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Want To Help Rename Magazine Covers?


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  • Retromags Curator

Ok its that time again for the Retromags community to step forward and lend a hand. I am in the process of scanning the covers of my entire magazine collection. I am currently up to 270+ covers scanned, and still have 4 banker boxes of magazines left, plus whats at my workplace. I expect that I own about 600-800 magazines....so that is why I am calling for help. Here is the breakdown....

After the covers are scanned

What I can automate

Mass renaming to a point

Mass resizing

Mass importing to the Wiki

What I need help with

What I can't automate

The remaining renaming

So here is the problem, lets say I scanned 300 magazines so far, and 63 of them are GamePro magazines. I take those 63 scanned covers and drop them into a folder named "GamePro". From there I run them through a resizing program and bring them from their HUGE resolutions down to something tolerable for the website. So now they are a decent size....but they are named like this.....




So now I want to get them named what they actually are......I can use a batch re-namer program to change the above names into......




But they are only named 90% correctly......the triple digit number at the end was just a counter, not the actual issue number. So what I need people to help out with is taking the above and finding out what the actual issue number is and rename the three digit number to the correct issue number.

You may be asking, How do I find out the issue number?

Well most of the magazines will state it on the cover, and for those that don't......just go over to MagWeasel's website and see what he has that cover named at :) After you have renamed the covers you can upload them back to me and I can auto import them into the Wiki for preservation :)

I will most likely be breaking down the workloads to 25 covers, So all you need to do is post in this thread and let me know how many workloads you can handle. You rename them....upload them back to me and I will hook you up with a 2 month Premium Member subscription to download magazines for each set of 25 covers you rename. The renaming should only take about 20 minutes to complete.....and you would be helping us out immensely. Plus once this is done I can get back to work on scanning full magazines. At 600 magazines we will have 24 workloads to be completed. Once this project has been completed.....any further magazines I receive I can handle processing myself.

Any volunteers B)

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  • Retromags Curator
Sure..if it helps with the site...count me in.

How exactly do you want me to download and upload the stuff? I guess just PM me with instructions. Give me one work load and when I finish I will take on another, etc.

As soon as I have all the covers scanned (should be done by Tuesday)......I will rapidshare them together and send you a link :)

Appreciate the help

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  • Retromags Curator

I have about 500 covers scanned up to this point.......I still have 3-4 banker boxes filled with Nintendo Powers......Plus what I have stored at my work....which is probably about 100 Gamepro magazines. I may just see what Nintendo Power magazines are missing from the Wiki.....to save some time.

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I have about 500 covers scanned up to this point.......I still have 3-4 banker boxes filled with Nintendo Powers......Plus what I have stored at my work....which is probably about 100 Gamepro magazines. I may just see what Nintendo Power magazines are missing from the Wiki.....to save some time.

Just let me know when you need me to get started.

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