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Retromags Magazine?


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This idea has been brewing for quite a while now and as I was pondering how feasible this would be. Not only in the amount of work that would have to be put into the writing and editing, but also if I have the know how to actually put something like this together which is worthwhile or not.

As some might know, I used to work on a small site which tried to specialize in bringing obscure Japanese console games out of their obscurity.

It's success is up for debate. :P

So it's been a while since I last wrote a review, and I'm feeling the itch to get back to work. But this time with a twist.

Instead of creating a couple of web pages which will no doubt go offline sooner or later, as Philly knows, I'm playing with the idea of creating something a bit more durable.

A Retromags homemade magazine which would deal with surprise, surprise: retro games.

As for how we would go to work on this and when an CBZ issue would be released or even how many pages it should be etc are still a mystery at this point. That is why I am posting this right here.

To see if there would indeed be any interest in this new project. And perhaps to find people who would be willing to participate.

I have just finished a test page, which doesn't exactly deal with an obscure game, but it's one that's very close to my gamer's heart nonetheless. Radiant Silvergun.


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I can help with proof reading/editing. Meppi, if you could PM me the plain text, I'll make some corrections and send it back. I'd type it out myself but I have a neurological disorder that has caused most of my fine motor control to no longer function, so it takes me a long time to type anything (even this short reply).

I can also help with layout editing depending on the program thats being used.

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Sorry to hear that. :unsure:

If the project goes through your help will be very welcome.

I haven't written any new reviews yet, and I normally do a spellcheck on them. But even though the spelling might be fine the grammar might need a bit of a tune up here and there. ;)

As for the editing program, I'm using CS3 which seems to be giving me all the tools I need to do this.

I've already created a template for the pages so it's a bit easier to get them looking uniform.

The only problem is that it might be a bit confusing as every single item on the page above is on a separate layer.

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If the project goes through your help will be very welcome.

I haven't written any new reviews yet, and I normally do a spell check on them. But even though the spelling might be fine the grammar might need a bit of a tune up here and there. ;)

Yeah, I noticed a few grammatical errors in the sample. I should have been more specific in my previous post as this was the text I was referring to.

As for the editing program, I'm using CS3 which seems to be giving me all the tools I need to do this.

I've already created a template for the pages so it's a bit easier to get them looking uniform.

The only problem is that it might be a bit confusing as every single item on the page above is on a separate layer.

Photoshop or Illustrator? I have Illustrator CS2 and Photoshop CS4 though I rarely use either one. Currently I use Inkscape for the layouts that I do.

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Indesign is a great programme for doing pages for magz/books.

Im all for doing some reviews (need help with the gramma)

as of right now i have a lot of stuff going on, but will make time in the future for it,

if you want my help. :)

Took a quick look at Indesign and it does look great, but for me personally it would mean that I would have to spend a pretty big amount of time learning the ins and outs of the program. So it would again take time away from my scanning and such.

I'm still learning my way around Photoshop and I've been using that for over 6 months now. ;)

I would love to have you on board.

I will probably specialize in obscure Japanese only games for just about every system. GBA, PC-Engine, MegaDrive, Snes, Saturn, DreamCast,PSone etc etc. since that's my area of expertise. :)

The thing is that for getting screen grabs we'll have to use emulators, which I don't see any problem with for this purpose. (Not really keen on them otherwise ;) )

The only problem would be with getting screens for Saturn and DreamCast games as I don't think the emulation for these systems is all that.

But it might have changed over the years. I really don't know.

So if anyone has a good quality capture card, it could certainly help us out getting great screens for games on those systems.

Photoshop or Illustrator? I have Illustrator CS2 and Photoshop CS4 though I rarely use either one. Currently I use Inkscape for the layouts that I do.

That would be Photoshop. Didn't even know CS4 was out. But I do now. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm actually in newspaper design (have been for three years) and have been looking for something to do on the side involving layout and whatnot.

I have Adobe CS3 Suite and a bunch of experience with it, as well as proofing experience. I also do graphic design work as well. (shameless plug: joefreakinrocks.deviantart.com)

i've also got a partner that's got Graphic Design and also Layout experience interested as well. And we're both retroenthusiasts.

Just let me know if you guys are still interested in doing this, because now i'm super excited at the prospect.

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