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What Are Some Good Wii Games?

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I of course edited that quote for obvious reasons but...

It was a rap song they played a couple times durring the movie then Samir said it as he was leaving Peter's appartment after they had a meeting about taking down Inatech when they were all drunk and dancing together.

I thought I recognised it from somewhere, now I know. Have OS playing in the background now. Awesome movie.


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I just took out London Rush Hour and Rayman Raving Rabbids. I didn't like Rush hour at all. I was hoping it would be like Crazy Taxi, but the control was too difficult. I was not impressed with Raving Rabbids. I couldn't pass the first challenge (the one where you have to draw food for the rabbid to eat). I'll give it another chance since I have it for a week.

How is Ogami (?) by Capcom. The outside of the package says 9.5 out of 10.

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I just took out London Rush Hour and Rayman Raving Rabbids. I didn't like Rush hour at all. I was hoping it would be like Crazy Taxi, but the control was too difficult. I was not impressed with Raving Rabbids. I couldn't pass the first challenge (the one where you have to draw food for the rabbid to eat). I'll give it another chance since I have it for a week.

How is Ogami (?) by Capcom. The outside of the package says 9.5 out of 10.

I used to love Rush Hour but yeah now it's really dated. I still want to try Crusin' on Wii because I was a fan of the Crusin' games back in the day.

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I just took out London Rush Hour and Rayman Raving Rabbids. I didn't like Rush hour at all. I was hoping it would be like Crazy Taxi, but the control was too difficult. I was not impressed with Raving Rabbids. I couldn't pass the first challenge (the one where you have to draw food for the rabbid to eat). I'll give it another chance since I have it for a week.

How is Ogami (?) by Capcom. The outside of the package says 9.5 out of 10.

Raving Rabbits can be a lot of fun. I think the drawing food game is one of the hardest out there. Wait until you make it to the end of a level and get to shoot them with plungers. Overall I think the original Raving Rabbits was a lot of fun.

As for Ogami...you will either love it or hate it. I found it took a little while to get use to the controlls and games. It is a very pretty game, so if that is the kind of thing you are looking for it will have an added bonuses for you.

Like stated above, you might want to give the Lego games a shot. Lots of people enjoy that series.

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I didn't think any of the challenges in Rabbids were particularly hard except for one where you had to slam stall doors because it just didn't seem to detect it fast enough.

Okami was an excellent game. Like Ico, Beyond Good and Evil, or Psychonauts it's one of those hidden gems that many people overlook for some reason. I have the PS2 version so I don't know how well the Wii controls translate, but the game does play a little like a Zelda adventure.

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Thanks for the ideas. Someone at work said he would sell me three used wii games for $45: Jenga, Ninjabread, and Balls of Fury. Is that a good price for 3 games?

NO! it's not a good deal I've seen these games used at blockbuster for 5 bucks. And they suck, not worth the 5 bucks, maybe jenga but the rest meh.

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Oh what the hell....

ExciteTruck: Don't underestimate this one. It's one of the best arcade racers to come out in almost 10 years time.

Mario Kart

Super Mario Galaxy: Super Mario 64 perfected and so much more

New Play Control Pikmin 1 & 2 if you haven't played them before.

New PLay control Metroid Prime: I figure that these will be worth it even if you did play them seeing as how incredibly well MP3 controls.

Metroid Prime 3. Absolutely fantastic. Control is spot on.

Geomitry Wars Galaxies: Great arcade like shooter. Takes a bit to "get" the controls, but after you do it's incredible.

House of the Dead Overkill: Just WOW!

House of the Dead 2&3 if you don't have the DC version of 2. Still a great game. 3 is different and pretty good but not the same.

Ghost Squad: It's a tossup between this and HOTD Overkill which is better.

fire Emblem: Strategy games at it's finest.

Zelda: Twilight Princess: People bitch about this one, but I have no idea why. Loved it to bits.

New Play control Donkey Kong Jungle Beats: One of the best, most unique games on the GC. Changed around a bit for Wii. Not sure how the new control affects this atm.

Resident Evil 4 Wii edition: All the best parts from both the GC and PS2 version (Bonus content) in one package with controls that seemed to be made just for this game. Flawless, absolutely flawless.

Super Smash Bros Brawl: Multiplayer mayhem fun fun fun.

Boom Blox: Don't miss out on this one! The multiplayer mode is where it's at. Soooooooooo much fun. and you can build your own levels. Sequel on it's way.

No More Heroes: A bit flawed in the graphical presentation, especially in the overworld as the framerate drops quite a bit for some reason. But besides that an incredibly fun game. Very unique style and great atmosphere. Sequel on the way as well.

Trauma Center 1 or 2: As fun as the DS game and then some. Very hard.

De Blob: Hard to explain again but so much fun. Best to look up a trailer although it doesn't get the point across how much fun this is.

Okami: Bit in the same line as Zelda and oh so gorgeous! Wonderful game, one of a kind and certainly essential if you haven't played the PS2 version.

Shaun White Snowboarding: Supports the balance board and is so much fun to play using it. Even though Ubisoft isn't very well known for it's top games on Wii or even DS, this one is certainly one to get.

Madworld: coming soon, sure to be something very sweet. :)

Secondary games:

Animal Crossing: not sure if you're into this type of game...

Puzzle Quest: If you don't have the DS version

Link Crossbow Training: Short, but a great game if you like score based challenge. The gun shell comes in handy for the other shooters as well. Heard the Nyko Perfect shot is better though. Just ordered a couple.

Wii Play: I looooooooooooooove the billiard game in here as well as the Laser Hockey game. But only in 2 player mode. The other games are meh though. But comes free with a controller so certainly choose this package

Kororinpa or Marble something something in the US I think. If you love thing like Marble Madness, but much better and with motion control, this is essential. Better than the Monkey Ball game on Wii. a sequel is on it's way though.

Super Paper Mario: Bit like the other Paper Mario's but not as good for me personally. Still a very good game though. Need to get back to this one.

SSX Blur: Controls are very hard to get to grips with at first, but ones mastered it's a blast! Uber tricks are hard to pull of but everything else is spot on.

Gotlieb Pinball Classics. If you're into pinball you can't go wrong with this one. The Williams Collection should be much better though, but it still isn't out in Europe. I want to play Pin.Bot again. :'(

Eledees: Very unique and fun game, hard to explain though. If found cheap it's certainly worth a look. Fun to experiment with the controls and different gravities.

Pangya Golf: Flawed, but still great golf game. Bit too complicated for it's own good at first.

We Love Golf: Great as well. Actually prefer this one to the one above.

Zack&Wiki: If you love point and click adventure with puzzle solving as the main goal, this is essential.

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