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Dsi Us Launch April 5th $169.99 / Europe April 3rd £150


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Nice! But I'm quite sad about the fact that it does not support GBA games :(

Yeah, if it supported GBA games I would have to make that an insta buy (I dropped my DS (original run) and the hinge smashed completly). Sadly if I get the new DSi I can not transfer my Emerald Pokemon to Pokemon Platinum. How is that a good idea?

Man. $169.00 is still pretty expensive. Maybe I can talk my wife into getting it and I can use it after she buys it.

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I'm actually going to buy a second DS Lite as a backup before the DSi launches, since the DS is known to break at the hinge and whatnot. Unless they release another New Super Mario Bros. or Zelda game that can only absolutely be played on the DSi, I am passing on this. I am not interested in those other media features all that much.

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I'm actually going to buy a second DS Lite as a backup before the DSi launches, since the DS is known to break at the hinge and whatnot. Unless they release another New Super Mario Bros. or Zelda game that can only absolutely be played on the DSi, I am passing on this. I am not interested in those other media features all that much.

Actually a pretty good idea although I can't help but wonder if the original DS is going to drop in price when the new one comes out.

I had the first run breadbox sized DS. The hinges on those things are horrible. Especially when compared to the new DS.

Speaking of which, when looking for my charger for my wife's DS, I found 2 original GameBoys. The ones that came in a whopping 2 shades of black and weighed in at about 12 pounds. I am suprised I don't have wrist problems after those bad boys. Why did I have two? Well so I could play Tetris and Revenge of the Gator Pinball against my family.

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Oh I'm going to get a DSi right now I could care less about it though since I'm still running off of a SF4 high. All I want to do is play SF4... right now my wife wants to sleep and my router is in the bedroom so I hooked up my xbox in there. I don't think I'll get the DSi on launch day though unless I can come up with some money quick because there are just too many other things coming out that I'd rather have.

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Really? I have an original DS and see no issues with the hinge. The new DS had nothing new and this one doesn't add anything I need either. I typically don't buy console remakes, I like to have some real differences. If they can play the same games then it's not high on my list. I think the only time I broke the rule was for the GBA SP because a backlight was a huge need. I'm also debating getting a spare PSP, one I can keep fully updated for the games I can't play on my 1.50. But that'll only be if I find one cheap.

My consoles never break. I think I still have one or two perfectly functioning GB's myself. The battery packs don't hold a charge of course, but the console itself is fine.

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Well I'd compare the difference between an original style DS and either the Lite or the new DSi to the difference between the original GBA and the GBASP+ myself.

Not to mention that the new DSi has a much better dpad and improved shoulder buttons over the Lite, the screen is a bit larger and has an additional brightness setting.

Combine that with a bit of extra power and memory added to accommodate the DSWare shop and the inevitable Virtual Portable releases, (Game&Watch downloads yay! ;) ) as well as the possibility of DSi exclusive retail games, this is more of an evolution of the DS system than just a simple minor update.

Getting mine April 3rd btw. A black on this time I think. :)

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