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Sega Visions Issue 16 Almost Never Was.


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Well I should be able to upload SV 16 I was hoping to have it up by last night but ran into a problem.

So it took me about 3 nights of work to scan and edit the pictures. My system seemed to have been running way too slow when I was editing them, I could not for the life of me understand as to why. But I decided to keep editing on the slow machine anyway. After getting it all completed and zipped up I restart my system so that I could upload the mag only to find that my computer took about 15 min to reboot. Obviously I was a bit worried and upset!

So the system finally comes up and for the most part seems to run just fine so before doing anything I defrag my CPU which was going also really slow. So I left it over night, 8 hrs later I waked up it's only at 50% finished.

Ok something is wrong! Something seriously is wrong!!!

I let the defrag go for a few more hours and get to 52% and just cancel it. At this point I figured it has to be drive error. I checked my memory and I'm running at about 97% CPU Usage so I stared to wonder maybe it's not a drive error. I then decided to check for worms and other bad stuff first. Comes up with nothing after running 4 different programs to scan. Again still thinking it's a drive error and I'm about ready to just toss the damn thing. So I do a system restore and then I'm running quite a bit better. After a little more work I'm at a reboot of 45seconds.

So what is the moral of this story... I don't know I was just so releived that I needed to talk it out.

So hey... if I get the time tonight to get a new FTP program (now that mine is no longer free) I'll post it up tonight :Yahooo: All that work I did is not down the toilet :Yahooo:

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I had a similar problem and just uninstalled a bunch of stuff I had on my computer and it still ran like crap. Apparently there were a ton of .dll's loading up and other little pieces of programs long forgotten still around. I just formatted and pointed My Documents folder to my other partition and was off again (replaced little things like programs that needed re-installing but no biggie overall as the settings and such are usually in My Documents or Program Files (which those were lost, but oh well). I have my computer running at about 3 times faster than it did before.

As far as a free FTP program, look up Core FTP, it is free and easy to use (looks a lot like the Windows Explorer setup).

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Yeah and thats like I have now. I had not run my defrag in almost a year which is a big no no. And I do regular scans to find trojans, malware and what ever to make sure that I stay running fine. But my system would take about 1.5 mins to boot up and I've knocked that in half now and the system runs smooth again. So ... I don't know there must have been something in there hiding that the system restore took care of. Everything else after that with my disc clean up and defrag was just iceing on the cake.

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Yeah and thats like I have now. I had not run my defrag in almost a year which is a big no no. And I do regular scans to find trojans, malware and what ever to make sure that I stay running fine. But my system would take about 1.5 mins to boot up and I've knocked that in half now and the system runs smooth again. So ... I don't know there must have been something in there hiding that the system restore took care of. Everything else after that with my disc clean up and defrag was just iceing on the cake.

Sometimes when your registry is messed up, it can cause your system to run slow (there are registry defrag programs). I find it easier, after a certain amount of time, just to re-install Windows rather than fight everything that is wrong.

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I love reinstalling Windows. A nice clean canvas to work on; no clutter, fast booting. What I don't like is reinstalling my programs again, and Windows updates. I'll be able to get around the updates by slipstreaming the updates into a Windows install. Should be fun :)

If you can get a .cab version of the program, you can slipstream that into the install too (you just may end up with an iso bigger than a CD and have to use a DVD). For my custom Windows XP, I have Firefox (I think it is 2 or 3, not sure, it is for my fiance), Opera 9.6, Gimp 2.4, Internet Explorer 8 (some sites like hotmail complain if I have anything else), PDF Reader (smaller and faster than Adobe) and a bunch of emulators for various systems and video editing software. It all comes in with an iso of just over 1.8 gig (worth it to only have to re-install one or two programs that don't have a way to slipstream them like my scanner software).

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Wow I always wondered how they did that with the special XP discs that you get now with computers where it has all sorts of crap programs that I have to uninstall after doing a wipe on my hard drive. That's cool I may have to look into that more.

BTW as you may see I never got around to getting SV16 up last night due to all the crap I had to do since my wife was at a staff meeting lastnight for work. But I whould have the time tonight.

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Wow I always wondered how they did that with the special XP discs that you get now with computers where it has all sorts of crap programs that I have to uninstall after doing a wipe on my hard drive. That's cool I may have to look into that more.

BTW as you may see I never got around to getting SV16 up last night due to all the crap I had to do since my wife was at a staff meeting lastnight for work. But I whould have the time tonight.

There are some programs you will need to do the slipstreaming of extra stuff, you will see, it is easy as pie.

Great to hear about the upcoming release, can't wait.

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