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Boo On Nintendo!


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I hadn't noticed it at first, but Nintendo has indeed changed their logo. It's only a colour change, but still. I never noticed until reading that Kotaku article. And looking over my Wii games, the logo isn't in red anymore on more recent titles, Like Super Mario Galaxy.

I know it's not a huge deal, but grey IS boring. Nintendo is red; it's always been that way. Just like Sega is blue. I don't like when established companies changes their logo. I am glad it was only a colour change, but I still don't like it. It looks much better in red.

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The red circled logo is the best....

The old logo, in the NES era was very boring...

But grey logo...

Umm... wait I'm confused by this. Red logo was the best. The old NES era logo was boring? Wasn't that the old logo with the red oval? Or was it just Nintendo with no oval. Either way the gray really doesn't bother me but yeah red is where it's at.

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  • 1 month later...

Is this logo change not symbolic of the life blood draining out of Nintendo? I mean, I know they are making a buttload of money and selling Wii's like crazy, but can anyone honestly look at the Wii and the sorts of games being offered on the system and say that it is in the same league as the NES or SNES? Nintendo began to lose steam with the Game Cube and continues that trend. I would have no respect anymore for the company if it wasn't for what they are doing with the DS. And even that might change with the DSi and whatever comes after.

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Huh, hadn't picked up on that before. I always see it in red in various places so now I need to double check my recent games and mags.

Lose steam? When have they ever? Nin has consistently put out top notch games every gen. Sure the third party support might have lacked in the N64 and GC days but it's pretty strong right now and there's a great assortment of titles to be had. The most popular system always gets the duds, so like PS2 last gen the Wii is gonna get some shovelware. Don't let that distract you from the rest though. I have around 36 Wii games and play it regularly in between working on PS2 and PS3 games. Actually I spent the last week or two on Mario Galaxy (I know, I'm way behind as I buy more games than I finish). The only reason I can see for people ignoring the system is they have a bias towards Nin for some reason or they're afraid of games with color and without guns.

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Huh, hadn't picked up on that before. I always see it in red in various places so now I need to double check my recent games and mags.

Lose steam? When have they ever? Nin has consistently put out top notch games every gen. Sure the third party support might have lacked in the N64 and GC days but it's pretty strong right now and there's a great assortment of titles to be had. The most popular system always gets the duds, so like PS2 last gen the Wii is gonna get some shovelware. Don't let that distract you from the rest though. I have around 36 Wii games and play it regularly in between working on PS2 and PS3 games. Actually I spent the last week or two on Mario Galaxy (I know, I'm way behind as I buy more games than I finish). The only reason I can see for people ignoring the system is they have a bias towards Nin for some reason or they're afraid of games with color and without guns.

I'm at 52 games myself right now and I couldn't agree more. A systems strength shouldn't be measured by the amount of worthless games that get released on it. If that was the case the PSone and PS2 would also be some of the worst consoles ever made...

I hate to see the pony training games on Wii and all the Wii Sports wannabe rip-offs (yeah, they aren't even worth of being called a regular rip-off :P ) as well as the imagine line of games on the DS being released and clogging up the shelves at stores.

But they can't force you to but those games no matter what. So just ignore them and if enough people do that, they will go away.

For a system that's just over 2 years old and already has such classics as Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid 3, Zelda, Mario Kart, Excite Truck, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros, Wario Land, Wii Sports and Animal Crossing as well as some great quirky games from 3rd parties like Bloom Box, Trauma Canter, Kororinpa, Elebits, Ghost Squad, No More Heroes, Wii Love Golf etc. there are actually too many games for me to give them all the playtime I'd like to.

And looking into next year, even keeping in mind that Nintendo doesn't want to reveal much in advance we already have Pikmin 3, Sin & Punishment 2, Punch-Out, House of the Dead Overkill, Mad World, The Conduit and quite a few more.

So I don't see Nintendo slipping further away into oblivion, I see it quite the opposite way.

The GameCube, which although had some great games also saw a couple of missteps for series which used to be on top of their category whenever a game came out. Thinking about Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart for instance.

And what the DSi can do to suddenly screw up the DS, I honestly have no idea how someone could come to such a conclusion.....

But whatever happens, there will always be haters. Last time around it was the "kiddy" factor and now people seem to long for a Zelda in the Wind Waker style as they finally understand that it came the closest to resembling the original games atmosphere.

This time around it's the non-game and casual thing that's been thrown around everywhere and next generation it might be something else again.

Oh well, glad I've come far enough so that I can enjoy the games for what they as long as I enjoy playing them.

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Is this logo change not symbolic of the life blood draining out of Nintendo?

I think a lot of people will see it that way. I mean, I have been there since the dawn of the Nintendo (I was so excited the year I got a Nintendo for Christmas I opened it up, threw up, then had to go back to bed because I was sooooo sick from waiting to open it. (Yeah, I was and still am the King of all Dorks...and Nerds now that I think of it).

Anyway, I digress. Yes, I love the old Red logo, but at least they just changed the color of it. I don't see how Red or Grey are either more "adult" friendly or more friendly towards any group. I just think they changed it because NOW their money maker is the Wii and they have "Wii" written in Grey. Because of that Nintendo (logo) Wii will look better in all Grey. Now Nintendo is more Synonomus with the Wii by both being in Grey. Just a guess on my part. Just seems like Red Nintendo Logo and Grey Wii sign would be kinda wierd looking.

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