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The guy with the early set of Gamefan issues has decided to go up on the price, now he wants $250 just for the first issue. I told them to forget it, he is just trying to wring out as much money as possible on it. He did let me see the issue and check out the condition but I just can't see dealing with this guy. Sucks too.

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Thanks for upping PSExtreme, unfortunately I cannot DL from site. I want to help but no scanner. I'd be willing to send some to whomever is willing to scan them. I have tons of mags I've recollected over the years. But if I mailed out mags I would like to DL copy of them after upped. Anybody interested?

As you might have noticed I'm a bit behind with uploading the magazines to rapidshare, but I'm working on that as we speak.

Check the Retromags News section for updates on that.

I'm hoping on getting almost everything on RS this week, but I'm not sure if I have enough bandwidth left for that.

Once everything is up and you notice a magazine that doesn't have a RS link or where the RS link is broken, send me a PM and I'll do my best to get one up ASAP.

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As you might have noticed I'm a bit behind with uploading the magazines to rapidshare, but I'm working on that as we speak.

Check the Retromags News section for updates on that.

I'm hoping on getting almost everything on RS this week, but I'm not sure if I have enough bandwidth left for that.

Once everything is up and you notice a magazine that doesn't have a RS link or where the RS link is broken, send me a PM and I'll do my best to get one up ASAP.

Thank you. Also gonna send triverse some mags for scanning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gamefan Volume 3 Issue 3 March 1995 is uploaded and verified, ready for reading. I have gotten much better at the editing part of this (amazing what you can learn with GIMP when you just fiddle fart around, lol). Hope everyone enjoys it. It is a much much better quality release than my earlier Gamefans (pages are a lot more straight and aligned correctly, the overal blur is gone now and text is sharper). I plan to some day go back and redo the earlier releases I did in this better quality.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I have learned a lot with editing with gimp and editing in general, my question is, the pic below is a rescan of Gamefan Volume 1 Issue 03 January 1993. The left side is the scan currently available for download, the right half is my rescan of the issue using the new techniques I have learned (mainly how to rotata a page and remove the blur that is inherent in my early work).

My question is, do you, the people downloading these releases, think it is a big enough difference to warrant redoing them? I don't have a problem redoing them, I want to redo them because to me, it is worth the extra effort to have a better release.

Just want to know what everyone else thinks about it.


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Definitely! The difference is very noticeable.

The only part that's still blurry is the far right side of the scan, probably because the magazine is to big for the scanner?

If so you can always scans the page in 2 separate parts and edit it together. Photoshop automated photomerge is very good at this. Not sure of Gimp has such a feature as well.

It does add quite a bit of work though, to scan every page twice and perhaps edit some of them together manually...

It's actually quite funny to me to see someone going through the exact same stages that I went through. :D

I'm still learning after all this time and like I said when you first started out, the best way to learn and get better is by doing lots of editing. After a while you develop certain techniques that work best for you.

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Definitely! The difference is very noticeable.

The only part that's still blurry is the far right side of the scan, probably because the magazine is to big for the scanner?

If so you can always scans the page in 2 separate parts and edit it together. Photoshop automated photomerge is very good at this. Not sure of Gimp has such a feature as well.

It does add quite a bit of work though, to scan every page twice and perhaps edit some of them together manually...

It's actually quite funny to me to see someone going through the exact same stages that I went through. :D

I'm still learning after all this time and like I said when you first started out, the best way to learn and get better is by doing lots of editing. After a while you develop certain techniques that work best for you.

Well, to be honest, meppi, you inspired me to go back and review what I have done before (also, seeing the major difference that I was able to bring out on the first issue of VG&CE I did for TresHombres opened my eyes even more). I am just glad I was able to learn and improve the needed techniques (which will surely improve as time goes on) early before I had, say half of my collection to redo, lol.

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I think it is worth redoing as well. I am curious as how the scans came out blurry to begin with (apart from the area near the spine.

The first 5 or so releases, I used another editing program, not gimp, to resize the pics and they came out like that. They had a slight blur to them from the scanner, but not that bad, applying a sharpen filter of 50 to 75 in gimp clears it up nicely and makes everything nice and clean.

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Gamefan Volume 1 Issue 03 January 1993 redone is uploaded and ready for download. If you have a copy of the old release, you will be able to see a major difference in this new release. If you don't have a copy of the old release, you can view the difference in quality in one of previous posts.


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