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Illust Logic Ds + Colorful Logic

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This one just arrived on my doorstep from Play-Asia:


I've been searching for this game for over a year now and finally it was back in stock. :)

Anyone not knowing what this game is and why you should be interested in it, well let me give you a little more information.

Illust Logic is the name that other companies in Japan use to describe Picross games.

I hear you say, why would I need another Picross when I already have Picross DS from Nintendo which is just about perfect?

Well, I didn't believe it myself, but it seems to be possible to improve upon perfection.

This game is actually 2 games in 1. Regular Picross as seen in Picross DS and Color Picross which has a couple different rules but plays very differently from the regular version.

What makes this game so different compared to Picross DS is the attention to detail.

Like for instance when you complete a line the board will automatically put a + on every block in that line, so you don't have to go and cross out every single open space in between.

Or the way when you have for instance a 25x20 board and you color the whole 25 block line, but then you have to return to the other side of the screen again. Instead of having to scroll over 25 block all over again, you can just click one block further, outside the playing fiend and you'll end up on the opposite side. This works both horizontally and vertically and is a very nice addition, especially when you're into time trials.

And there's again an incentive to be doing that because if you finish the board quick enough, you'll be rewarded with stars that when you collect enough of them open up even more levels.

Colorful Logic is quite different.

Instead of having to have at least one open block between the black lines, you have different colors, I've only seen boards that use 4.

And the basic rule is that different color rows are able to touch each other, only when there are 2 rows of the same color next to each other should there be at least one open block between the to act as a divider.

I didn't think this would make much of a difference to me as I've become somewhat of a Picross diehard over the years, but the very first puzzle in Colorful Illust had me scratching my head more then one. :D

I've only began to scrape the surface of this game as I've only just got it myself.

I just opened the box and thought, I'll just give this a quick go to see if it's as good as I heard. And I ended up playing for over an hour already forgetting that I should already have brushed my teeth and eaten breakfast.

Even when I'm typing this I'm itching to go back to it. :D

So for everyone who has caught the Picross fever in the past or recently, be sure to pick it up while it's still available. You'll thank me later. ;)


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This one just arrived on my doorstep from Play-Asia:


I've been searching for this game for over a year now and finally it was back in stock. :)

Anyone not knowing what this game is and why you should be interested in it, well let me give you a little more information.

Illust Logic is the name that other companies in Japan use to describe Picross games.

I hear you say, why would I need another Picross when I already have Picross DS from Nintendo which is just about perfect?

Well, I didn't believe it myself, but it seems to be possible to improve upon perfection.

This game is actually 2 games in 1. Regular Picross as seen in Picross DS and Color Picross which has a couple different rules but plays very differently from the regular version.

What makes this game so different compared to Picross DS is the attention to detail.

Like for instance when you complete a line the board will automatically put a + on every block in that line, so you don't have to go and cross out every single open space in between.

Or the way when you have for instance a 25x20 board and you color the whole 25 block line, but then you have to return to the other side of the screen again. Instead of having to scroll over 25 block all over again, you can just click one block further, outside the playing fiend and you'll end up on the opposite side. This works both horizontally and vertically and is a very nice addition, especially when you're into time trials.

And there's again an incentive to be doing that because if you finish the board quick enough, you'll be rewarded with stars that when you collect enough of them open up even more levels.

Colorful Logic is quite different.

Instead of having to have at least one open block between the black lines, you have different colors, I've only seen boards that use 4.

And the basic rule is that different color rows are able to touch each other, only when there are 2 rows of the same color next to each other should there be at least one open block between the to act as a divider.

I didn't think this would make much of a difference to me as I've become somewhat of a Picross diehard over the years, but the very first puzzle in Colorful Illust had me scratching my head more then one. :D

I've only began to scrape the surface of this game as I've only just got it myself.

I just opened the box and thought, I'll just give this a quick go to see if it's as good as I heard. And I ended up playing for over an hour already forgetting that I should already have brushed my teeth and eaten breakfast.

Even when I'm typing this I'm itching to go back to it. :D

So for everyone who has caught the Picross fever in the past or recently, be sure to pick it up while it's still available. You'll thank me later. ;)



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Are the menus in English?

Sadly no, everything is in Japanese. But they are very simple to navigate.

Everything works pretty much the way you'd think it would.

And I can always create a translation for the menus if you'd really like. I've done it before so that wouldn't be a big deal.

Only the Kanji parts give me a bit of trouble as I have to look them up one by one most of the time.

But it's so worth it. :)

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