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Retro-styled Np Top 20 Chart For March 2009


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Wasn't sure where to post this, so I'm posting it here.

I was a huge fan of the old-style Nintendo Power Top 20 charts from 1992 to 1994, they were my favorite part of the old magazine and I lamented when they went to the new style in 1995 (without the point totals). I finally got the skills and tools I needed to replicate the old power charts with the games of the new generation, I used sales data and projected fan vote totals to do this but I'm not sure how accurate it actually is. This represents my attempt to bring back one of the coolest features in Nintendo Power history.


Any critiques or comments are welcome, I figured this would be a good place to show this off and get some feedback. Nintendo Power should really start doing their charts like this again!

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  • 1 year later...

LOVE THIS! Ya know before 1992 when the NES TOP30 was the only chart, NP included SALES NUMBERS under their 'Dealers' Picks' chart! When the numbers are added together they always equal about 35000 but if you can guesstimate the total sales for the month you can use just a simple formula and come up with fairly accurate sales numbers for the NES!! I made a bunch of charts using this method... It's so cool to see monthly sales charts from that era; like we do today from the NPD:

Check out the top 30 from October 1989:

			for GAF		                        NP raw	x25.3	Proj LTD
[b]Oct-1989[/b] from NP issue JAN/FEB 90	
1	NES	Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles	Ultra	        6,622	251,000	700,000
2	NES	Excitebike	                Nintendo	638	49,000	857,000
3	NES	Marble Madness	                Rare	        1,922	49,000	97,000
4	NES	Super Mario Bros. 2	        Nintendo	1,734	44,000	3,599,000
5	NES	Double Dragon	                Tradewest	1,458	37,000	449,000
6	NES	Zelda II- Adventure of Link	Nintendo	1,407	36,000	1,087,000
7	NES	Ninja Gaiden	                Tecmo	        1,333	34,000	376,000
8	NES	NFL Football	                LJN	        1,254	32,000	46,000
9	NES	Tecmo Bowl	                Tecmo	        1,254	32,000	270,000
10	NES	Dragon Warrior	                Nintendo	1,254	32,000	83,000
11	NES	Tetris	                        Nintendo	1,192	31,000	New
12	NES	Who Framed Roger Rabbit	        LJN	        1,174	30,000	39,000
13	NES	Paperboy	                Mindscape	1,087	28,000	113,000
14	NES	Faxanadu	                Nintendo	958	25,000	93,000
15	NES	Jordan vs. Bird: one-on-one	Milton Bradley	957	25,000	35,000
16	NES	Blades of Steel	                Konami	        944	24,000	293,000
17	NES	Wheel of Fortune	        GameTek	        867	22,000	134,000
18	NES	John Elway's Quarterback	Tradewest	845	22,000	??
19	NES	Adventures of Bayou Billy 	Konami	        817	21,000	58,000
20	NES	WrestleMania	                Acclaim	        737	19,000	116,000
21	NES	Rampage	                        Data East	715	19,000	212,000
22	NES	Bad Dudes	                Data East	707	18,000	New**
23	NES	R.C. Pro-Am Racing	        Nintendo	694	18,000	510,000
24	NES	Pinball	                        Nintendo	693	18,000	383,000
25	NES	Contra	                        Konami	        673	18,000	466,000
26	NES	Major League Baseball	        LJN	        657	17,000	??
27	NES	Donkey Kong Classics	        Nintendo	647	17,000	184,000
28	NES	Jeopardy!	                GameTek	        612	16,000	123,000
29	NES	Tecmo Baseball	                Tecmo	        598	16,000	??
30	NES	Ghostbusters	                Activision	550	14,000	??			

What sucks is in 1992 NP combined the 'Dealers charts', 'Players charts', and 'Pros charts' into one so we no longer get the sales breakdown. Imagine if we had Super NES monthly sales charts!! NP must still have this data...I actually requested those Dealers charts from 1992-1994 via an email but never got a response... :(

Edited by Square1994
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I've been looking for sometime for 16-bit sales charts before 1994. They don't have to include sales numbers (believe me they won't) but there's got to have been a gaming magazine that had monthly sales charts from the NPD during the 16-bit era...

GamePro had Blockbuster rental charts, EGM had Babbages only charts, and NP combined their own three charts (see above) into one [and didn't include Sega obviously].

Any others...?

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Very cool, right down to the fonts used. Though it would still be interesting to see how many months the games outside the top three have been out. I also seem to remember charts that were color coded by New entries and fast movers or some such. Was that before or after this style you used?

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