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Looking For Older Nintendo Power Posters


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Hi, I'm new here, and after searching around for hours on eBay and some other sites decided that this seemed like a good place to post. Here's the situation: I am currently on a quest to completely wallpaper my hallway with old Nintendo posters, images from instruction manuals, and so on. The problem is, I'm somewhat selective and only want posters of games I have played/liked. The bulk of the posters I am using (roughly 45 posters so far) come from old Nintendo Power magazines I have that I have cut out and laminated. After looking back through the posters offered in some of the older Nintendo Powers that are missing from my collection, there are a few I would like to have. The problem is, the only way to find them on eBay that I have been able to determine is to buy a huge lot of something like 130 issues, from which I don't really want any of the magazines, and only about 15 of the posters. I suppose I could buy it, cut out the posters, and resell the magazines, but that seems like kind of a pain in the butt. So, I was wondering if anyone here either had any of these old posters that they wanted to sell to me, or could suggest a place where I could find them/purchase them that doesn't involve buying hundreds of mags for a few posters. I've never done any purchases through a forum before, and I know its my first post, but I suppose it's fairly low risk on the end of someone selling me posters as I would pay them beforehand - in other words, I am only looking to buy, not sell, so there wouldn't really be much a way I could gyp anyone. I am familiar with paypal and would be willing to send payment that way, so if you have any of the posters I need, let me know and we can work out a price. That being said, here are the ones I am trying to find:

From issue #6 - Megaman II poster

From issue #11 - Super C poster

From issue #12 - Final Fantasy poster

From issue #18 - Megaman III poster

From issue #22 - Battletoads poster

Form issue #23 - Sim City poster

From issue #24 - Tailspin poster

From issue #26 - Metroid poster

From issue #27 - Star Wars poster

From issue #31 - TMNT III poster

From issue #45 - Star Fox SNES poster

From issue #47 - Battletoads/Double Dragon poster

From issue #52 - Mortal Kombat CE poster

From issue #53 - Secret of Mana poster

From issue #68 - Megaman X2 poster

Again, I'm just after the posters, not the whole magazine, so if you don't mind having a magazine without the poster that works for me. However, if you would prefer to sell me the whole magazine, I would not be opposed to that if that is the only way for me to obtain the poster. If this is in the wrong forum, I apologize, just let me know and I'll move it. Thanks for looking, and if you can help me in any way, please let me know. Thanks again,


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As an alternative, I have a lot of posters/issues of Nintendo Power that are duplicates to me, so if anyone has any of the posters/issues I am looking for and would be willing to trade for an issue they need, let me know what issue you're looking for. I have about 110 issues I would be willing to trade, so if you have one I'm looking for (see my first post) let me know which one you're looking for and maybe it can work out. I really want to complete my poster wall!



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Hi, I'm new here, and after searching around for hours on eBay and some other sites decided that this seemed like a good place to post. Here's the situation: I am currently on a quest to completely wallpaper my hallway with old Nintendo posters, images from instruction manuals, and so on. The problem is, I'm somewhat selective and only want posters of games I have played/liked. The bulk of the posters I am using (roughly 45 posters so far) come from old Nintendo Power magazines I have that I have cut out and laminated. After looking back through the posters offered in some of the older Nintendo Powers that are missing from my collection, there are a few I would like to have. The problem is, the only way to find them on eBay that I have been able to determine is to buy a huge lot of something like 130 issues, from which I don't really want any of the magazines, and only about 15 of the posters. I suppose I could buy it, cut out the posters, and resell the magazines, but that seems like kind of a pain in the butt. So, I was wondering if anyone here either had any of these old posters that they wanted to sell to me, or could suggest a place where I could find them/purchase them that doesn't involve buying hundreds of mags for a few posters. I've never done any purchases through a forum before, and I know its my first post, but I suppose it's fairly low risk on the end of someone selling me posters as I would pay them beforehand - in other words, I am only looking to buy, not sell, so there wouldn't really be much a way I could gyp anyone. I am familiar with paypal and would be willing to send payment that way, so if you have any of the posters I need, let me know and we can work out a price. That being said, here are the ones I am trying to find:

From issue #6 - Megaman II poster

From issue #11 - Super C poster

From issue #12 - Final Fantasy poster

From issue #18 - Megaman III poster

From issue #22 - Battletoads poster

Form issue #23 - Sim City poster

From issue #24 - Tailspin poster

From issue #26 - Metroid poster

From issue #27 - Star Wars poster

From issue #31 - TMNT III poster

From issue #45 - Star Fox SNES poster

From issue #47 - Battletoads/Double Dragon poster

From issue #52 - Mortal Kombat CE poster

From issue #53 - Secret of Mana poster

From issue #68 - Megaman X2 poster

Again, I'm just after the posters, not the whole magazine, so if you don't mind having a magazine without the poster that works for me. However, if you would prefer to sell me the whole magazine, I would not be opposed to that if that is the only way for me to obtain the poster. If this is in the wrong forum, I apologize, just let me know and I'll move it. Thanks for looking, and if you can help me in any way, please let me know. Thanks again,


The best way in my opinion is to download the issue from Retro Mags, and then print it off the computer. Thats what I do except I print smaller versions so I don't waste ink and I can stare at all of them while im playing my games :D

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