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How Many Magazines Can I Download? (faq Vs Post!)


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Hi there :) I'm new here and a little confused :blink:

In the FAQ here it says a certain number of posts you need to be able to download magazines (as a Newbie? Member? one of those)

BUT in a late October post in the "Download Privileges Reinstated" thread in the Retromags News forum it says this:

"I have reinstated the download permissions for users in the "Members" group, If you are in the "Newbie" group you are still disabled.

Basically I increased the requirement to become a "Member", it used to be 15 posts......now its 25 posts. This change should not effect people who have previously been moved after reaching 15 posts."

SO which is accurate, the FAQ or that post? :) Oh and please also mention:

- during what time period is the number of magazine downloads in effect (per week? per month?)

- HOW MANY magazines you can download per the time period I asked about in #1 :)

ALso, is the $15 Lifetime option still available?

(I assume that means you can ALWAYS download stuff, no matter when it is.)

If you get the lifetime option, is there a limit to the number of downloads per week/month or a MB /GB limit per week/month?



Edited by dhowerter
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Sorry been soo busy scanning ....forgot about this one.

Yes if you have less then 25 posts.....you are stuck with the Rapidshare links. Although I heard that people who contribute on the Wiki by posting up the covers of magazines and listing out the contents of what each magazine reviews ......well sometimes they get promoted......or so I hear :unsure:

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  Phillyman said:
Sorry been soo busy scanning ....forgot about this one.

Yes if you have less then 25 posts.....you are stuck with the Rapidshare links. Although I heard that people who contribute on the Wiki by posting up the covers of magazines and listing out the contents of what each magazine reviews ......well sometimes they get promoted......or so I hear :unsure:

Phillyman -

OK, well I just passed the 25 post mark ^_^

Couple questions I'd like answered:

1. SO as a "member", exactly how many downloads can I do now from THIS site (not rapid share)?

2. And whatever that number is, is it per week? per month?

3. Finally, since I probably won't be able to download ALL the mags I want to read from this site ;), what percentage (roughly) of ALL the mags, guides and manuals that have been scanned currently have Rapid share links?

4. Is it your goal to get rapid share links for ALL the magazine, manual and guide scans on here? Or will some remain non rapid share forever? :-(

5. How long does it usually take for a newly scanned mag / guide /whatever that was just added to this site to get a rapidshare link? A week? A month?, etc.


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  dhowerter said:
Phillyman -

OK, well I just passed the 25 post mark ^_^

Couple questions I'd like answered:

1. SO as a "member", exactly how many downloads can I do now from THIS site (not rapid share)?

2. And whatever that number is, is it per week? per month?

3. Finally, since I probably won't be able to download ALL the mags I want to read from this site ;), what percentage (roughly) of ALL the mags, guides and manuals that have been scanned currently have Rapid share links?

4. Is it your goal to get rapid share links for ALL the magazine, manual and guide scans on here? Or will some remain non rapid share forever? :-(

5. How long does it usually take for a newly scanned mag / guide /whatever that was just added to this site to get a rapidshare link? A week? A month?, etc.


Whew Lots of questions

1) You are a "Member" and you are given 3 downloads per week. Once you hit the download button....even if you cancel right afterwards....it charges you.

2) Per week

3) The Rapidshare account that they are being uploaded to is Meppi's personal one. The benefit of Meppi using his Premium Rapidshare account is that the files are never deleted, so once uploaded.....they are there. If a member uploaded a magazine to a free Rapidshare account.....it would be deleted after 90 days.

4) Yes it is.....we hope to provide multiple ways for our members to download magazines. Maybe we could get a member that would lend there Premium MegaUpload to the cause

5) Its really up to when Meppi gets around to it, Meppi has his hands filled with scanning and editing releases.....and he does the best he can to get magazines uploaded asap. One thing to point out is that Meppi's bandwidth is capped each month, so if he gets near his limit....he needs to put off uploaded/downloading anything else.

With all that said, if people on this site want to upload our releases to torrents, newsgroups, dc++, rapidshare, megaupload or even there own personal FTP's for distribution......its fine with us. The end goal is to share these magazines.....but we usually have more hands requesting then wanting to help out.

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  Phillyman said:
Whew Lots of questions

1) You are a "Member" and you are given 3 downloads per week. Once you hit the download button....even if you cancel right afterwards....it charges you.

2) Per week

3) The Rapidshare account that they are being uploaded to is Meppi's personal one. The benefit of Meppi using his Premium Rapidshare account is that the files are never deleted, so once uploaded.....they are there. If a member uploaded a magazine to a free Rapidshare account.....it would be deleted after 90 days.

4) Yes it is.....we hope to provide multiple ways for our members to download magazines. Maybe we could get a member that would lend there Premium MegaUpload to the cause

5) Its really up to when Meppi gets around to it, Meppi has his hands filled with scanning and editing releases.....and he does the best he can to get magazines uploaded asap. One thing to point out is that Meppi's bandwidth is capped each month, so if he gets near his limit....he needs to put off uploaded/downloading anything else.

With all that said, if people on this site want to upload our releases to torrents, newsgroups, dc++, rapidshare, megaupload or even there own personal FTP's for distribution......its fine with us. The end goal is to share these magazines.....but we usually have more hands requesting then wanting to help out.

Wow. Thanks for all the info :)

I think you misunderstood my number 3 question tho ;)

I want to know the percentage (roughly) of mags / guides/ manuals that are ON rapid share NOW out of the TOTAL of all of them on THIS site ;)

In other words, are like 60% of the files here on rapidshare too? 70%?


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  dhowerter said:
Wow. Thanks for all the info :)

I think you misunderstood my number 3 question tho ;)

I want to know the percentage (roughly) of mags / guides/ manuals that are ON rapid share NOW out of the TOTAL of all of them on THIS site ;)

In other words, are like 60% of the files here on rapidshare too? 70%?


That is probably an impossibility to pinpoint the exact percentage, or even get in the ball park, of releases available on rapidshare. Honestly, look at meppi's rapidshare releases post and see what is up. Not trying to sound mean or anything but what is point of wanting to know that percentage so bad? Enjoy what is available :)

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