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Not sure if this is the best section to post so apologies if its not.

I just recently rediscovered the site and have signe dup since im a huge fan of old videogame magazines but my previous experience has been more with the computer side of things rather than consoles.

Obviously im aware of EGM and VERY excited to read through those but what else is recommended? I'm pretty much intereste din anything with PC gaming being lower on the rungs. If anyone can tell me whats the good stuff it'd be greatly appreciated!

Thanks and thanks to everyone whos working on building this site - i have subscribed to a lifelong membership as i want to give something back since i cant actually contribute in terms of scanning or editing..


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Oh i mustnt have been clear. I'm intereste din what are the good magazines on the site ...particularly which of the console magazines are the best to read. Obviously im aware of and have collected EGM in the past - but what are the other must read magazines?

Never owned a c64! for shame.. ;)

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Video Games and Computer Entertainment (I think there is one issue up so far) it is under the MISC section

Game Players (older, as in DOS computer games, but still good)


EGM (console specific, not computers, as in PSOne, N64 and such)

PC Games (computer specific, quite interesting here and there)

Those are some good ones to get started on. Hope that helps.

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I just recently rediscovered the site and have signe dup since im a huge fan of old videogame magazines but my previous experience has been more with the computer side of things rather than consoles.

I think the main reason that there's no computer mags here is that they (Commodore, Sinclair, Amstrad, etc.) are all well represented elsewhere. I can't speak for everyone, but it seems that scanners tend to concentrate on mags that aren't around anywhere, especially console mags.

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