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What Are Some Good Wii Games?

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Against my better judgement, our family purchased a Wii last weekend. Wii sports is fun, but what other GOOD games are there? I see the market is flooded with junk titles. Luckily my library has a handful of Wii games to take out, but I haven't been impressed with any of them (including Paper Mario). I would like to find a game that you can't find on the PS3. It would be nice to get a family game where multiple people can join in on the fun.

Any suggestions? I don't trust the reviews on gaming sites so I hope to get answers from REAL gamers.

This is what I tried and didn't like:

Skate, Mario Soccer, Paper Mario, AMF Bowling

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No more heros is a definate must, Metroid and Zelda aint bad either.

Not much else really TBH lol

Is No more heroes out yet? I saw a video of it on youtube. Looks like GTA a little bit with fighting. What about any family multiplayer games?

BTW, after trying Zelda on N64 and GC, I refuse to buy any more of the series. To me Zelda died after the SNES version.

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Yeah no more has been out for a while now ( probably pick it up on the cheap ) i supopse GTA with fighting sorta sums it up but its a bit more to it as it has a very dark SOH and plays really well.

Family games i suppose Mario Party is one, and mario kart is as good as always as is Smash Bros.

Its actually really hard to think of good games that arnt just 'gimmicks' lol.

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Wow, if you didn't like Zelda or Paper Mario then you have some issues. Heh. The Wii is a fantastic little system. Sure I prefer the 2D Mario/Zelda games too but the 3D ones aren't bad in the least.

Almost everything I have on Wii can't be found on PS3. Metroid Prime, Geometry Wars, Trauma Center, I agree that Smash, Kart, and Party are fun with or without others, Monkey Ball, Kororinpa, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and Warioware. As for games I've heard about and haven't played yet, Warioland, Boom Blox, No More Heroes, and De Blob are supposed to be cool. Mad World is coming along nicely too. There's actually plenty to enjoy as long as you're not afraid of the games. I swear it's like kids go and buy PS3/360 and then expect every game to be a colorless, gory shooter. They also throw the word gimmick freely but don't understand how it helps the game, stuff that can't be done on another system. The only true crap on Wii is the same you'll find on any system - the games based on cartoons, books, movies, or comics.

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I personally like 2D shooters, but since the Wii is hooked up to the flat screen in the family room, I don't want one kid hogging the TV for a one player Paper Mario when we could all play a multiplayer game. Is there a good bowling, tennis or golf game? The wii sports is OK, but I hate the characters. Raving Rabbits is good then? I'll check it out on youtube.

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Mario Kart Wii is fun for family.

In the same family game type some Wiiware games rock. Try Tetris Party and Bomberman Blast.

For individual games, depends on what you like. I had lots of fun with Boom Blox but you may not like it's simple gameplay mechanics. Although it kept me playing for hours. If you like violent games try No More Heroes, this is not for family play though.

What kind of games do you usually like? From your response about Zelda and Paper Mario I'm not sure if you will like Mario Galaxy, but it is one of the best Wii games in graphics, gameplay and fun. I consider Ocarina of Time to be the best Zelda game so I find it odd that Zelda died for you after the Snes. If you haven't played that getting it on the VC is a good option.

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Well don't discount good games just because there's one TV. Lotta fun stuff that isn't multiplayer. Besides Wii Sports, not that I know of. But I'm not big on the whole sports genre for any console so maybe someone else can suggest something. RRR is a good game for multiplayer, single player is just getting a high score to unlock things. The first was good for many laughs, the second a little less. Haven't tried TV Party or whatever the third is called. First 2 should be cheap by now to be worth whatever price you pay.

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I personally like 2D shooters, but since the Wii is hooked up to the flat screen in the family room, I don't want one kid hogging the TV for a one player Paper Mario when we could all play a multiplayer game. Is there a good bowling, tennis or golf game? The wii sports is OK, but I hate the characters. Raving Rabbits is good then? I'll check it out on youtube.

Not sure about Bowling, but Top spin 3 is a good tennis game (takes a while to master) and Tiger woods is worth a shout for a golf game.

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How is Wii Play? I need a second controller and for $10 more I can get Wii play with a controller. Top Spin is $49! Seems like there's only a few games that are $49 and they are the ones I want. I didn't see Raving Rabbits at the store, but I'll check ebay. Bomberman sounds interesting. And I suppose Mario Kart would be ok.

How is Red Steel? It looks violent, but now I'm thinking for myself when everyone's in bed.

