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Future Us Inc. Strikes Again


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Well... I renewed my NP a few months back and just like last year was supposed to get a free strategy guide and if you recall they "ran out" so they told me they would send me a Pokemon Index that never happened. Then they sent me some crappy book of posters which will never be used. Now this time they again said.

Unfortunately the response exceeded our expectations and we have exhausted our supply. That's the bad news. The good news ---- no make that great news ---- is that we will be providing a copy of the Nintendo Power 2009 Wii Handbook, as a substitution.

Yay! A crappy publication that I didn't bother buying last year because it's all old information thrown together in one magazine! I seriously can't believe that this just seems to happen for a 2nd year in a row. I'll see what happens next year when I subscribe for a 3rd year with Future US.

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Ok well that at least makes me feel better. The sad thing is probably a month or two down the line they will offer a new premium that I will miss out on because they ran out of stock. You would think they would have a back up for something like this rather than just tossing crap to the way of the subscirbers like the last 2 years.

Oh well... I guess I was thinking it was a good strategy guide and now that you mention it I do remember it was for Mario Kart. Frankley... I don't need that anyway.

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Ok well that at least makes me feel better. The sad thing is probably a month or two down the line they will offer a new premium that I will miss out on because they ran out of stock. You would think they would have a back up for something like this rather than just tossing crap to the way of the subscirbers like the last 2 years.

Oh well... I guess I was thinking it was a good strategy guide and now that you mention it I do remember it was for Mario Kart. Frankley... I don't need that anyway.

Why not just renew your subscription early so that you get the better supplement? They will just up your number of issues (just make sure to point out that you have a current subscription and your subscriber number and address-pretty much all the information you can, just to be safe).

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Why not just renew your subscription early so that you get the better supplement? They will just up your number of issues (just make sure to point out that you have a current subscription and your subscriber number and address-pretty much all the information you can, just to be safe).

I hate to be cynical but I am still running off my lifetime subscription and I can't see how anyone would pay for it :(

I remember back in the glory days of the first 100 issues when it at least resembled something reasonable. Now NP not only seems to be about 2 issues behind the other magazines but keeps giving scores like 9.2 to games like Barbie meets My Little Ponys Cooking Adventure (I made that up, but you all know that they would totally give that a 9.2 or higher).

They need to bring back the "high scores" section. Or even better yet, they could start handing out the Nintendo Power Wings (Gold and Silver) for people who achieve high scores, etc. I know that is more difficult now with all of the "Cheat devices" but still, maybe they could have people send in videos of their games so that everyone would know they were legit.

I don't know...they need something to inject some life into that magazine quick.

Perhaps I am just getting spoiled by the interweb but still.

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Yeah I agree I wish they would bring back some of the old sections. Heck... they could even set up a web page where you can do your voting for the games this way the computer does the work for them so they don't have to even count all the post cards.

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