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15 Years Ago! (11/2008)


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I like this new way of getting releases out there for people coming to the site. Really triggers the ole brain into motion remembering those issues.

Thanks phillyman

Been meaning to do something like this for a while now, We will alternate between 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. Its all about stirring up those childhood memories :)

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GamePro's 20th is coming up, and I plan on going onto their forums, and inbetween telling so-called "hardcore gamers" how ridiculous they are and whatnot, I plan on writing a post to GamePro to use their 20th to their advantage and start a flashback section, looking back 20, 15, and 10 years ago over a couple of pages or more. It would get their page count up; that, or they could remove the useless Opening/Parting Shots and use those 4 pages for this, as it would be more interesting.

Their current magazine is terrible. Very boring, very generic, and very skinny. A December issue with 100 pages? I miss the pre-internet days where this December issue would be pushing 375 pages. Damn you, Internet! :angry:

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Ah yes, November 1993 and "Sonic Mania Day" (November 23) with the simultaneous release of "Sonic CD" (Sega CD), "Sonic Spinball" (Sega Genesis) and "Sonic Chaos (Game Gear). All three of Sega's consoles got a taste of the 'hog.........owners of only a Genesis must've been QUITE disappointed. Sonic 3 was a long ways behind schedule........

I ended up getting my hands on that November issue of GamePro (along with a whole lot of other circa '92-'93 GamePros) back around 1997-1998, when I bought them off of......get this.........LOCAL HOMELESS GUYS who were peddling them off a street for $1 a pop. I embarassed my mother many a time by making a scene whenever those guys had new (old) mags on display. They were in very good condition too, no fluids or stench! They had so many other '92-'94 issues of GamePro & EGM that they were selling that I never got my hands on due to my mother's aversion to those guys. I did score this sweet circa-1990 Game Players Sega Genesis guide of some sort from them, that featured a collection of reviews from many 1989-1990 Genesis games: from what I recall "Alex Kidd" and "Whip Rush" were their highest rated games with a perfect "5"rating. I'm sure EGM & GamePro didn't feel the same way about those two games. Back in '97-'98 I was re-living 1992 due to those GamePro issues, and bought and got to know of many games which they raved about. Man, they SURE had a hard-on for the SNES version of "Street Fighter II", didn't they???

Thanks to Retromags, I can now finally read all of those issues of EGM & GamePro that evaded me over a decade ago (when and if I get the time!) and which my mother didn't let me buy. Without worrying about fluids and stenches!

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