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Changes To The 5 Year Rule!


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I seriously don't want in on any of the drama, and I could have skipped over the answer to this in the process of drama avoidance, but wouldn't it be a good idea to keep the "to be deleted" scans on a hard drive somewhere? I mean it won't be to long until that stuff IS considered retro (as scary and old as that makes me feel). Seem silly to have all of the scans and just delete them. Might as well let members contribute new stuff with the knowledge that it won't be used until it fits the requirements and becomes "retro". That way you get a little ahead of the game. Just an idea.

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I seriously don't want in on any of the drama, and I could have skipped over the answer to this in the process of drama avoidance, but wouldn't it be a good idea to keep the "to be deleted" scans on a hard drive somewhere? I mean it won't be to long until that stuff IS considered retro (as scary and old as that makes me feel). Seem silly to have all of the scans and just delete them. Might as well let members contribute new stuff with the knowledge that it won't be used until it fits the requirements and becomes "retro". That way you get a little ahead of the game. Just an idea.

No one said they wouldn't be kept offline or completely deleted. They just won't be accessible for downloading.

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No one said they wouldn't be kept offline or completely deleted. They just won't be accessible for downloading.

Meppi did mention that under no circumstances will there be a dual standard here with the 'deleted' issues being made available to certain members over others. That is the only thing I remember seeing about what will happen to the deleted issues. I am sure they will be stored for later re-release when they are eligible.

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  • Retromags Curator

I apologize for the short notice, but please keep in mind that anything that keeps Retromags out of the crosshairs of lawyers and such .....well it takes precedence. I asked my staff for their input....and they agreed that we should go back to 1999. Its not forever.....just a cushion to keep us out of trouble.

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am I crazy, or are there a bunch of posts missing from this thread? I KNOW I've posted in here already.....

And what happened to the "to be deleted" section? I thought you said it was gonna get deleted at the end of February, but I don't see it right now

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  • Retromags Curator

A bunch of posts were deleted. Anything that was not constructive to the original topic, or anything seem as stirring the pot or bickering between members was removed. Including some of my stuff, and the whole battle between triverse and Kiwi.

I don't know about the To Be Deleted section, but I think it was removed early for various reasons of which I am unsure.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to resurrect this topic, but a thought just came to mind.

Since nothing published after December 31, 1999 can be posted, what about certain January 2000 issues, seeing as how some might have been released before the cut-off date? Or is it just anything with a 2000 date?

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Sorry to resurrect this topic, but a thought just came to mind.

Since nothing published after December 31, 1999 can be posted, what about certain January 2000 issues, seeing as how some might have been released before the cut-off date? Or is it just anything with a 2000 date?

Nothing to be sorry about, this is a serious question, not a 'hey' or something else single word response.

At the moment, it is anything with a 2000 date on it. We are working on it still but just for clarification, if it has 2000 or newer on the cover, I would hold off on uploading it. You can scan it and all of that but it just can't be uploaded right now.

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  • 5 months later...

So, once PS2, XBox and Gamecube games/systems are no longer sold in stores, will they be considered retro?

If you noticed, many of these sections are getting smaller and smaller in stores and being taken over by the next wave of systems such as Wii, XBox 360 and PS3.


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So, once PS2, XBox and Gamecube games/systems are no longer sold in stores, will they be considered retro?

If you noticed, many of these sections are getting smaller and smaller in stores and being taken over by the next wave of systems such as Wii, XBox 360 and PS3.



Not sure what this has to do with the changes to they five year rule to be honest. Are you saying once they aren't sold we will make magazines for these systems available irrespective of the rule?

If that's is what you are asking then no. We have Dreamcast magazines that can't be posted and they stopped producing that system in 2002 as an example.

As far as retro-gaming goes though .... I'd say that once a system is no longer sold by the manufacturer then it probably should be classed as retro even if games continue to be produced for it. My view is if you can't buy new hardware or get waranty replacements it no longer classifies it as current gen. Just my 2c though ....

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I think that rule only applies in your own home.smile.gif

Apply the 0 second "catch it or throw away" rule anywhere else

I'm such a germophobe I instantly throw it away.

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  • 1 year later...

Personally i dont understand why you guys have a 5 year rule aside from maybe being more ethical only providing older mags not to hurt sales but lets face it that doesnt matter as far back as 5 years. And as far as considering "retro" more than 5 years to me dosnt apply cuz if i was doing my own retro magazine database site like this i would want ALL magazines that are out cuz the second an issue is not the MOST CURRENT issue to me than it is retro. Why not have all?

Anyway I wanted to ask if there is a five year rule then why does this sites EGM archive of mags only go up to September 1999? Are lets say the year 2000 and 2001 EGM magazines allowed to be uploaded or does just no one have them? Im interested in some of those two years of magazines and I was disappointed not to see them.

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Personally i dont understand why you guys have a 5 year rule aside from maybe being more ethical only providing older mags not to hurt sales but lets face it that doesnt matter as far back as 5 years. And as far as considering "retro" more than 5 years to me dosnt apply cuz if i was doing my own retro magazine database site like this i would want ALL magazines that are out cuz the second an issue is not the MOST CURRENT issue to me than it is retro. Why not have all?

Anyway I wanted to ask if there is a five year rule then why does this sites EGM archive of mags only go up to September 1999? Are lets say the year 2000 and 2001 EGM magazines allowed to be uploaded or does just no one have them? Im interested in some of those two years of magazines and I was disappointed not to see them.

I have some EGM issues for sale (from 1999 through 2003) if you're interested, the numbers are up in the selling section under the title, "Selling Gamepro, Game Informer, EGM, Game Players!"

look it up and PM me if you're interested

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  • Retromags Curator

Personally i dont understand why you guys have a 5 year rule aside from maybe being more ethical only providing older mags not to hurt sales but lets face it that doesnt matter as far back as 5 years. And as far as considering "retro" more than 5 years to me dosnt apply cuz if i was doing my own retro magazine database site like this i would want ALL magazines that are out cuz the second an issue is not the MOST CURRENT issue to me than it is retro. Why not have all?

Anyway I wanted to ask if there is a five year rule then why does this sites EGM archive of mags only go up to September 1999? Are lets say the year 2000 and 2001 EGM magazines allowed to be uploaded or does just no one have them? Im interested in some of those two years of magazines and I was disappointed not to see them.

We no longer have the five year rule. It is now the 1999 rule.

Do you consider the Xbox 360 to be retro? Because that is what would be in issues being scanned if we still had the five year rule. There isn't anything retro about the last decade because we just left it.

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We no longer have the five year rule. It is now the 1999 rule.

Do you consider the Xbox 360 to be retro? Because that is what would be in issues being scanned if we still had the five year rule. There isn't anything retro about the last decade because we just left it.

Well, according to his post anything older than a month is retro.

I have a hard time even justifying the Dreamcast as being retro.

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