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Just Some More Bad Gaming News


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EGM is dead

KB Toy Stores (plan on closing February 2009)




seta dead:


and on the troubled times list:



KB Toys going out of business is not that bad, but we lose Seta (today even!), lost EGM, poor Jaleco and quite possibly, at least internally produced games from, LucasArts. It is getting pretty nasty out there.

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I suppose Jaleco and Seta were Jap companies mainly? I don't think they've produced anything here for years. I won't miss KB and Lucasarts doesn't give us anything good either.

Yeah pretty much. Jaleco was pretty big in the NES days and had some success with SNES games like Bases Loaded License to Steal and Operation Logic Bomb (I believe they brought that over), after that, I think they had a few PSOne and Saturn releases but nothing major.

Seta was popular for their F1 game on SNES (I can't remember the name but it was similar to F-Zero in graphic presentation).

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KB has been in trouble since the law-suit involving tax fraud. The KB in town closed probably about 1-2 years ago. It was bound to happen. I'm fine with that. I remember KB being a great store back in the 80's but it's just not the same. But Toys R Us is the same thing... they changed too much and I just don't like the store anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hehe, check the date on that article. It talks about April 2008. ;)

Sadly enough EGM is indeed gone...

Well, most of my formative gaming years, as far as using a mag to decide what to buy and not just blindly buying games, was with EGM in the early days, pre issue 70 or so, after which I depended on Gamefan and then when they went under I depended on friends. Sad times now.

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Hehe, check the date on that article. It talks about April 2008. ;)

Sadly enough EGM is indeed gone...

omg..I'm sleeping.It's already official :o .....


Sad news man.just read in the new last yeah that here in asia,games were not affected by the current recesssion.Guess it doesn't apply to the mags as well =( ......

And thank you meepi for not flaming me to hell :) .In others forums(like dota-allstars.com),I would had been f..... upside down :P

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Nah, don't worry about it. :)

About that recession thing though.

Iwata actually in the last stockholders meeting or something like that mentioned that even though it seems that the gaming sector is not being hit by the recession, that's not really the case.

Let's see if I can find that quote....

Here it is:

For sometime now, I have repeatedly said that the game business is comparatively less susceptible to the changes in the economy but the gap between what sells and what doesn’t sell become obvious (in an economic downturn.) The products that are listed at the top of a consumers’ wish list can sell at the same level in a good economic time as during a bad economy. But those ranked #5 or #10 on the list become the receiving end of the impact of the changing economies. As a result, I am pretty certain that there must be software that our third parties have prepared to sell, which did not live up to their original expectations. The rather conservative impression Nintendo received during our preliminary meetings with software publishers must have reflected such background (as software publishers are making a purchase order plan based upon the intentions of their distributors and retailers as well as by taking into considerations the situations surrounding the distributors.)

When we analyze the Japanese market, for example, and look at the top 100 best selling software in 2008, last year’s sales of the top 5 software were even more than that of a year ago, but other software around the middle of the list showed significant sales decreases on a year-on-year basis, which attests to our point that the gap between what sells and what doesn’t is widening.

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