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My Personal Trainer Tried To Kill Me Last Night


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Ok so I am all for losing my extra weight, but this dude just does not realize that the workout he is making me do.....well really cant be done by someone as overweight as myself.

I am 5-10/11 ....i always forget which one

Supposed to weigh 180lbs.....but I am at 245 (65lbs overweight)

So the trainer has me warm up on the treadmill.....ok

Then he has me doing squats lunges with some medicine ball.....ok

Then he has me doing side squats ......ok

Then he has me hitting a punching bag with both of my palms (like 50 times)......now i am getting tired

Then he has me put on punching gloves, and has me do 50 jabs straight for each arm......now i am super tired

Then he takes me out to some machine, and throws a huge rubberband over the top, and has me doing 50 tricep extensions ......now I am about to pass out

I had to stop him there, and I dont even think we were 25% through :blink:

He had designed a circuit of training for me to do, I am guessing it was about 10-15 things.....the circuit was to take me 30 minutes, and I was suppose to do 2 circuit.....so after I got done with the first one.....I would redo all of those exercises again......WTF????

Yeah we never even made it to the weight machines, Even after I cut the session short.....It took about 90 minutes for my heart and body to return to a normal state.....I can not even imagine what would have happened if I went through the entire thing.....i would probably have died

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How much weight do you want to lose and in what amount of time? It sounds simplistic, but all you really need to do is about 1 hour of cardio a day. Go to the gym and use the eliptical or exercise bike for 1 hour. Take an Ipod, it'll make the time go by faster. You can probably lose 1-2 lbs a week doing that. The workout plan that trainer had you on is like the ones from "The Biggest Loser". I guess if you want to lose 3-4 lbs a week, that's the way to do it.

Oh, also, only drinking water can make a huge difference. Things like Starbucks and Sodas will blow out your calories for the day.

Forgot to mention that losing weight is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. Calorie counting seems to work wonders for most people. They can eat whatever they want as long as they don't exceed the calories for the day.

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Smoke crack :lol: I kid I kid. I wish you luck man, I don't know how tough it is to lose weight but I do know how tough it is to drop several other bad habits I used to have and a couple I still have that I can't stop. I actually believe that 90% of doing anything is in your head. You mind is super powerful probably more so than most people realize. I know I sound like some kind of hippie freak but I've told myself that I will not be sick or get sick for the past few years and while it hasn't worked to perfection, I honestly haven't gotten nearly as sick as I used to get a few years ago. You just gotta keep telling yourself you will lose weight, you will lose weight. It's a constant thought process you gotta have. Oh, and take the endless supply of cheetos out of your bedroom LOL

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Yeah my heaviest was 258lbs and that was back in June, Funny enough I can remember the day I found out I went from 210lbs to 216lbs and I flipped out.....looking back i wish I was back at that point. I cut back 85% of what I drink....as thats where my weight was coming from

Wake up , drink coffee

few hours later....as its wearing off....drink more coffee

rest of the day....down sodas

at night.....down glasses of ice tea (turkey hill)

Not to mention that fast food was a big contributor. Now I am down to 245, and looking to push it even further......just wasnt expecting this guy to run me from one machine to the next. I have been hitting the gym for about 2 months now.....and this was my schedule

Monday = Work Biceps, Triceps

Tuesday = Walk 3 miles on treadmill (3-3.5mph)

Wednesday = Work Chest and Back

Thursday =Walk 3 miles on treadmill (3-3.5mph)

Friday = Work Legs and Shoulders

Saturday= Walk 3 miles on treadmill (3-3.5mph)

Sunday = Off

But this dude had me getting a 15 second rest between these things......wore me out FAST!

Gotta get this extra weight off before July when I hit the big 30!

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  Phillyman said:
Yeah my heaviest was 258lbs and that was back in June, Funny enough I can remember the day I found out I went from 210lbs to 216lbs and I flipped out.....looking back i wish I was back at that point. I cut back 85% of what I drink....as thats where my weight was coming from

Wake up , drink coffee

few hours later....as its wearing off....drink more coffee

rest of the day....down sodas

at night.....down glasses of ice tea (turkey hill)

Not to mention that fast food was a big contributor. Now I am down to 245, and looking to push it even further......just wasnt expecting this guy to run me from one machine to the next. I have been hitting the gym for about 2 months now.....and this was my schedule

Monday = Work Biceps, Triceps

Tuesday = Walk 3 miles on treadmill (3-3.5mph)

Wednesday = Work Chest and Back

Thursday =Walk 3 miles on treadmill (3-3.5mph)

Friday = Work Legs and Shoulders

Saturday= Walk 3 miles on treadmill (3-3.5mph)

Sunday = Off

But this dude had me getting a 15 second rest between these things......wore me out FAST!

Gotta get this extra weight off before July when I hit the big 30!

That sounds like an adequate workout, as long as you are also minding the calories. I wish you luck. My wife is also trying to drop the weight and it is rough and slow going.

You should post your weekly progress here so we can cheer you on :Yahooo:

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So are you paying this guy? The reason I question it was because I lost 60 lbs just by doing exercise and eating right by my self. Also had a network of people that I would spend time with on the net for support and eating tips. If your interested in going that route I can help you out.

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