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Funny Print Ads From Back In The Day


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I've got two of them for you that I really loved back in the day



The other one that I remember but can't find a picture of it was a picture of two steel balls with a caption. "You need a set of these"

Then underneath it a Neo-Geo and caption reads "To play one of these"

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Ascii gets straight to the point.


One of the infamous Earthbound stinky ads.


I'm kinda surprised this one got printed.


Not really an ad, but I always thought Superman Crossing the Delaware was pretty funny.

Most one-sided war ever.


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I loved the Superman one back when I first saw it (I wanted to get it framed but could never bring myself to mutilating the mag to get it).

I have a ton more for this thread, just have to find time to get to them. So please, keep posting them, hopefully others will like them too.

Wow. I never erally relized just how soft and crazy people have gotten. Do you know how much of an uprsiing there would be (mostly from stupid people) if you tried to print that "life's a bitch" add now? There would be a nation wide "scandal" and the mag would have to be recalled. Not to mention there would be like 9 "groups" after the company for coming up with the add in the first place.

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Wow. I never erally relized just how soft and crazy people have gotten. Do you know how much of an uprsiing there would be (mostly from stupid people) if you tried to print that "life's a bitch" add now? There would be a nation wide "scandal" and the mag would have to be recalled. Not to mention there would be like 9 "groups" after the company for coming up with the add in the first place.

That is funny, I never thought about that part of it. You are right though, there would be a ton of 'bad' press about it and people without lives trying to get some kind of recognition for 'doing what's right' for the rest of us.

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  • Retromags Curator
Editing some RAW issues that are up and ran across this ad in an EGM:


I don't have any to scan at the moment, but I recall from the early 3D card days of PC gaming that 3DFX ran some rather humourous ads for their hardware, generally revolving around one of their "researchers" standing around, eating a sandwich, while viewing something horrific such as a car accident or brain surgery and asking a dumb question like, "So, how many feet would you say the eyeball bounced after it left his skull?" or "How many different shades of red would you estimate it would take to create an effect like that?" The tag line was something about the lengths they went to for accuracy and realism. :)

I will still swear that the meanest ads were back in the day of the 16-bit gaming era though. You think Microsoft and Sony snipe one another all the time now? That was NOTHING compared to the low-blows that Sega used to constantly throw at Nintendo in the mid-90s. After all, Sega's slogan for a long time was "Genesis does what NINTENDON'T!" And who can forget the "blast processing" buzz word that Sega's marketing department made up to describe how "fast" their technology was? Never mind that it didn't actually exist. :)

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  • Retromags Curator

All the ads for "Fear Effect 2" were pretty much thinly-disguised porn, including one that actually got banned from print for being entirely too risque. One of my favorites I found while flipping through an issue of PSM: it shows Hana up-close with a nice cleavage shot, Rain in the background, and the tagline is: "Murder and mayhem interrupted by frequent dressing and undressing." :)

The one that actually got banned from print was far worse, showing Hana and Rain in their underwear, one straddling the other, with a tagline akin to, "The game isn't the only thing that has thirteen climaxes." Yum yum. :)

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