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No More Guitar Hero...


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... for me at least.

I'm tired of it. It's been run into the ground and just is not very fun. It's ok and I'd still play it time to time but I decided to sell all my GH crap. I bought Rock Band 2 and imported all the Rock Band songs and man this is just so much better. I should have just stuck with Harmonix since they seem to know how to make good music games starting back with FreQuency. Anyway... I've been totally obsessed with this game now that I finally got my system back from Microsoft after the Red Ring of Death. But ... thought I'd just share.

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... for me at least.

I'm tired of it. It's been run into the ground and just is not very fun. It's ok and I'd still play it time to time but I decided to sell all my GH crap. I bought Rock Band 2 and imported all the Rock Band songs and man this is just so much better. I should have just stuck with Harmonix since they seem to know how to make good music games starting back with FreQuency. Anyway... I've been totally obsessed with this game now that I finally got my system back from Microsoft after the Red Ring of Death. But ... thought I'd just share.

I am not musicaly inclined..which is funny because my wife is a music performer....but anyway. I think Guitar Hero is a good way to start and work up to a full on Rock Band kind of thing. For some reason I always found Guitar Hero more New User Friendly. I think it is great to get the taste for something bigger and more complex, like Rock Band. I agree with you that Rock Band is superior, but I do see a segment of the community for both.

Sadly I am soooo bad at music games like that I can barley handle Wii Music

I couldn't carry a tune with a bucket, and, well, someone to carry the bucket for me.

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I so want to try Wii music. How is it, worth buying or more a rental type game?

Rent it. If it used the new WiiMote 2.0 it would probably be much better. It doesn't really allow you to play the instrument like the instrument is played. Not only do you look like a fool but it is just a way of playing Samba De Amigo and look retarded at the same time. It is all rhytum and nothing else.

A great idea, just poor implementation. Rent it and if you like it you can put in the higher investment. I was underwhelmed by it as a whole sadly.

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I rented it. It was a 5 day rental. I played it for 45 minutes the first night because I wanted to see if if my 2.5-year-old would be interested. He wasn't and no one touched it again after that first night. That "game" is a complete waste of time and energy.

LOL I couldn't put it better myself. QED

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  • 4 weeks later...
The create feature on the new GH is pretty slick. Plus it's a tougher game than RockBand.

Umm... what? I thought that GHWT was way easier than it's predicesor especially on the spots that you can use the touch sensor. The hard riffs made easy by dumb luck. I guess it really comes down to the controlling. I used to hate the RB guitar because of the way the button were but now I can't stand the GH controller. It's just strange, not sure what caused that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I rented it. It was a 5 day rental. I played it for 45 minutes the first night because I wanted to see if if my 2.5-year-old would be interested. He wasn't and no one touched it again after that first night. That "game" is a complete waste of time and energy.

Well I finally played Wii Music. I got through the tutorial and then played one song. So far I'm not impressed one bit. It's rather a boring game, might be good if you can play with other people but this game sucks. I'm going to play a bit more when I get home from work but as of now I don't think this game is even worth renting.

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Well I finally played Wii Music. I got through the tutorial and then played one song. So far I'm not impressed one bit. It's rather a boring game, might be good if you can play with other people but this game sucks. I'm going to play a bit more when I get home from work but as of now I don't think this game is even worth renting.

Getting to play the Super Mario Theme with a wiimote air guitar is pretty much worth renting right there...but seriously.

My wife is a piano teacher, so of course, she wanted to look into Wii Music. She said that the mini games are actually quite advanced at teaching music theory for people who want to play real music. The "game" itself she said was stupid since it is more just move the wiimote in rhytum, but the mini games are enough for her to encourage all of her students to pick up the game (for ages 4 to 20+) just to learn the musical theory that it teaches.

So apparently it is better then it looks while also sucking.

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As was I. I was really excited when I first heard about it.

I really didntget the point of WII music, its just like playing an air guitar only it costs more money.

The thing that got me was that i read an artical that said some schools in america where using it to encourage children to play music?

How dose that work?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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