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The Legend Of Zelda


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I just beat it for the very first time, I came close when I was 8-9 years old, I made it to Death Mountain.....but let it be known that I just freaking beat one of the classics of all time :D :D :D :D :D

Ok so that takes care of Link to the Past and LOZ, Now maybe time to beat Twilight Princess :lol:

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I say Zelda 2 is the hardest of the bunch. Even the 3D ones aren't too bad in comparison. Grinding for levels didn't help. But I can say I own and beat all but MM. Can't recall playing it for some reason.

Yes I love that game!!!!!

I don't see why so many people hate it but I love it ... if you couldn't tell. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Yes I love that game!!!!!

I don't see why so many people hate it but I love it ... if you couldn't tell. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I love that game too. It was the first Zelda I finished. And it's not so hard if you do the following. Memorize all the places that have 1ups but never take them. Then we your are ready for the final dungeon pick up the extra Links. If you fail in your mission, DO NOT SAVE. Then you can just try again get all the Links. The toughest boss fight for me was against Shadow Link.

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CONGRATS! Isn't it cool to see where it all started with the arrows and Gannon battle? I always have fun near the end of that game, it can be rough, though..

Zelda II is one of, if not THE, hardest Zelda out there. Second may well be the Zelda Second Quest. I think Nintendo Power has some walkthrus somewhere. ;)

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I beat Minish Cap the other day. First Zelda finished since LTTP.

As for the last dungeon on the first Zelda, I actually made a map using our Apple IIe and LOGO. Sadly, I lost it somewhere....so, I got bored at work one day and made another one! Yay! Slacking off on the job!

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Well one that I have not finished yet that I'm willing to play is Phantom Hourglass and I just started playing that yesterday. I'm quite enjoying it so hopefully I wont get bored with it and put it down again.

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Yeah I really enjoyed the Adventure of Link as well.. Cool to see I'm not the only one.. I never really understood why it is considered the "black sheep" of the Zelda series.. I mean granted yes it was drastically different than the Legend of Zelda, but that's beauty of it. It was different.. I actually just finished Majora's Mask for the First time... that game is insane

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Zelda II is one of my favourites too. One of the only 2D Zeldas I haven't finished (the other one is Oracle of Ages) - I got to Shadow Link once, then couldn't get back there.

Somehow I finished LOZ by myself as a wee 13 year old, then again four years ago on the Gamecube collection. LTTP is my firm firm (FIRM) favourite though.

I wish Nintendo would see sense and release OoT and MM on the DS - how could they fail? Then maybe I'd get more than a couple of hours into each.

Has anybody played the CDi games (there are three)? Are they as bad as their reputation suggests?

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Link's Awakening was great! I love the feather.

LttP is definitely one of my favorites too. Made me buy an SNES.

Yeah my first SNES was bundled with LttP.. Such a great game.. Even with the Nintendo players guide it took me quite a while to beat it.. I've been thinking about going back and playing it again when I get some time off soon.

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