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How Do I Upload My Scan?


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  • Retromags Curator
As far as MP3 vs lossless:

1. Most people (probably 99.9%) can't tell the difference between 320 CBR and flac if encoded correctly

I'm in the 0.1% of people who can tell the difference :).

I listen to mp3s when I am on the bus or at my computer, but I absolutely refuse to listen to MP3s on my home theatre. That's like watching YouTube crap on a 1080p TV: a total waste!

If albums were released on DVD-Audio discs instead of ho-hum CDs, I would be buying a lot more albums instead of downloading the songs I like in crusty MP3 format. MP3 is good enough for what I use it for. Just like JEPGS are good enough for what we are doing here. If I want a printed copy of a magazine, I am not going to print off a scanned version from here; I'm going to buy an actual issue off eBay or somewhere. Since these scans aren't being printed, they are perfectly fine for viewing on a computer monitor :)

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Meh, I'm happy with VBR MP3s with a decent average bitrate (224 or something higher). That's how I rip my CDs anyway VBR 256.

Then again, music CDs never had the same feeling as LPs even though they sound clearer.

They tend to lose something when going from analogue to digital. ;P

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I'm in the 0.1% of people who can tell the difference :).

I listen to mp3s when I am on the bus or at my computer, but I absolutely refuse to listen to MP3s on my home theatre. That's like watching YouTube crap on a 1080p TV: a total waste!

If albums were released on DVD-Audio discs instead of ho-hum CDs, I would be buying a lot more albums instead of downloading the songs I like in crusty MP3 format. MP3 is good enough for what I use it for. Just like JEPGS are good enough for what we are doing here. If I want a printed copy of a magazine, I am not going to print off a scanned version from here; I'm going to buy an actual issue off eBay or somewhere. Since these scans aren't being printed, they are perfectly fine for viewing on a computer monitor :)

What type of theatre system do you have? Eventually, I'll have a house (and more disposable cash...hopefully), so this is of some interest to me. For me, if I want to listen at high quality, I use my Grados SR80 headphones. I couldn't justify spending $5K to listen to music on a high end system, especially since I listen at home on the pc speakers about 1-2 hours a week tops. However, I was able to justify spending $90 last year. Made a big enough difference to me.

Not to say I know what you can hear either, but every study I have read shows that even experts can't tell the difference between WAV and mp3s as low as 224. If experts can't tell, I don't feel too bad about using 320 CBR :)

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- PNG: the winner (so far). Using its DEFLATE encoding I got the best overall size so far,

92MB. Its bigger? Yes. Bigger than what I expected? Yes. But I still think it is an accpeted


- RAR: the winner. Created a 90MB file. Internally it's probably used the DEFLATE algorithm,

the same as PNG. The gain was probably due to the 90 files header overhead being


If you are trying out alternatives it might be useful to try pingcrush which can losslessly shrink png files.

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  • Retromags Curator
What type of theatre system do you have? Eventually, I'll have a house (and more disposable cash...hopefully), so this is of some interest to me.

My system is a Philips home theatre in a box. It was only $200. Far from high end, but it gives great output compared to not having a Home theatre. eventually I want a higher end, more pricey one when I get a bigger house where i can have a home theatre room.

Experts who cannot hear the difference between an MP# and a WAV (unless that wav was created from the MP3) are not much experts! Uncompressed audio has a wider range than an MP3, even at 320 :)

I know nothing about vinyl, but does it degrade over time? That's one reason cassettes are crap. The more you play, the less sound you get.

