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Don't Vote! No Wait, Do Vote! ;)


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I am sure that I speak for millions upon millions of people around the world when I say that all eyes are focussed on the outcome of todays election.

So don't forget to actually go out to vote and make a difference, no matter how small or big it might be.

Have a great day America! :)

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  meppi said:
I am sure that I speak for millions upon millions of people around the world when I say that all eyes are focussed on the outcome of todays election.

So don't forget to actually go out to vote and make a difference, no matter how small or big it might be.

Have a great day America! :)

Yes, I totally agree with Meppi. Even if you live in a state like Illinois which is hopelessly one-sided when it comes to the presidential election, you can still vote in the other elections for States Attorney, Judges, etc. All of these elections are also very important and in some of those races every vote will count a lot.

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  Hidinger said:
Yes, I totally agree with Meppi. Even if you live in a state like Illinois which is hopelessly one-sided when it comes to the presidential election, you can still vote in the other elections for States Attorney, Judges, etc. All of these elections are also very important and in some of those races every vote will count a lot.

That is just what the media has been wanting you to think. They said the same thing for many of the other states when it obviously wasn't true. Anyway I went out early and voted I was in and out in 5-10 min. It was sweet. Never has that ever happened to me. Glad I had today off.

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  MBJ said:
My wife and I arrived at the polls here in Florida an hour before they opened this morning. I'll be attending an election party tonight. Only a couple more hours until we start seeing some numbers!

For some reason I have a feeling this will be very long and drawn out like the last election.

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  • Retromags Curator

I am very happy that "the third time was a charm" , because I voted for Gore and Kerry and both of those times my candidate lost. I believe Obama will take us in a new direction and hopefully he doesn't become corrupted by the system. With him being the first African American elected to the Presidency, I believe that he will do everything in his power to deliver the promises he made, because if he doesn't....he will just prove that no matter what color our President is.....people just lie to get elected and fall back on their word.

Go Obama!

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  • Retromags Curator

He'll never be able to live up to all the hype that's been built up for him, though no one could. Hopefully this will be an eye-opener for ethnics and coloured people who claim they are getting nowhere in life because of the white man. Obama proved them wrong.

Too bad he's a Democrat though. I'd have voted for McCain. But congrats to Obama.

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Fox News, classy as always.

Since I'm on vacation this week, I ended up watching or at least listening the whole day to CNN and other news stations.

Went to check out Fox News for some laughs, but the usual idiots weren't anywhere in sight at the time.

It looked like a regular news channel for a change, so I switched back to CNN+BBC World.

Read about some real embarrassing things that did go on during the day though, and this is just one of them.

Just when you start to think there is still hope for humanity these morons show up. :rolleyes:

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  meppi said:


I couldn't have said it better.

  E-Day said:
By 2012 Sarah Palin may be a lot more capable as a federal politician and candidate than she appears to be now. Don't write her off because of some dumb Saturday Night Live sketches.

Oh hell yeah. I love Palin and I absolutly hated those skits making her look like a total idiot which was further from the truth but so many people that don't know anything about her took that to heart.

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  • Retromags Curator

Pretty sad when some people base their political opinions on comedy sketches instead of important things like debates and whatnot. People found it funny that the jokes were based on Paling being a dumb, pretty woman. I doubt it would have been funny to a lot of people if SNL portrayed Barak Obama as a black drug dealer. People would be crying foul on that one. the only time SNL was good was in the late 90's the one time Jim Carey was hosting. that was awesome.

As for Fox News, I don`t get it with the cable package I have, but from what I seen, it`s a nice change from the leftist stuff on CNN. Wolf Blitzer frothing at the mouth a few months back about the news that Palin's 17-year-old unwed daughter was pregnant was pretty sad. I am curious as to what he wanted Palin or her daughter to do in that situation. I only watch CNN for breaking news on the latest school/shopping mall shooting.

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  E-Day said:
As for Fox News, I don`t get it with the cable package I have, but from what I seen, it`s a nice change from the leftist stuff on CNN.

That's not how I would phrase it...

They do make a good counter to the more liberal news stations, this is true, but all to often they mix it in with pure stupidity, fear mongering and pure hatred. If they would kick out the idiot extremists it would make a pretty good news station, but then it would probably not get the ratings.

A nice synopsis why Fox News is laughed at all the time:

As for Palin, she really has herself to blame the way she seemed clueless in several interviews, which was the reason for the parodies:

But then again, the way Fox shoves everything that went wrong into her shoes to fit their agenda if far from fair either:

I'd much rather watch a "news bulletin" like this one:



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  E-Day said:
Pretty sad when some people base their political opinions on comedy sketches instead of important things like debates and whatnot. People found it funny that the jokes were based on Paling being a dumb, pretty woman. I doubt it would have been funny to a lot of people if SNL portrayed Barak Obama as a black drug dealer. People would be crying foul on that one.

If that were to happen, SNL would have been sued so fast by so many that it would never have been back on the air.

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I'm still waiting for the heavens to open up, the sea levels to lower, and all the world leaders to say "Take our guns and missiles oh holy Obama." I mean seriously, this reaction is so over blown its a joke. Congratulations, the guy won thats great but its really like the second coming is happening. I mean if you want to see the real reaction look at the markets, all down. In fact, yesterday was the worst one day plunge the day after an election ever. Look at what leaders are doing. Putin is coming back to be president of Russia again. Chavez, someone who hates us and wants us all dead, said congratulations to us. Hamas, a terror group that endorsed Obama is now shooting missiles off into Jerusalem again. This guy is in the worst position any human being can be in. I really don't think he understands what is coming.

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