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Unbound Saga For Psp

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Unbound Saga looks like it could be interesting. I'm a big fan of the PSP, it sure would be nice to see more games for it. Last year there was a drought of PSP releases, sometimes no US releases for weeks...

I love my PSP, it is pretty much my complete entertainment center in my pocket (with a 4 gig stick and 2 1 gig sticks, just about everything I need is there and available or on my computer waiting to transfer over). It is sad that Sony really doesn't know how to market it and get word out that it is a great handheld with a ton of potential.

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I love my PSP, it is pretty much my complete entertainment center in my pocket (with a 4 gig stick and 2 1 gig sticks, just about everything I need is there and available or on my computer waiting to transfer over). It is sad that Sony really doesn't know how to market it and get word out that it is a great handheld with a ton of potential.

I have a similar setup myself, with 2x 4GB Memory Sticks dedicated to emulation. It's a perfect pocket emulator, plus there are plenty of decent modern PSP games to choose from.

Many have blamed piracy for killing official development for the PSP, but I disagree. I've downloaded my share of PSP games, but I've also bought many more than I ever planned. When I find a game that I like, I buy it to have a physical copy. When the system was new, I never imagined that I would have bought and kept over 50 games for it. There's nothing like having a physical copy for later on down the road, since if the PSP is anything like my other systems I'll still be playing it in 20 years :)

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I have a similar setup myself, with 2x 4GB Memory Sticks dedicated to emulation. It's a perfect pocket emulator, plus there are plenty of decent modern PSP games to choose from.

Many have blamed piracy for killing official development for the PSP, but I disagree. I've downloaded my share of PSP games, but I've also bought many more than I ever planned. When I find a game that I like, I buy it to have a physical copy. When the system was new, I never imagined that I would have bought and kept over 50 games for it. There's nothing like having a physical copy for later on down the road, since if the PSP is anything like my other systems I'll still be playing it in 20 years :)

Not to say anything bad about your post there, but please be careful with talk of piracy and downloading roms, it is a no no here (not as bad as say, a certain Game Faq site owned by Gamespot).

I recently took meppi (a great guy here, you should check out his scans of Maximum in the UK section of the downloads) on a recommendation for a movie, A Tale of Two Sisters, let me tell you, with ear phones on, sitting in the dark with no other light on but the PSP screen and the volume on max so you catch all of the ambient music and noises...I am just under and hour into it and I have been 'watching' it for almost a week. Scares the crap out of me. lol

I completely understand your comments about the emulation though, it is a great system, there is a new SNES emulator out that is great. Sega Genesis emulation is near perfect. You can even get 3DO and a very slow Saturn emulator for it now (can't wait for that to improve).

I believe that piracy did have a huge part in the situation the PSP is in (even though monthly the average game sales on PSP are only 30,000 to 50,000 lower than DS games-outside of Nintendo's popular stuff, I am sure). I mean, look at the number of people that download the game and never buy a copy. They may not have bought a copy anyhow but still, after you have it, what is the point in spending $20+ for it? The artwork? You can apparently goto a certain site online and download covers for those games complete with even CD lables for some so you can bypass that point.

I just wish Sony would market the PSP better, they certainly have the money to fight through this situation (unlike Sega with the Dreamcast and it's piracy problem). I think with the proper placement and advertising detailing the quality of the system/games that it could get so much better (not likely to ever take over the DS in sales but it could certainly be doing better than it is now). They need to do like they did with the Playstation One, go agressively for developers and give them sweet deals on their situation (Crash Bandicoot would never have been had Sony not put as much as they did into assisting with the development, although he is a wholy owned Universal character-or at least was). They need to push the system more. Throw money at developers to get good stuff out, look at God of War, sure Ready at Dawn complained about sales and such but it is one the few 1 million+ sellers on the system (not much when you consider how many PSP's are out there).

That brings me to the next point, Sony needs to build up one part over the other as far as promoting the PSP, it does so much but they cover so little in the little advertising they do. Promote the games to people, gamers are the ones that are willing to pay $40 for a game, I mean, it is fine to promote the other stuff but they have a miniscule infrastructure for movies and music downloads.

It is a great system and I wish it could be better and it could with just a little more focused attention from Sony.

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Not to say anything bad about your post there, but please be careful with talk of piracy and downloading roms, it is a no no here (not as bad as say, a certain Game Faq site owned by Gamespot).

Sorry for the faux pas.

I use Gamefly to try games before I buy them, which is a better alternative than downloads because you get to actually play the game and not an unreliable copy from who-knows-where. Gamely is also a lot easier than dealing with downloading.