As far as I know, vinyl doesn't degrade. At least not like cassettes which are completely magnetic. If you are rough with the turntable needle on the record, or are rough with the record and get it scratched, then it does degrade. But I don't think normal us of playing a record on a good turntable with a good needle with degrade the record. But I am no vinyl expert :)

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As far as I know, vinyl doesn't degrade. At least not like cassettes which are completely magnetic. If you are rough with the turntable needle on the record, or are rough with the record and get it scratched, then it does degrade. But I don't think normal us of playing a record on a good turntable with a good needle with degrade the record. But I am no vinyl expert :)

I found it interesting that they make turntables with USB nowadays :)

I was born to late to be into vinyl, so me it it's just a space waster. I don't even know where my original music cd cases are. Plus, all album art can be found on the internet. Once we have enough for a LCD tv, I hope to convince my wife to put away the DVDs in favor of having a media center with everything ripped onto it. Digital is the way to go. That is one reason I found this site so exciting 2 years ago. It's like I was subconsciously hoarding my gaming mags over the last decades just for this site. :)

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  • Retromags Curator

I like having physical copies of movies, shows, and games...even magazines, over digital copies that only exist as 1s and 0s that can easily be erased from a hard drive. I will never ever support digital distribution only, and if I have the choice between a digital copy and a hard copy, I'll pick the hard copy. However, ripping everything onto a mega hard drive in a media center computer is intriguing, though you'd need several hard drives and many terabytes to house everything. Unless you downgrade the quality; then there is no point watching it on a nice TV :)

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I like having physical copies of movies, shows, and games...even magazines, over digital copies that only exist as 1s and 0s that can easily be erased from a hard drive. I will never ever support digital distribution only, and if I have the choice between a digital copy and a hard copy, I'll pick the hard copy. However, ripping everything onto a mega hard drive in a media center computer is intriguing, though you'd need several hard drives and many terabytes to house everything. Unless you downgrade the quality; then there is no point watching it on a nice TV :)

I guess the older I get, the less I like clutter. I'm the opposite and wish all my magazines were on my hard drive already. I am surprised I don't get more crap about that from my wife. I guess having it under the bed helps..haha. I'm the same with DVDs. I get no joy out of seeing them take up space on a shelf or rack. Plus, I can see the album art anytime on the internet.

Also, if you rip the DVD at a certain bitrate, the quality is essentially lossless at about 1/4 of the size. However, I don't get cheap on the audio and always include the 5.1 dolby surround sound in the rip. The sad thing is that all the DVDs we own (probably 120 or so...which I know isn't that much) will be going the way of VHS in the next 10 years. The quality vs 720p or 1080p is crap once you get a 50 inch TV. I also can believe that in 5 years we'll be able to download 720p or 1080p movies from Amazon.com and store them on a hard drive, similar to Itunes. With hard drive space becoming dirt cheap, I'll probably have a 20TB system in 5 years. At least I'll be able to store all the retromags catalog :)

Important thing about going digital is to always have 3 copies. 2 on separate hard drives at home and 1 copy somewhere in the internet cloud, whether it be S3, Mozy.com or Carbonite, etc.

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If you are trying out alternatives it might be useful to try pingcrush which can losslessly shrink png files.

I had never heard about it, but I'll take a look. Thanks for the info!

I guess the older I get, the less I like clutter. I'm the opposite and wish all my magazines were on my hard drive already. I am surprised I don't get more crap about that from my wife. I guess having it under the bed helps..haha. I'm the same with DVDs. I get no joy out of seeing them take up space on a shelf or rack. Plus, I can see the album art anytime on the internet.

Let's not even start about that. I have the same problem here. And I care too much about my

magazines to throw them away. I just can't do that. Even if they were all online. But space is

a problem. In the matter of fact, I have here an old refrigerator that has become the home of

many comics and game magazines :)

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  • Retromags Curator

See, why would I want three digital copies of the same thing when the one copy I buy on DVD or Blu-ray won't get erased? Seems like a lot more work copying it to two different locations than it is to have one hard copy. And if all your magazines are digital, what happens when you feel like reading an actual magazine outside, or on the couch, without wanting a piece of electronics tied to you? You can't.

The older I get, the less I want to be dependent on a computer or the internet or digital media. I like having DVDs on shelves as a collection, like I do with my games. Everyone seems to becoming more and more dependent on their electronic gizmos and computers; they can't live without their dumb cellphone or an internet connection. I like my internet connection, but if I had to, I could do without it. And I also love my old fashioned rotary phone.

If I could have every physical issue of GamePro and EGM, I would do so. But that would get very expensive to do, so I settle for digital copies. :)

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