have been looking to do Diddy Kong Racing but have realized that I might not have enough information about the game to provide a satisfying commentary. I have searched high and low for the Player's Guide and even downloaded the Nintendo Power Volume 103 magazine from this site in order to extract some sort of information.

All I would like to know is if, in the Player's Guide's 128 pages, whether or not there is information about tracks and made up histories and such (much like there is in the Star Fox 64 Player's Guide about planets.) If anyone could enlighten me on where to find it or, better yet, supply me with the pages to the Player's Guide, it would be much appreciated. I do not have an eBay account at the moment, and I'm not sure how long it would take for any guide to ship.

As I scavanged within my room to find my old DKR Guide, I did manage to find Nintendo Power Volume 136 which I noticed was absent from the downloads page. I would happily supply it to you if I had a scanner. At the moment, I do not have one. But if I knew anything about the status of the Player's Guide, it might be an incentive to get me to find a friend with a working scanner and help you guys out.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Even if a "no" is the reply, an answer would be appreciated.

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Oh thank you. Is there any way you can get the pages scanned or would I be able to relay information back and forth for a couple weeks. I just wanna show some background information of characters and any neat info about the locales you race around (not like tips and tricks, but like history and such). I tore up my room and asked my brother about it and it turns out he sold the guide when he sold the N64. So I would very much appreciate information from the guide.

Thank you again for replying, I just couldn't find it anywhere in my house or on the internet.

Edited by Lyrax
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