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Rather Upsetting


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Well... either yesterday or today an updated was just put out that allows you to earn trophies. Well... also just a few days ago (last time I played the game) I was on the last mission and just took about 15 min to finish the last part of that. So now I've beaten the game and only earned one trophy. How cool is that! So if I want any of the other trophies I will have to play through the game again. :lol:

I did enjoy the game and was upset that I was already at the end with only being about 40 hrs into the game. So I have 2 choices. Play again and be a trophy whore. Or... just not even deal with it.

I'll probably play it again but thats a bit upsetting that I've already gone through the game and now I can earn the freaking trophies. But... whatever.

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Well... either yesterday or today an updated was just put out that allows you to earn trophies. Well... also just a few days ago (last time I played the game) I was on the last mission and just took about 15 min to finish the last part of that. So now I've beaten the game and only earned one trophy. How cool is that! So if I want any of the other trophies I will have to play through the game again. :lol:

I did enjoy the game and was upset that I was already at the end with only being about 40 hrs into the game. So I have 2 choices. Play again and be a trophy whore. Or... just not even deal with it.

I'll probably play it again but thats a bit upsetting that I've already gone through the game and now I can earn the freaking trophies. But... whatever.

I am not sure how these trophy things work (is it a patch or something? Then does it monitor what you are doing in the game?) but you would think they could do some kind of retro trophy posting (maybe in such a way as to tell you, hey, this has been done do you want the trophy or do you want to replay and earn it?). But I guess the system is not keeping track of say, you killing this character or earning that weapon like most games keep time trials for racing games and such, surely with RPG's they could go by what you have in your inventory (say, there is only one way to get a certain item, then surely you completed the challenge if you have it-instant trophy).

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I am not sure how these trophy things work (is it a patch or something? Then does it monitor what you are doing in the game?) but you would think they could do some kind of retro trophy posting (maybe in such a way as to tell you, hey, this has been done do you want the trophy or do you want to replay and earn it?). But I guess the system is not keeping track of say, you killing this character or earning that weapon like most games keep time trials for racing games and such, surely with RPG's they could go by what you have in your inventory (say, there is only one way to get a certain item, then surely you completed the challenge if you have it-instant trophy).

It works just the same as Microsofts award system. But yeah since the game was not programmed for this it had no way of keeping track of all the things I did in the past. Although Wipout HD did... then again I didn't download a patch for that. So it may have been programmed into the game and was just waiting for Sony to do the update before they showed up.

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It works just the same as Microsofts award system. But yeah since the game was not programmed for this it had no way of keeping track of all the things I did in the past. Although Wipout HD did... then again I didn't download a patch for that. So it may have been programmed into the game and was just waiting for Sony to do the update before they showed up.

Why can't they just program the game to keep a small text file of your achievements and have the trophy patch/award system just check that when you patch your game? I mean, they know there is going to be an award/trophy system someday, just program it to check that text file when added. Simple. I know it probably is not that easy but surely it can't be that hard.

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Yeah they could have but I'm sure they didn't think of it. But like I said it sounds like that's basically what they did with Wipeout HD since that converted immediatly. I don't know. But... I started a new game because I want to be totally evil this time. Funny thing though is I'm constantly stealing and killing innocent people and I am only neuteral. I can't seem to be evil.

I could always blow up the town at the beginging of the game to kick in that evil but then I will not have stores to sell merch to at the begining of the game and will miss out on quests. So I don't think I'll do that. (at least not yet :evil:)

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