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What Have You Learned From Watching Robotech?


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Ok, I know that in some parts of the world that Robotech is called Macross and in Japan, parts 2 (New Generation) and 3 (Masters) are really a part of something else but were worked in with the first release in America. Let's focus on the first part of the US series, the one with Roy Fokker and Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes.

Let's see, first this series taught me that alien technology can be cool and outrageous.

Second, it taught me that some aliens are hot (I believe her name was Mariya or something, she married Max Sterling later in the series).

Anyone else have any good or bad memories of Robotech? I first saw it when I was about 10 years old and it was quite different seeing Roy and Claudia Grant in romantic situations, considering it was the mid 80's when it aired on the local Fox affiliate.

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Oh I loved the first series (US) I've been wanting to find it on DVD as a matter of fact. Oh and just to answer your .uestion yeah I learned all about protoculture :)

Hey, Thor, have you checked out these trading sites? I got the complete first series, english dubbed like on tv, for the equivelant of 4 books that I won't read (I paid about $3 for the books at a used book store and then $4 in shipping for a total of about $7). Of course they are on VHS, but hey, I have a TV-in card, they will be on DVD soon enough. :unsure:

I have seen the sets on DVD go on ebay for about $20 and up, shipped so you may want to try that route.

I remember buying those glue together model kits that were imported back when Robotech was on TV, fond memories.

Another thing the first series taught me was to hate singing in cartoons (lyn min mei, shoot her, now...), ruined me for life at watching and enjoying most Disney movies.

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Ha yeah a while back I had a TV card and took my Zillion anime and turned it into a DVD including the Zillion movie. But what is this site your talking about?




Those are a couple of them, you basically list the books you wish to part with and people request them. You ship them out, usually earning one point (some things are worth more) and then use the points to request things from other members. Right now, they are pretty sparse on the Robotech stuff after the books 1-10, I need the last 10 or so books 11-20+.

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