I do not condone piracy, especially for current games or software, as it cuts into the profits needed for developers to continue producing new work.

I believe that piracy did have a huge part in the situation the PSP is in (even though monthly the average game sales on PSP are only 30,000 to 50,000 lower than DS games-outside of Nintendo's popular stuff, I am sure). I mean, look at the number of people that download the game and never buy a copy. They may not have bought a copy anyhow but still, after you have it, what is the point in spending $20+ for it? The artwork? You can apparently goto a certain site online and download covers for those games complete with even CD lables for some so you can bypass that point. .

Apparently I must live in a bubble where the people I know personally don't behave that way. My friends, relatives, and neighbors have all bought their favorite PSP games even if they played it before purchase. I think it has something to do about the physical copy being safe, whereas downloads easily "disappear" from hard drives for various reasons (especially with kids in the house).

It's only a theory, but I suspect the games that have been hurt most by Gamefly and downloads are the below average titles. Years ago you had to buy a copy and be disappointed with your purchase. I sure bought a lot of stinkers in my day, and sometimes it even turned me off to gaming for a while so I stopped buying and playing altogether. Good reviews on websites and in magazines didn't prevent bad purchases.

Thanks to Gamefly, I didn't have that experience with the PSP. If I hadn't, I would have been very disappointed by some of the games I was initially excited about playing -- and I would own only 5 PSP games instead of 53.

I completely understand your comments about the emulation though, it is a great system, there is a new SNES emulator out that is great. Sega Genesis emulation is near perfect. You can even get 3DO and a very slow Saturn emulator for it now (can't wait for that to improve).

Not mention that it emulates PSX games well. I've got over 400 PSX games, and the PSP does a pretty good job with most of them.

I recently took meppi (a great guy here, you should check out his scans of Maximum in the UK section of the downloads) on a recommendation for a movie, A Tale of Two Sisters, let me tell you, with ear phones on, sitting in the dark with no other light on but the PSP screen and the volume on max so you catch all of the ambient music and noises...I am just under and hour into it and I have been 'watching' it for almost a week. Scares the crap out of me. lol

Agreed, it's a great media device. For a while I was using it as a portable TV with a Location Free. I don't use it so often for streaming TV these days, but it's still fun once in a while.

I just wish Sony would market the PSP better, they certainly have the money to fight through this situation (unlike Sega with the Dreamcast and it's piracy problem). I think with the proper placement and advertising detailing the quality of the system/games that it could get so much better (not likely to ever take over the DS in sales but it could certainly be doing better than it is now). They need to do like they did with the Playstation One, go agressively for developers and give them sweet deals on their situation (Crash Bandicoot would never have been had Sony not put as much as they did into assisting with the development, although he is a wholy owned Universal character-or at least was). They need to push the system more. Throw money at developers to get good stuff out, look at God of War, sure Ready at Dawn complained about sales and such but it is one the few 1 million+ sellers on the system (not much when you consider how many PSP's are out there).

That brings me to the next point, Sony needs to build up one part over the other as far as promoting the PSP, it does so much but they cover so little in the little advertising they do. Promote the games to people, gamers are the ones that are willing to pay $40 for a game, I mean, it is fine to promote the other stuff but they have a miniscule infrastructure for movies and music downloads.

It is a great system and I wish it could be better and it could with just a little more focused attention from Sony.

This has been Sony's problem from the start. Before the system was released, Sony promised many things. The homebrew community made up for Sony's lack of delivery. Sony could have embraced legitimate development, as they did with the PSX, and created official channels for user development while at the same time disabling the ability to play pirated games. Instead, Sony almost halted software development except with releases which only upgraded the software to prevent homebrew and piracy.

I started using homebrew for emulation and internet radio. Internet radio was one of the things promised by Sony in 2004. A homebrew developer released PSPRadio in 2005. Sony released their less capable, slow, and limited internet radio player in December of 2007. Sony's version can't play internet radio stations I like, whereas PSPRadio uses Shoutcast. If Sony would get on the ball, one of my primary reasons for using PSP homebrew would disappear.

Sony promised both free and paid network media content. That's still pretty much missing in the US.

Many of the PSP's coolest games and gadgets never arrive in the US. We still don't have the GPS, camera, or the Talkman translation software/game.

And why aren't great scrolling shooters making their way to the US? I love Star Soldier on the PSP. Why isn't Sony releasing more of their foreign titles to a hungry US market?

With all of that said, I still like the PSP as a great portable gaming platform. It's too bad that Sony has missed the ball with all of the other possibilities.

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