I don't want Zelda or Mario because they take too long to play. I'd rather have a game you can boot up and get right into and finish in 20 mins or less. I don't want my son sitting down for hours with it.

I do want to see the new indiana jones when it comes out. I hope it's good since it's Wii only.

One last question, Target had M&M Racing for $10. Is it a good game?

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People buy Wii Play just for the Wiimote. I got it and there's maybe 2 games that stay interesting for more than a couple plays. Wii Sports does a better job. For $10 though does it matter how long you play? Bomberman is usually good, Kart is great.

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I read only the first couple post so if I double up on anything I apologize.

First of No More Heroes was a good game for a little while but it got boring fast having to do the same basic thing for hours on end. Sega's Mad World looks amazing. Also noticed post about Wii Play... frankly it sucks. Only good game on it is the Duck Hunt style game.

Some of my personal favorite games for the Wii.

Mario Galaxy

Mario Kart

Resident Evil 4

SNK Vol 1

KOF Collection

House of the Dead 2 and 3 (Soon to be 4)

Zelda of course I now noticed you said you don't want. But get it anyway :P

Excite Truck (I can't believe this game is still $50 though should have come down by now but it hasn't) I still need to try Nitro Bike.

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stay away from M&M Kart Racers. Even at $10 it's a ripoff. Spend more and get Mario Kart.

Another fun game that can be played together and alone if Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz. You should still get Mario Galaxy, even if it's just for yourself. Excellent game. Though if you don't want your kids playing for hours, you shouldn't have gotten a game console at all :)

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Against my better judgement, our family purchased a Wii last weekend. Wii sports is fun, but what other GOOD games are there? I see the market is flooded with junk titles. Luckily my library has a handful of Wii games to take out, but I haven't been impressed with any of them (including Paper Mario). I would like to find a game that you can't find on the PS3. It would be nice to get a family game where multiple people can join in on the fun.

Any suggestions? I don't trust the reviews on gaming sites so I hope to get answers from REAL gamers.

This is what I tried and didn't like:

Skate, Mario Soccer, Paper Mario, AMF Bowling

My collection consists of games that I like, you can try some out.

Super Paper Mario (which you said you didn't like :P )

Mario Galaxy

Legend of Zelda TP

Super Smash Brothers

Wii Sports (pack in)

Wii Play (Bought it for the extra controller but there are a couple games in there that are nice)

Wario WiiWare (fun collection of random stuff) If you like games in short bursts it is pretty fun

Animal Crossing CF (it is an acquired taste)

Mario Kart Wii (fun for families or groups)

Mario Party Wii (same as above)

Tiger Woods 09 All Play (the "All Play" feature makes the game so rediculously easy you will be scoring under par on every

hole within 10 minutes).

Super Monkey Ball (again an acquired taste but on the Wii it has a huge selection of Mini games to go with the normal)

You should give some of those a try. If you find out exactly what kind of games you like we could probably help you a little more.

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Answering some of the posts above.

You can get Wave Race 64 on the VC :D

Animal Crossing is very addictive but yes it's an aquired taste.

Red Steel sucks. No More Heroes is 100 times better.

Monkey Ball is better in the first GC version, which you can play on your Wii.

Get Mario Galaxy.

Wait for Punch Out.

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Thanks for the ideas. Someone at work said he would sell me three used wii games for $45: Jenga, Ninjabread, and Balls of Fury. Is that a good price for 3 games?

That really depends.

1) Jenga - Well, its jenga...so if you could see yourself playing Jenga against a computer using the Wii mote then it is probably worth something, else not really. Avg score of about 1.5ish from review websites

2) Ninjabread man - Quite possibly one of the worse Wii games out there. I mean seriously. I would consider it a negative to any collection...and I own some pretty bad games. Average review score of 1.5 (painfully high for this game)

3) Balls of Fury - The movie was kind of funny. Christopher Walken normally is. But the game..not so funny. I believe it has an average score of like 1.3 from review websites.

In the end it is your choice...but at $45 it might be better to save a few extra dollars and get one good game...or if you go by review score, one mediocre game (total score for the 3 games is about 4.6 combined).

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Where was that quote in Office Space? I am feeling possibly, just maybe, a little, oh I don't know, a slight violation on my persona. lol

I of course edited that quote for obvious reasons but...

It was a rap song they played a couple times durring the movie then Samir said it as he was leaving Peter's appartment after they had a meeting about taking down Inatech when they were all drunk and dancing together.

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